International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development

International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development

( International Peer Reviewed Open Access Journal ) ISSN [ Online ] : 2581 - 7175

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IJSRED Volume 2 - Issue 5, September - October 2019

Cover-Page 1 Cover-Page 2
S. No. Title and Authors Name Paper ID
A Pragmatic Review on M-Commerce: Game Changer for Online Market
Author(s): Devendra Verma
Page(s): 01-05

The global smart phone market is accelerating fast with continuous advancement in technology and digital trends.As with era of digitalization concept of m-commerce grows rapidly.M-Commerce is at emerging level in India.It includes mobile banking mobile entertainment and mobile marketing.The need for mobility seems to be primary driving forces behind m-commerce success. M-commerce is new generation model business.In this user can interact with the service providers through a mobile and wireless network. M-commerce refers to buying and selling of goods and services making payment over internet using mobile phones.The study focuses on impact and growth of Mcommerce in India.

Keyword: M-Commerce, Mobile Banking, Smart phones, Mobile Marketing Mobile Entertainment.


Devendra Verma "A Pragmatic Review on M-Commerce: Game Changer for Online Market" Vol 2-Issue 5 (1-5) September - October 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Temperature and Humidity Monitoring and Control System with Thing Speak
Author(s): Khin Kyawt Kyawt Khaing
Page(s): 06-11

Monitoring in IoT infra is some kind of logging a Temperature and Humidity Monitoring in a specific environment and store data in a location database and then displaying the user values on the ThingSpeak. The core function of our proposed system is to monitor and pass the real-time values of the temperature and humidity of a particular place from any location via internet. The inspection of the current conditions can be visualized in the channels of the things speak IoT platform privately or publicly. It also focuses on the controlling of the IoT devices depend on the situation of this system.

Keyword: IoT-Internet of Things, the Thing Speak..


Khin Kyawt Kyawt Khaing "Temperature and Humidity Monitoring and Control System with Thing Speak" Vol 2-Issue 5 (06-11) September - October 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Design, Implementation and Development of a digital AM Receiver Using TDA 1072 IC
Author(s): Akeredolu B.J, Falohun A.S, Iyen C, Wansah F.J, Ocheje A J, Hikon O, Iseh A. J, Odoh C
Page(s): 12-20

The process of finding cheaper and better means of implementing electronic solutions is the goal of modern technology. This paper focuses on finding an alternative means preferably digital and firmware based on design and develop a digital AM receiver using TDA1072. The Amplitude Modulated receiver circuit consists of an antenna, AM demodulation unit with signal indicator output, digital tuning circuit (frequency Synthesiser), integrator, differential amplifier, frequency divider and microcontroller output. The AM demodulator IC uses balanced full-wave detector method for demodulation. Internally, it has a full wave rectifier circuit that gives signal strength indication output, and frequency oscillation that can give audio output as well. The ADC converter of a microcontroller (PIC 16F877) converts the output signal into digital. Thissystem will display the frequency received by dividing the frequency from the oscillator, and this will be fed into PIC16F877 to give station frequencies that will be locked into. An audio output through speaker is incorporated and the station programmes is heard. Tuning to different stations is done using PLL circuit which generates a local oscillation via a varactor for balanced full-wave demodulation.

Keyword: Amplitude Modulation, Microcontroller, Frequency Synthesizer, Full wave Detector.


Akeredolu B.J, Falohun A.S, Iyen C, Wansah F.J, Ocheje A J, Hikon O, Iseh A. J, Odoh C "Design, Implementation and Development of a digital AM Receiver Using TDA 1072 IC" Vol 2-Issue 4 (12-20) September - October 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

A Review On Banking Without Interest: “Islamic Banking” Not Fulfill The Banking Regulation Act 1949
Author(s): Devendra Verma
Page(s): 21-27

Islamic banking refers to interest free (RIBA) banking system with compliance of Sharia’h law. India has a huge opportunity for Islamic banking. Islamic banking is key booster for Islamic finance. Rapid growth in Islamic banking in developing countries makes the concept interesting. The need of study is to check strength, weakness and opportunity of Islamic banking in respect to India. Various literature regarding Islamic principles and finance are study deeply to get valuable insight about Islamic banking. This paper tries to explain the impact of Islamic banking with SWOT analysis. The paper will focus on barriers faced Islamic banking and opportunity in India.

Keyword: Islamic Finance, Islamic Banking, Sharia’h law, RIBA, Conventional banking, .


