International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development

International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development

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IJSRED Volume 2 - Issue 5, September - October 2019

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S. No. Title and Authors Name Paper ID
Challenges Fronting in 21st Century for the Sustainable Enlargement in Africa
Author(s): Divya Manoharan, Ethel Chisomo Chikhoswe
Page(s): 791-797

The 21st Century is the ideal opportunity for humans looking to blend with condition and doing supportable improvement methodology. However, practical improvement is confronting numerous difficulties. They may fundamentally incorporate the following; challenge originates from the logical inconsistency among human and the earth, test of nearby advantage strife to human shared objective, test of rivalry to decency, test of uneven improvement in districts and nations, test of decent variety and test of cataclysm. Difficulties are weight, yet in addition the thought process drive. Test exists; the motive power could never stop. Manageable advancement was conceived in difficulties, is developing in logical inconsistency and will sustain in strife.

Keyword: reasonable improvement; logical inconsistency among human and the earth; 21st century.


Divya Manoharan, Ethel Chisomo Chikhoswe "Challenges Fronting in 21st Century for the Sustainable Enlargement in Africa" Vol 2-Issue 5 (791-797) September - October 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Requisite for New Pattern towards Sustainable Growth in Africa
Author(s): Anandaraj Shunmugam, Ethel Chisomo Chikhoswe
Page(s): 798-804

At present, the term reasonable advancement is deceiving in light of the fact that we in reality live in a particularly unsustainable world and conditions will turn out to be considerably increasingly unsustainable in the 21st century. In fact, the 21st century will be the characterizing time frame in man's control of this planet. It is possible that we find a way to enhance our natural overabundances now or we face the possibility of major ecological calamities later on. Advanced civic establishments have crumpled twice inside the most recent 5000 years and we should look up to the way that a third breakdown, this time on a worldwide scale, isn't past the domains of plausibility. It is consequently dependent upon us to start utilizing our significant resourcefulness to plan for the future in a more levelheaded way than it is at present. This article shows obviously the predicament that we presently face.

Keyword: Environmental change, Edo period, natural corruption, economical advancement, world economy, total populace. .


Anandaraj Shunmugam, Ethel Chisomo Chikhoswe "Requisite for New Pattern towards Sustainable Growth in Africa" Vol 2-Issue 5 (798-804) September - October 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Corporate and Community Sector Open Immersion Approach in Africa
Author(s): Ms. Esther Kuweruza, Divya Manoharan
Page(s): 805-810

Studies have shown that corporate community initiatives are important for creating neighborhood relationships and extending corporate influence in the wider community. This article seeks to highlight a number of initiatives in which corporations can implement corporate community initiatives through the use of stakeholder theory and social capital. The article further discusses the management implications of each initiative discussed in this paper and seeks to highlight how corporations can improve corporate community involvement in Malawi. The literature on CCI can be separated into three major streams. The first stream stresses on the motives of CCI,the second research stream concentrates on the consequences of CCI activities and the third and the mostly widely studied stream consists of research that conceptualizes the different kinds of implementation and governing strategy of CCI.

Keyword: Corporate social responsibility, Stakeholder theory. Social capital, Social network. Community.


Ms. Esther Kuweruza, Divya Manoharan "Corporate and Community Sector Open Immersion Approach in Africa" Vol 2-Issue 5 (805-810) September - October 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Ecological Carry Out as of Price and Origins in Agricultural Contamination in Africa
Author(s): Steve Mtenje, Anandaraj Shunmugam
Page(s): 811-816

There have been pollution threats in many ways regarding to our Malawi, as well as worldwide causing damage to the natural resources and harming humans. But it’s quite difficult to assess causes and damage usually they are complex. Agriculture pollution is normally diffused by the nature, arising at low levels but leading to significant cumulative impacts. Looking at agricultural pollution it is too significant reasons. Accurate assessments of problems and costs of pollution and the development of policies and technologies to reduce pollution, but, there are only a few meet the required partnership between specialists.Disciplines and institutions of people who produce or suffer the impact of the pollution. Likely, there are less countries in central Africa that does these technological assessment and policies for development.

Keyword: - - -.


