International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development

International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development

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IJSRED Volume 2 - Issue 5, September - October 2019

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S. No. Title and Authors Name Paper ID
Mobile Banking in India: A Review
Author(s): Malusare Lalita Babulal
Page(s): 682-687

The banking system in India is becoming more and more digital and there are several changes have been taken placed in the Indian banking sector. Indian banking system has the large structure and Powerful base and using this it can be possible to make fully digitalization in the finance sector. There are some factors which influence to the technology and also have some threads to avoid the changes. Therefore it is important to know the present and future aspect of the technological changes in the banking sector and also to know the problems of the technological changes to suggest the measures for overcome the problems. The Mobile banking system is became important to the India therefore the study is concern with the mobile banking and its present and future status and problems and prospects.

Keyword: - - - .


Malusare Lalita Babulal "Mobile Banking in India: A Review " Vol 2-Issue 5 (682-687) September - October 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Knowledge Sharing Among Employees of Assosa Technical, Vocational and Educational Training College
Author(s): Genene Abera
Page(s): 688-705

Knowledge sharing strategy is established as a most important component of an organization to undertake productive teaching, learning processes as well as to establish good working environments, in any educational institution. This study was conducted to find out the present status of knowledge sharing and to identify the components that influence knowledge sharing activities among employees of the technical vocational and educational training colleges) in Benishangulal Gumuz Region. In order to attain these, both primary and secondary data were collected from the study areas. Primary data were collected from 120 sample respondent’s selected using a multi stage sampling technique using questionnaires and observation. It was analyzed using descriptive statistics. Descriptive statistics such as mean, percentage, standard deviation as well as an inferential statistics of chi-square test and binary logit model were used for the analysis of the data. The result of binary logit model showed that six independent variables were found to be statically significant up on knowledge sharing. From these; age and time taken to be familiar with their job were found to be negatively related to knowledge sharing, while others showed positive relationship with knowledge sharing .These are some of the major findings which needs to be given due attention.

Keyword: - - - .


Genene Abera "Knowledge Sharing Among Employees of Assosa Technical, Vocational and Educational Training College" Vol 2-Issue 5 (688-705) September - October 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Web Information Seeking Behaviour of Academic Staff: in case of Assosa University
Author(s): Genene Abera
Page(s): 706-720

Knowledge sharing strategy is established as a most important component of an organization to undertake productive teaching, learning processes as well as to establish good working environments, in any educational institution. This study was conducted to find out the present status of knowledge sharing and to identify the components that influence knowledge sharing activities among employees of the technical vocational and educational training colleges) in Benishangulal Gumuz Region. In order to attain these, both primary and secondary data were collected from the study areas. Primary data were collected from 120 sample respondent’s selected using a multi stage sampling technique using questionnaires and observation. It was analyzed using descriptive statistics. Descriptive statistics such as mean, percentage, standard deviation as well as an inferential statistics of chi-square test and binary logit model were used for the analysis of the data. The result of binary logit model showed that six independent variables were found to be statically significant up on knowledge sharing. From these; age and time taken to be familiar with their job were found to be negatively related to knowledge sharing, while others showed positive relationship with knowledge sharing .These are some of the major findings which needs to be given due attention.

Keyword: - - - .


Genene Abera "Web Information Seeking Behaviour of Academic Staff: in case of Assosa University" Vol 2-Issue 5 (706-720) September - October 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Perception of Students and Teachers towards Computer Aided Instructional Materials on Learning Outcomes in OGOJA LGA, Nigeria
Author(s): Emmanuel Edung Egbeji
Page(s): 721-732

The focus of the study was to investigate perception of students and teachers towards computer aided instructional materials on learning outcomes in Ogoja LGA, Nigeria. The study adopted the descriptive survey design with two research questions formulated to guide the study. The population of the study comprised of all 1200 teachers and student Ogoja LGA. A sample of 130 respondents were drawn (80 students and 50 teachers) for the study. The simple and stratified random sampling techniques were adopted for the study. The research instruments used for data collection was a structured questionnaire tagged “Perception of Students and Teachers Towards Computer Aided Instructional Materials and Learning Outcomes (PTCAIMLOQ)”. The questionnaire has two sections A and B. Section A required respondent’s Bio-data such as gender, school and Local Government Area. Section B consisted of twenty (20) item statement on perception of computer assisted aids on learning outcome. The instrument was validated by three experts, two in Measurement and Evaluation and one in Educational Management respectively. The reliability obtained for the sub scales of the instrument ranged from .78 - .89 which indicates that the instrument was reliable for data collection. The data collected were analyzed using simple percentages and bar charts. Results revealed that computer-aided instruction material improved students’ and teachers learning outcomes among in Secondary Schools. It was recommended that students and teachers should be sufficiently equipped with computer education to teach and learn. The need to enhance computer use in the teaching and learning process was also recommended.

Keyword: Perception, Computer Aided, Instructional Materials, Learning Processes.