Devendra Verma "A Review On Banking Without Interest: “Islamic Banking” Not Fulfill The Banking Regulation Act 1949" Vol 2-Issue 4 (21-27) September - October 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Impact of Cultivation Methods on Soil Fertility and Rural Livelihoods in Arsi Zone, South East Ethiopia
Author(s): Sisay Taddese
Page(s): 28-35

Land degradation, in the form of soil erosion and nutrient depletion, threatens food security and the sustainability of agricultural production in many developing countries.Specially, in Ethiopia soil erosion is a series problem and therefore, it’s aimed to assess the impact of cultivation methods on soil fertility and rural livelihood in southeast Ethiopia. Composite soil samples were collected from five cultivation fieldswith 3 replication with the simple random sampling system. There was a higher value of BD in wheat-wheat and wheat-barley than wheat-bean and wheat-pea cropping system. The wheat-wheat and wheat-barley cropping systems didn’t pose any changes in the values of pH, SOM, and Av.P. Correspondingly, as compared to the adjacent continuous wheat cultivation, wheat-barley, wheat-bean, and wheat-maize cropping system increased SOM and TN. Similarly, most households support their family from what they produce from crop rotation with an average annual income of 27450 (Birr/ha) while continues cropping is 9650 Birr/ha. Because of this about 61.64% households satisfied food security from income obtained from crop cultivation. Generally, the cultivation of wheat-bean and wheat-pea cropping systems improve the selected properties of soil while wheat-barley and wheat-maize in comparison with continuous wheat cropping systems had adverse effects on the soil fertility and owing to this the productivity of soil increase the livelihood of the farmers in the study area. Therefore, it is recommended to include legume in cropping system for sustaining the soil fertility and improve the farmer’s livelihood.

Keyword: Cultivation System, Rural Livelihoods, and Soil fertility.


Sisay Taddese "Impact of Cultivation Methods on Soil Fertility and Rural Livelihoods in Arsi Zone, South East Ethiopia" Vol 2-Issue 4 (28-35) September - October 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Factors Affecting Performance Supply Chain Management on Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises Business Bag Central Industry Kebon Lega
Author(s): Makrup Puji Laksono, Ratih Hendayani S.T.,M.M
Page(s): 36-43

KebonLega area, in BojongloaKidul sub-district, has been known as a center for bag manufacturing since 1990. However, the implementation of the AEC in Indonesia has a negative impact on the bag industry in KebonLega because businesses there must face problems relating to the availability of raw materials, human resources, and distribution. These problems can be overcome by analyzing the performance of KebonLega bag industry supply chain management.Previous research states that performance in an industry will improve if all four variables used in it can provide significant results on supply chain management. The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of implementing supply chain management in the industry. In this study uses four independent variables namely long-term relationships, information sharing, trust, and process integration.
This research was conducted using a quantitative method. Data were analyzed using SPSS.25 and SPSS.22. Validity and reliability tests, classical assumption test, multiple regression analysis, hypothesis testing, partial test (t), simultaneous test (F) and determination test were also carried out for data processing.
The results of the study indicate that the variables of information sharing and trust have significant results. Meanwhile, the variable of long-term relationship has insignificant results and the variable of process integration gives minus and insignificant results. The two variables with significant results can be reused by researchers who are interested in researching supply chain performance management in other sectors.

Keyword: information sharing, kebonlega, long-term relationship, process integration, supply chain management performance, trust.


Makrup Puji Laksono, Ratih Hendayani S.T.,M.M "Factors Affecting Performance Supply Chain Management on Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises Business Bag Central Industry Kebon Lega" Vol 2-Issue 4 (36-43) September - October 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Survey on the Epidemological Distribution of Bovine Cysticercosis in Ghimbi Municipal Abattoir West Wellega Zone of Oromia Reginal State of Ethiopia
Author(s): Yohannes Mardasa
Page(s): 44-59

A cross-sectional survey to determine the prevalence and distribution of cysticercosis of cattle was conducted at Ghimbi municipal abattoir in west wellega zone of oromia regional state of Ethiopia from October 2008 to Feb 2009.A total of 400 cattle were examined as part of routine meat inspection methods slaughtered at Ghmbi municipal abattoir which were brought from in and around Ghimbi (Ghimbi,Billa,yubdo and Haru).18(4.5%)cattle were found to be infected and the cyst were distributed in muscle of triceps 16(21.1%), maceter 15(19.73%),tongue 10(13.2%),diaphragm 6(7.89%),and visceral organs like heart ,21(27.6%),liver 3(3.94%),kidney3(3.94),and lung 32.6%) in order of infection rates .The result of meat inspection revealed that the prevalence varied between the origin of animal,which was highest in Ghimbi(3.5%) followed by Billa(0.75%) and Haru(0.25%) none in Yubdo but not significant(p>0.05).The detection of cysticercus bovis in the different parts of the examined body significantly higher in the carcass compared to visceral organs except the heart (p<0.05).Therefore attention should be given for awareness creation for the peoples not to consume raw meat and to use toilets to decrease the contamination of grazing areas. .