Steve Mtenje, Anandaraj Shunmugam "Ecological Carry Out as of Price and Origins in Agricultural Contamination in Africa" Vol 2-Issue 5 (811-816) September - October 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Elevation of Teaching and Learning Pedagogy Through the Use of ICT at Seminary Level: An Analysis
Author(s): Vinoth. A, Rajapandi. M
Page(s): 817-828

In education, technology offers a wide range of learning dimensions, which leads number of participants in occurring knowledge that will bring the reticent students into touch with technology. The modern inventions in education changed the teaching and learning methods into distinguished practice. Moreover it promotes the learning environment of students’ assistance with teachers dynamically. Various inventions continued to be acquainted with accelerates, teachers are becoming more regulates to engage and keep them captivated. Technology should be very quality content in the learning process. Integrating the modern technologies in an accurate level can really bring the spirit of classroom learning. If education offers suitable situation, prompt atmosphere and accessibility of modern technologies that make the students interest on learning vibrantly. The present paper focuses on implementing of innovative teaching methods for effective teaching and learning practice for the betterment of the seminary level students.

Keyword: Innovative pedagogy, Technology, ICT, Teaching and Learning.


Vinoth. A, Rajapandi. M "Elevation of Teaching and Learning Pedagogy Through the Use of ICT at Seminary Level: An Analysis" Vol 2-Issue 5 (817-828) September - October 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Assessing the Impact Of Drama Methods On Learners’ Understanding Of HIV/ Aids: A Case Study At Masala Secondary School In Ndola District, Zambia
Author(s): Lucky Siame, Msimuko Peter
Page(s): 829-847

This action research focused on the effectiveness of using drama learning methods in enhancing pupil’s understanding of HIV/ AIDS. It was conducted on 140 Grade 11 pupils (70 in experimental and 70 in the control group) at Masala Secondary School in Ndola. The main purpose of this research was to assess the impact the Drama learning method has on pupils when learning the concepts of HIV/ AIDS. The study adopted a quasi-experimental pretest and posttest design. A quantitative approach was applied in data collection and analysis. Various methods used in data collection included an achievement test (pre-test and post-test) and Likert scale questionnaires. This research lasted for 8 weeks. Data were analysed using SPSS version 20 by first conducting normality tests followed by appropriate statistical tests and presented using tables and graphs. The analysis involved descriptive statistics (means, medians, Standard deviations) and inferential statistics (independent samples Mann-Whitney and t-Tests). Although the median score of the Control group (29) was higher than that of the Experimental group (17.50), a Mann-Whitney U test indicated that there was no significant difference between the pretest scores of the experimental and control groups (U = 2087.500, p = .130, r = .13). Therefore, the experimental and control groups were equal in performance before administration of the treatment. However, the posttest mean scores (%) of the experimental group (67.83) was higher than that of the control group (43.66). A Mann-Whitney U test indicated that there was a significant difference in the distribution of the posttest scores of the experimental and control groups (U = 824.00, p < .001, r = .57), hence the conclusion that the experimental and control groups were different in performance after the treatment was drawn. This result indicates that the use of drama method of teaching was more effective than the conventional teaching methods. Further, the study found that the learners had positive attitudes towards drama and biology (M = 3.44, SD =0.287) and that there was no significant difference between the attitude of males and females [t (68) = 0.605, p = 0.548] towards the use of drama teaching methods. The study, therefore, recommends the use of drama methods in the teaching of biology and other science subjects. Further, researchers need to engage in investigations of the effective use and impact of drama methods across other grade levels and subject areas.

Keyword: Drama, Learners, Understanding, attitudes, HIV/ AIDS.


Lucky Siame, Msimuko Peter "Assessing the Impact Of Drama Methods On Learners’ Understanding Of HIV/ Aids: A Case Study At Masala Secondary School In Ndola District, Zambia" Vol 2-Issue 5 (829-847) September - October 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Review Grid Connected Wind Photovoltaic Cogeneration Using Back to Back Voltage Source Converters
Author(s): Navin Vamne, Pramod Kumar Rathore, A.K.Jhala
Page(s): 848-852

With developing concerns, in renewable energy sources can improve which is an increasing amount. This paper reviews both the vitality of the wind and the photovoltaic (PV) energy conversion strategies. and theirmaximum-power-point tracking (MPPT) methods.Then, a new Grid tied wind–PV cogeneration generation using back to back voltage source converters system is proposed.For the wind power generationpermanent-magnet synchronous machine is used to capture the maximum wind power byusing optimum speed control. For the PV power generation boost converter is adopted to harnessthe maximum solar power by tuning the duty cycle. Simulation validations are providing to fiancée of proposed system.

Keyword: Boost Converter, Controller, MPPT, Solar Power System, Wind energy, utility Grid and Voltage Source Inverter.