Emmanuel Edung Egbeji "Perception of Students and Teachers towards Computer Aided Instructional Materials on Learning Outcomes in OGOJA LGA, Nigeria" Vol 2-Issue 5 (721-732) September - October 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

An Investigation of Senior Secondary Schools Students Attitude Towards Paper Pencil and Computer Based Test in Niger State, Nigeria
Author(s): Gloria,Boma Bulus, Dr.O.D Aremu, Eyong Emmanuel Ikpi
Page(s): 733-746

The study centered on investigating senior secondary school students attitude towards paper pencil and computer based test in Niger State, Nigeria. Two research questions and hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The design adopted for the study was descriptive survey design. A descriptive survey is a design in which a large number of respondents opinion are sampled on a particular issue. The target population of this study consists all the senior secondary school students in Niger State who are eligible to partake in the 2018 JAMB screening exercise which stood at 29,578. Stratified and Simple random samplings were adopted to draw 876 students from Zone A, B and C of Niger State, Nigeria. The instrument for data collection was a structured questionnaire tagged “Student attitude to CBT and PPT Questionnaire (SACPQ)” which was designed by the researchers’ to elicit information on the students’ attitude towards CBT and PTT examination. The instrument was given to three experts in Test and Measurement for scrutiny after which the reliability of the instrument was obtained with Cronbach alpha reliability which ranged from 0.79 to 0.96. Descriptive and inferential statistics were adopted for analyzing the data with mean and standard deviation while the stated null hypotheses were tested with independent t-test and One-way ANOVA. Findings revealed that the Attitude of students towards CBT and PPT is is significant negative. This implies that most students feel that jamb should be abolished due to their negative perception and stressful nature of the examination. It was also found that gender does not have any significant influence on students’ attitude towards PPT and CBT examination in the study area.

Keyword: Investigation, Students Attitude Paper Pencil, Computer Based Test.


Gloria,Boma Bulus, Dr.O.D Aremu, Eyong Emmanuel Ikpi "An Investigation of Senior Secondary Schools Students Attitude Towards Paper Pencil and Computer Based Test in Niger State, Nigeria" Vol 2-Issue 5 (733-746) September - October 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Perceived Factors Of Performance Effectiveness Of Academic Heads In Public Secondary Schools In South East, Nigeria
Author(s): Martha Daniel Ekpe, Okpebru,Okpebru Oden, Enueshike,Peter
Page(s): 747-761

The study focused on perceived factors of performance effectiveness of academic heads in public secondary schools in South East, Nigeria. The study formulated three research questions and hypotheses and the researchers’ adopted the correlational research design. A sample of 723 academic heads were selected from a population of 17, 223 teachers using stratified and simple random sampling technique. A breakdown of the sample revealed that 420 (58.09 %) teachers were females and 203 (32.01 %) were males. The instrument for data collection was a 4-point Likert type questionnaire which comprised three sections. Section A elicited personal information of the respondents such as gender and educational qualification. Section B was Perceived Factors Questionnaire (PFQ). Section C of the instrument was Performance Effectiveness Questionnaire (PEQ) which consisted of 20 items and ranged from Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, and Strongly Disagree. The instrument was trial tested by administrating it to 42academic heads who were not part of the main study. Cronbach Alpha reliability method was employed to ascertain the instrument degree of consistency which yielded reliability coefficients of 0.80 and 0.94 respectively. The statistical tools for data analysis were Pearson Product Moment correlation and Multiple Regression Statistics and the findings revealed that personnel involvement in decision-making, provision of incentives and in-service training has a significant relationship on performance effectiveness of academic heads of department in public secondary schools. It was recommended among others that facilitative in-service training should be provided for teachers as well as appropriate and equity reward system to attract qualified teachers. This will make them to be psychologically attached to the institutions and remain totally committed to the organization.

Keyword: Perceived Factors, Performance Effectiveness. Academic Heads, South East, Nigeria.


Martha Daniel Ekpe, Okpebru,Okpebru Oden, Enueshike,Peter "Perceived Factors Of Performance Effectiveness Of Academic Heads In Public Secondary Schools In South East, Nigeria" Vol 2-Issue 5 (747-761) September - October 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Correlates of Job Security and Health Management on Employees Intentions to Leave In Private Secondary Schools in South-South, Nigeria
Author(s): Enueshike Peter, Okpebru,Okpebru Oden, Martha Daniel Ekpe
Page(s): 762-775

Employers ability to recognition the needs in the establishment and prioritizing them to meet the need of the staff can play an important role in increasing productivity and creating harmony between the goals of the organization and staff, thereby avoiding regular attrition of staff in the establishment. It is common that most staff of private schools leave their job too often due to the poor job security. This study was done to correlate Job Security and Health Management on Employees intentions to leave in Private Secondary Schools in South-South, Nigeria. In this study 835 respondents from a total of 8351 respondents of private secondary schools were sampled for the study through multi-stage sampling technique. A standardized instrument tagged Job Security, Health Management and Employees Intentions to Leave Questionnaire (JSHMEILQ), developed by R.B Morgan (2008) was adapted for data collection. The results indicated that Job Security and good medical provision have the greatest roles in discouraging employees from not leaving their jobs. In the context of perspective agreement amongst employees and managers, the results showed 75 and 87 percent agreement. In this study, results of Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation and Multiple Regression Analysis revealed that a significant difference in comparison, between Job Security” (r = .86) and provision of health care management (r = 82). With respect to the combine effect of job security and health care management (r = 63). Managers need to pay more attention to cognition of job security of their employees. Attention to this fact can be a great help to the growth and productivity of the organization, making the organizational and individual goals closer and also retaining staff in their job.

