International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development

International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development

( International Peer Reviewed Open Access Journal ) ISSN [ Online ] : 2581 - 7175

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IJSRED Volume 2 - Issue 6, November - December 2019

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S. No. Title and Authors Name Paper ID
Strongly Soft G-Closed Sets in Soft Bi-Cech Closure Space
Author(s): R.Vijaya Chandra, B.Bhuvaneshwari
Page(s): 607-611

In this paper, we introduce some basic concepts of soft Bi-Cech closure space and we study the basic properties of strongly soft generalized closed sets in soft Bi-Cech closure space..

Keyword: Soft Bi-Cech closure space, Strongly soft g-closed set, Soft semi-open, Soft regular-open, Soft pre-open


R.Vijaya Chandra, B.Bhuvaneshwari "Strongly Soft G-Closed Sets in Soft Bi-Cech Closure Space" Vol 2-Issue 6 (607-611) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Privacy Preserving Data Mining Technique to Recover Association Rules Using Homomorphic Encryption Technique
Author(s): Varsha Patel, Namrata Tapaswi
Page(s): 612-617

The data mining is a technique which is used for analysing the data and recovering the patterns for applications. A number of applications are available where the data mining techniques are being used such as for classification, decision making, pattern learning, etc. In this presented work the privacy preserving data mining techniques are explored and a new technique for privacy preserving rule mining is introduced. That technique usage the contributed data from different data suppliers and mine the association rules securely. In order to mine the association rules the apriori algorithm is used. Additionally to secure the data at client end the Homomorphic encryption algorithm is used. After mining the required association rules from encrypted data it is delivered to the associated parties. The received encrypted rules are decrypted at the end of client and decryption algorithm is implemented here to recover the decision rules based on contributed part of data. The implementation of the proposed system is given in client server approach. That technique is developed with the help of java technology. Finally using the different experiments the performance of system is measured in terms of time and space complexity. The results demonstrate the proposed technique is acceptable and secure due to Homomorphic encryption. Additionally for extending the given concept the future plan is also proposed in this work.

Keyword: association rule mining, privacy preserving rule mining, apriori algorithm, Homomorphic encryption, client end privacy management


Varsha Patel, Namrata Tapaswi "Privacy Preserving Data Mining Technique to Recover Association Rules Using Homomorphic Encryption Technique" Vol 2-Issue 6 (612-617) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Survey on Robust Intelligent Malware Detection Using Deep Learning
Author(s): Bhagyashree Bhoyar, Preeti Shinde, Nikita Suryawanshi, Mansi Sawaj, Nikita Shinde
Page(s): 618-620

Security breaches due to attacks by malicious software (malware) continue to expand posing a major security concern in this digital age. Current malware detection solutions that support the static and dynamic analysis of malware signatures and behavior patterns are time consuming and have proven to be ineffective in identifying unknown malwares in real-time. Therefore there is a need to implement a zero-day detection and attack blockage system so that the user transactions are harm-free/safe. Different datasets are used for detection, classification and categorization of malwares. Dataset bias is removed in the experimental analysis by splitting the public and private datasets to train and test the model in a disjoint way using different timescales. Hybrid architecture is designed by implementing static, dynamic and image processing to detect malwares. A comparative study shows that deep learning architectures outperform classical machine learning architectures. The combination of visualization and deep learning architectures for static, dynamic, and image processing-based hybrid approach applied in a big data environment is the first of its kind toward achieving robust intelligent zero-day malware detection. Overall, this method paves way for an effective visual detection of malware using a scalable and hybrid deep learning framework for real-time deployments.

Keyword: Malware Detection, Static and Dynamic Analysis, Image Processing, Zero-Day Detection, Hybrid Architecture, Deep Learning


Bhagyashree Bhoyar, Preeti Shinde, Nikita Suryawanshi, Mansi Sawaj, Nikita Shinde "Survey on Robust Intelligent Malware Detection Using Deep Learning" Vol 2-Issue 6 (618-620) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Stock Market Prediction Analysis: A Review
Author(s): Dr.Yogesh Kumar Sharma, Ranjeet Kaur
Page(s): 621-627

Foreseeing how the securities exchange will perform is one of the most troublesome activities. There are such huge numbers of components engaged with the forecast – physical elements versus physhological, discerning and silly conduct, and so on. Every one of these viewpoints consolidate to make offer costs unpredictable and hard to foresee with a high level of precision. Securities exchange expectation is the demonstration of attempting to decide the future estimation of an organization stock or other budgetary instrument exchanged on a trade. The effective expectation of a stock's future cost could return huge benefit. The proficient market speculation places that stock costs are a component of data and normal desires, and that recently uncovered data about an organization's prospects is very quickly reflected in the present stock cost. Forecast of securities exchange patterns is considered as a significant undertaking and is of incredible consideration as foreseeing stock costs effectively may prompt appealing benefits by settling on legitimate choices. Financial exchange forecast is a significant test inferable from non-stationary, blasting, and disordered information, and along these lines, the expectation winds up testing among the speculators to contribute the cash for making benefits. This paper presents a quick review on the numerous methods to predict about stock market values.