Navin Vamne, Pramod Kumar Rathore, A.K.Jhala "Review Grid Connected Wind Photovoltaic Cogeneration Using Back to Back Voltage Source Converters" Vol 2-Issue 5 (848-852) September - October 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Testing of Coconut Shell Reinforced Brake PADS
Author(s): P.Pathmanaban, A. Musharath Aalam, A.Selvaganesh, S.Sr,Iamrish
Page(s): 853-859

Asbestos had been used by manufacturers to produce brake pads, but it turned out to be harmful and toxic in nature. So the manufacturers had decided not to manufacture brake pads using Asbestos. It can cause health issues like asbestosis, mesothelioma and lung cancers too. Thus the brake pads can be manufactured using some natural fibres like coconut shell as reinforcement material, along with Graphite which can act as better friction material, Alumina as abrasive material, and, Epoxy resin as a binder. This will make brake pads function well with high friction co-efficient and less wear rate and by using natural waste material as reinforced material, it is good for the environment too. It has its advantages as it makes less noise than metallic brake pads, thus reducing noise pollution. About the tests conducted, various samples were collected by varying the compositions and were tested at various speeds. The wear rate was calculated and, the co-efficient of friction was also investigated. Sample four has given the better result than others. It is observed that, the naturally produced brake pads can be a considerable alternate for Asbestos.

Keyword: Coconut Shell powder, Wear rate, brake pads, Epoxy Resin, compression strength.


P.Pathmanaban, A. Musharath Aalam, A.Selvaganesh, S.Sr,Iamrish "Testing of Coconut Shell Reinforced Brake PADS" Vol 2-Issue 5 (853-859) September - October 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Preventing Mirror Problem and Privacy Issues in Multistorage Area With Dimensionality Reduction
Author(s): R.Mahendran, C.Karthik, M.Jothimani, K.P.Uvarajan
Page(s): 860-867

In previous research of privacy issues in data storage is usually a patient to create, and control the personal health data in one place through the web, which has made the storage, retrieval, and sharing of the medical information efficiently. Each patient is promised the full control of the medical records and can share the health data with a wide range of users, including family members, friends or healthcare providers. However, there have been wide privacy concerns as personal health information could be exposed to those third party servers and to unauthorized parties. To assure the patients control over access to their own Personal Health Records (PHR), this method encrypts the PHR before given to third parties. This paper proposes a novel patient-centric framework and also mechanisms for data access control to records stored in semi-trusted servers. To achieve scalable data access control for records, Encryption techniques are introduced to encrypt each patient’s PHR data. Different from previous works in secure data outsourcing, it is now focused on the multiple cloud mirror scenario, and adopt different security mechanism such as different encryption methods in each attributes with the capability of the cloud software architecture.

Keyword: Privacy, Personal Health Records, Encryption, Cloud.


R.Mahendran, C.Karthik, M.Jothimani, K.P.Uvarajan "Preventing Mirror Problem and Privacy Issues in Multistorage Area With Dimensionality Reduction" Vol 2-Issue 5 (860-867) September - October 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

International Environmental Sustainability Laws with Focus on Environmental Sustainability in Nigeria
Author(s): Uno,Akon Umoekeyo, Ating,Emmanuel
Page(s): 868-881

Despite the fact that developed countries are yelling for environmental protection to be fully supported, the developing countries view it as a strategy to slow down their economic and social development. This is as a result of the complexity in intersecting the social, economic and environmental aspects of sustainable development. However, regardless of the controversies, the era of environmental latency is over. All over the globe, governments and various bodies have created a greater awareness as to the need for environmental protection with the concept of sustainable development gaining grounds worldwide. International policies which led to its adoption in regions and countries aims to tackle the undesirable effect of mans’ activities on the environment. It seeks to strike a balance between the needs of the present and that of the future generations. The green strategy of implementing sustainable development in Nigeria has so far been beneficial to the country although it seems lip service is paid to this area. However the nation has witnessed more conducive environment for international relations and prospects for future advancements compared to the period of her independence. Thus, laws protecting the environment should be enacted where necessary and existing ones strengthened, and compliance ensured to achieve environmental sustainability.

Keyword: Environment, Sustainability, Laws.


Uno,Akon Umoekeyo, Ating,Emmanuel "International Environmental Sustainability Laws with Focus on Environmental Sustainability in Nigeria" Vol 2-Issue 5 (868-881) September - October 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

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