Keyword: Correlates, Job Security, Health Management, Employees, Intentions To Leave.


Enueshike Peter, Okpebru,Okpebru Oden, Martha Daniel Ekpe "Correlates of Job Security and Health Management on Employees Intentions to Leave In Private Secondary Schools in South-South, Nigeria" Vol 2-Issue 5 (762-775) September - October 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

E-Passport Using RFID Tag and Fingerprint Sensor
Author(s): Shubham Kailas khairnar, Prasad Prakash Bhamare, Abhishek Sharad Hire, Junaid Moinuddin Khan
Page(s): 776-779

Advancements in technology have created the chance of larger assurance of correct travel document possession, however, some issues relating to security and effectiveness stay unaddressed. Electronic passports have notable a good and quick readying all around the world since the International Civil Aviation Organization the globe have adopted standards whereby passports will store biometric identifiers. The employment of life science for identification has the potential to create the lives easier, and therefore the world folks board a safer place. The aim of biometric with RFID Tag suggests that e-passports are to stop the misappropriated entry of a person into a selected country and limit the employment of counterfeit documents by a lot of correct identification of a person. This paper analyses the fingerprint biometric e-passport style. These papers concentrate on the privacy and private security of bearers of e-passports, the particular security profit countries obtained by the introduction of e-passports victimization fingerprint recognition systems. The research worker analysed its main crypto graphical features; the fingerprint life science presently used with e-passports and regarded the encompassing procedures. Research worker-centered on vulnerabilities since anyone willing to bypass the system would select a constant approach. On the contrary, only wishing on them could create a risk that didn't exist with previous passports and border controls. The paper conjointly provides a security analysis of the e-passport victimization fingerprint biometric with RFID tags that are supposed to produce improved security in protective biometric info of the e-passport bearer.

Keyword: RFID reader, RFID tag, Microcontroller, Arduino UNO, Fingerprint, E-passport.


Shubham Kailas khairnar, Prasad Prakash Bhamare, Abhishek Sharad Hire, Junaid Moinuddin Khan "E-Passport Using RFID Tag and Fingerprint Sensor" Vol 2-Issue 5 (776-779) September - October 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Formation and Morphology of Architectural Surfaces Design
Author(s): Arthur Perez Rivao, Lisbeth A. Brandt-Garcia, Rocio R. Gallegos-Villela, Josue F. Perez-Sanchez
Page(s): 780-785

Roughness is a characteristic property of solid surfaces, and its modification by physical and chemical treatments is of great importance when certain uses of materials are required on an industrial or laboratory scale. Properties such as adsorption, heat transmission, and the efficiency of a catalyst depend largely on surface roughness. At present, a better surface finish is increasingly necessary to optimize the use of certain products. A very complicated surface finish becomes a higher cost and production time, hence the importance of knowing how this property depends on the solid formation process. The present work is based on the hypothesis that the fractal dimension of the surface of a solid-solid dispersed system depends on the surface area and the composition of the particles that form the dispersed phase. From this hypothesis, it is established as a general objective to experimentally determine the relationship between the fractal dimension, the size of particles and the composition of a dispersed system formed by cement (dispersion medium) and stone dust (dispersed phase).

Keyword: Graphic analysis material.


Arthur Perez Rivao, Lisbeth A. Brandt-Garcia, Rocio R. Gallegos-Villela, Josue F. Perez-Sanchez "Formation and Morphology of Architectural Surfaces Design" Vol 2-Issue 5 (780-785) September - October 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Waste Management of Construction and Demolition Materials towards Sustainable Growth of Nagpur City
Author(s): Reshma V Chafale
Page(s): 786-790

The higher amount of buildings and infrastructures in India, number of construction and demolition (Cand D) waste is increasing continuously. These wastes, if not completely recycled, will create the environmental problems. This research paper concentrates on the use of a system dynamics technique to develop a C and D waste recycling. The project is based on the recycling of the rapidly increasing construction and demolition waste. Through this process we want to take a step ahead, the idea of stopping illegal Dumping and ultimately save our mother Earth from destruction. The cost of recycled C and D solid waste resulting in reduction of overall construction cost.

Keyword: C & D waste; sustainable construction systems, Recycling, Concrete.


Reshma V Chafale "Waste Management of Construction and Demolition Materials towards Sustainable Growth of Nagpur City" Vol 2-Issue 5 (786-790) September - October 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

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