Keyword: Stock market prediction, Machine learning,SVM, Neural Networks.


Dr.Yogesh Kumar Sharma, Ranjeet Kaur "Stock Market Prediction Analysis: A Review" Vol 2-Issue 6 (621-627) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Assessing the Properties of Metallic Fibre in Concrete
Author(s): Akilu Muhammad, Umar Isah
Page(s): 628-631

The effect of metallic fibre reinforced concrete on mechanical property of concrete was investigated in this study with the aim of ascertaining the attainable strength of the concrete as a result of the fibre addition. Concrete mix design of 1:1.6:4.12 mix ratio for cement, fine aggregate and coarse aggregate respectively and water/cement ratio of 0.63 was calculated for a target characteristic strength of 20 N/mm2. The amount of metallic fibre reinforcement added in the concrete ranged from 0-3% of volume of the concrete. The fibre reinforced concrete were casted into cubes and cured for 28 days in curing tanks. The result showed remarkable increase in strength of concrete by 9.4 N/mm2 as a result of metallic fibre addition.

Keyword: Metallic Fibre, Concrete, Fibre reinforced concrete, Compressive strengt.


Akilu Muhammad, Umar Isah "Assessing the Properties of Metallic Fibre in Concrete" Vol 2-Issue 6 (628-631) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Evaluation of Commercial Bus Operators Perception of Traffic Management Techniques along Badagry Expressway, Lagos, Nigeria
Author(s): Olorunnimbe,R.O, Giwa,O.M, Akintoye,O.O
Page(s): 632-646

The condition under which we all travel especially in urban areas such in Lagos has become more and more difficult for people, it is absolutely unbearable. Urban travel takes place when city dwellers move to execute their various functional activities with their choice of modes. This gave serious impetus to efficient management and control of traffic and traffic related issues in Lagos state. This paper evaluate commercial bus operator’s perception of traffic management techniques in Lagos state taking badagry as a study area. The both primary and secondary source of data were adopted for the study. This study recommend that the use of modern traffic management techniques such as the: BRT scheme, Park and ride, off-road bus stop facility should be immediately implement along the Badagry expressway. Multi-story car park should be introduce to bus stops such as Iyana-Iba, Okokomaiko, Agbara and Mile 2 garage.

Keyword: Agency, Buses Traffic, Management and Urban.


Olorunnimbe,R.O, Giwa,O.M, Akintoye,O.O "Evaluation of Commercial Bus Operators Perception of Traffic Management Techniques along Badagry Expressway, Lagos, Nigeria" Vol 2-Issue 6 (632-646) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

In-silico evaluation, analysis and screening of a potent polyphenolic herbal drug molecule and its validation as a candidate drug inhibiting p100/RELB domain of NF-kB alternate pathway through molecular docking studies
Author(s): Aman, Nidhi
Page(s): 647-681

Upregulation of various flagging pathways is required for the uncontrolled tumor cell expansion. Mitogen enacted protein and NF-kB pathways have been watched for demonstrating exceptionally critical impacts by the oxidants. Cell expansion is advanced by the outflow of NF-kB and its restraint squares cell multiplication.A large portion of the herbs utilized as hostile to carcinogenic medications are anticipated to restrain the traditional pathway of the NF-kB for example p65/RELA space. Each one of those herbs have different reactions that might be destructive for future perspectives. Much after restraint of the old style pathway, cell multiplication can go on through the elective pathway. Be that as it may, Silymarin represses the elective pathway of NF-kB by authoritative to p100/RELB space which stifles the kinase compound that phosphorylates the I-kB. The dynamic I-kB hinders the traditional pathway by authoritative to the p65/RELA space and stops its translocation to core further anticipating the DNA translation, which thusly at long last stops cell multiplication.

Keyword: NF-kB, Silymarin, Oxidative stress, p100/RELB domain.