Keyword: information sharing, kebonlega, long-term relationship, process integration, supply chain management performance, trust.


Yohannes Mardasa "Survey on the Epidemological Distribution of Bovine Cysticercosis in Ghimbi Municipal Abattoir West Wellega Zone of Oromia Reginal State of Ethiopia" Vol 2-Issue 4 (44-59) September - October 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

A Review on – Structural Health Monitoring and Image Processing
Author(s): Raksha M, Dr. Neethu URS
Page(s): 60-66

This paper presents an introduction to structural health monitoring and structural damage assessment using image processing. Structural health monitoring (SHM) involves the integration of sensors, smart materials, data transmission, computational power, and processing inside the structure. SHM is the process of implementing a damage detection strategy. This process involves the observation of a structure over a period of time using periodically spaced measurements, the extraction of features from these measurements, and the analysis of these features to determine the current state of health of the structural system. One such process is using image processing, the feasibility of using image processing techniques to detect deterioration in structures has been widely investigated by many researchers in the field..

Keyword: Structural health monitoring, image processing, damage.


Raksha M, Dr. Neethu URS "A Review on – Structural Health Monitoring and Image Processing" Vol 2-Issue 4 (60-66) September - October 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Economic, Technical and Allocative Efficiency of Stochastic Frontier of Broiler Poultry Farmingwith Close House System Patterns in Lamongan Regency East Java
Author(s): Niswatin Hasanah, Zaenal Fanani, Bambang Ali Nugroho, Suyadi
Page(s): 67-76

The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze the level of economic, technical and allocative efficiency of the use of production factors for the type of closed house system cages per breeder individual in Lamongan Regency and study and analyze what factors affect economic efficiency, allocative efficiency and technical efficiency in the closed house system cages.The sampling technique used in this study was a multistage sampling method which consisted of 14 breeders who partner with PT. X Lamongan Regency, East Java. The result of thestudy was the R/C ratio of broiler poultry farming with Closed House System (CHS) of 1.12. Input variables that affected the production function of broiler poultry farming with a Closed House System (CHS) patterns are DOC, feed, vaccines, and electricity water. Input variables that affect the cost function of poultry farming with a Closed House System (CHS) pattern were DOC, feed, vaccines, and electricity water. The Closed House System (CHS) broiler poultry farming business in Lamongan Regency has not been technically efficient even though a high level of technical efficiency was obtained in each of the business patterns of 0.959 in the Closed House System (CHS) pattern. The diversity of technical efficiency level in the broiler poultry farming business with a Closed House System (CHS) pattern of 0.036 was influenced by inefficiency sources, namely age and education because the age of close house system breeders in the average productive age and the average education of scholars who supported the operation of broiler poultry cages. The ability of breeders in minimizing costs to achieve average broiler production with a Closed House System (CHS) pattern of 15,142.8 live chickens was at satisfaction level but did not meet economic efficiency with an average economic efficiency of 0.9999750 with Closed House System (CHS) pattern. The average level of allocative efficiency in broiler poultry farming business with the pattern of Closed House System (CHS) the average level of allocative efficiency obtained was 1.044. This showed that the Closed House System (CHS) broiler poultry farming business has been allocatively efficient. The suggestions of this studyare the real time monitoring from the core parties namely reporting sapronak data, mortality and daily events on plasma parties by using the application of the FMDC tool for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of partnership cooperation, strict criminal and civil law sanctions for plasma parties which are proven to commit fraud in implementing partnership cooperation, an increase in the price of guarantee certificates for each new plasma that wants to join as a breeder.

Keyword: - - -.


Niswatin Hasanah, Zaenal Fanani, Bambang Ali Nugroho, Suyadi "Economic, Technical and Allocative Efficiency of Stochastic Frontier of Broiler Poultry Farmingwith Close House System Patterns in Lamongan Regency East Java" Vol 2-Issue 4 (67-76) September - October 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

The Effects of Chewing Gum on Memory and Concentration
Author(s): Mala Thakur, Vishal Saxena
Page(s): 77-82

Increases to functional attention as a result of pharmaceutical advances have enhanced the lives of individuals with attention deficit disorders and their ability to function properly during everyday life. [1] Although there have been many studies done on the relationship of memory, concentration and chewing gum, the question of does it really help students perform better in classwork such as tests has been vague. In order to further test this study, I set up a controlled testing environment, in which I observed and recorded student concentration behaviors and memory test scores, with and without chewing gum.

Keyword: Chewing Gum, Memory, Concentration, and Functional Attention.


Mala Thakur, Vishal Saxena "The Effects of Chewing Gum on Memory and Concentration" Vol 2-Issue 4 (77-82) September - October 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

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