Aman, Nidhi "In-silico evaluation, analysis and screening of a potent polyphenolic herbal drug molecule and its validation as a candidate drug inhibiting p100/RELB domain of NF-kB alternate pathway through molecular docking studies" Vol 2-Issue 6 (647-681) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

A Critical Review on Pathophysiology and Treatment of Enteric Fever
Author(s): Aman, Nidhi
Page(s): 682-694

Typhoid fever is a bacterial contamination found basically among youngsters and youths in southern and eastern Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Typhoid fever spreads through tainted nourishment, drink, or water. It is normally described at first by fever, cerebral pain, and stomach side effects, albeit other vague indications might be available. The disease likewise now and again causes disarray or psychosis. In late phases of the disease, intestinal puncturing or monstrous intestinal discharge may happen. Treatment regularly comprises of anti-infection agents, however issues with sedate safe microbes strains have been accounted for. Improved sanitation and nourishment cleanliness are significant control measures. In any case, these are related with financial advancement that has been delayed in most influenced regions. Along these vaccination is a successful method to attempt to anticipate this infection.

Keyword: Typhoid, Salmonella, Vaccine, Pathology.


Aman, Nidhi "A Critical Review on Pathophysiology and Treatment of Enteric Fever" Vol 2-Issue 6 (682-694) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Numerical Representation Of Zagreb Energy
Author(s): A. Mohanaadevi, V. Monisha
Page(s): 695-699

In this paper, we have G be simple, finite, undirected graph with vertex setV={P_1,P_2,……P_n } and edge set E={〖 q〗_1,q_2,……q_n }. The energy concept originated in chemistry and became delivered by means of I.Gutman in 1978. Similar to the energies like He energy, minimum monopoly energy, complementary dominating energy, Zagreb energy is having its own importance in take a look at of physic-chemical properties of chemical compound. In this paper, we discover First Zagreb Energy of few preferred graphs like complete graph, complete bipartite graph and star graph.

Keyword: Graph, Topological Indices, Zagreb Indices, Zagreb Matrix, Zagreb Energy.


A. Mohanaadevi, V. Monisha "Numerical Representation Of Zagreb Energy" Vol 2-Issue 6 (695-699) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Exploration Potential and Risk Analysis of the Charlie Field Onshore Niger Delta
Author(s): Justice.O. Tamunoibelema, Pascal. I. Esenenjor, Jude. U. Igweajah
Page(s): 700-710

This research was conducted to evaluate the exploration potential and risk associated with producing reservoirs from Charlie Field, Onshore Niger Delta. A 3-D post-stack depth migrated seismic volume, check-shot and well log suite from two exploratory wells (C-001 and C-002) drilled into Charlie Field were utilized for this study. Data analysis and visualization was done using Schlumberger Petrel software. The workflow began with data loading, quality checks and log conditioning. Gamma ray log, neutron and density logs were used to delineate 10 reservoir intervals (A-J). Resistivity established the contained fluid, while neutron and density logs were used to discriminate hydrocarbon type. Reservoir A (R-A) and reservoir J (R-J) were selected for further assessment based on thickness, cleanliness and contained fluids. Average gross and net established from log signatures are 126.67ft and 123.57ft for R-A and 137.66 and 112.69ft for R-J. Effective porosity, permeability and water saturation are 29%, 2218.38 mD and 27% in R-A; and 26%, 2286.33 mD and 31% in R-J. Twenty-nine faults were identified which included antithetic and synthetic faults. Seismic ties enabled mapping R-A and R-J reservoirs as positive peak amplitude events. Generated time and depth converted structure maps revealed closures that are anticlinal supported by normal faults. Maximum amplitude extraction and OWC mapping enhanced prospects and lead identification. Three prospects and a lead were identified on Surface A, and two prospects and a lead on surface B. The maximum amplitudes showed no conformance to structure, hence there is likely tendency for sand-sand juxtaposition, which decreases the sealing capacity of the faults. Because field management decisions are usually made using a deterministic approach, hydrocarbon volumes were evaluated using a deterministic approach where minimum, mean and maximum petrophysical properties for each reservoir, were used for calculating P10, P50 and P90. Based on P50, prospect A in R-J had STOIIP of 1023 mmstb and prospect B had STOIIP of 106 mmstb. For R-A, prospect A had STOIIP off 625 mmstb, 175 for B and 176 for prospect C. Production profitability assessment done using a risk factor of 20%, onshore production cost of 31.6 USD, recovery factor of 35% for Niger Delta reservoirs, and the current price of oil at 63 USD, showed that all the prospects can be recovered at a profit. In terms decreasing profitability, the following trend was established; prospect A in R-J (2.248 billion USD), prospect A in R-A (1.373 billion USD), prospect B in R-A (474.77 million USD), prospect C in R-A (386.85 million USD) and prospect B in R-J (232.99 million USD). .

Keyword: Lead, Prospect, Deterministic approach, STOIIP..


Justice.O. Tamunoibelema, Pascal. I. Esenenjor, Jude. U. Igweajah "Exploration Potential and Risk Analysis of the Charlie Field Onshore Niger Delta" Vol 2-Issue 6 (700-710) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Under in review process,Remaining article will publish soon...
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