International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development

International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development

( International Peer Reviewed Open Access Journal ) ISSN [ Online ] : 2581 - 7175

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IJSRED Volume 2 - Issue 6, November - December 2019

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S. No. Title and Authors Name Paper ID
Automatic Tagging and Face Detection Mechanism Using Deep Neural Network
Author(s): Jitty Merin Mathew, Smita C Thomas
Page(s): 212-214

With the tremendous increase in video and image database there is a great need of automatic understanding and examination of data by the intelligent systems as manually it is becoming out of reach. Narrowing it down to one specific domain, one of the most specific objects that can be traced in the images are people i.e. faces. Face detection is becoming a challenge by its increasing use in number of applications. It is the first step for face recognition, face analysis and detection of other features of face. This paper considers the problem of multi-view face detection. While there has been significant research on this problem, current state-of-the-art approaches for this task require annotation of facial landmarks,or annotation of face poses. They also require training dozens of models to fully capture faces in all orientations, e.g. 22 models in HeadHunter method. In this paper proposes Deep Dense Face Detector (DDFD), a method that does not require pose/landmark annotation and is able to detect faces in a wide range of orientations using a single model based on deep convolutional neural networks. The proposed method has minimal complexity; unlike other recent deep learning object detection methods, it does not require additional components such as segmentation, bounding-box regression, or SVM classifiers.

Keyword: Face Detection, Face Recognition, Tagging, Deep Learning, Convolution Neural Network.


Jitty Merin Mathew, Smita C Thomas "Automatic Tagging and Face Detection Mechanism Using Deep Neural Network" Vol 2-Issue 6 (212-214) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Privacy Preserving Aggregate Statistics for Mobile Crowdsensing
Author(s): Laya Chacko, Smita C Thomas
Page(s): 215-220

Mobile crowd-sensing applications turn out helpful information of the encircling setting. Take user answerability into consideration by revoking malicious users from the present task or all tasks of the MCS system. Framework for assignment tasks to staff in a web manner while not compromising the placement privacy of staff and tasks. Perturb the locations of each tasks ad staff supported geo-indistinguishability. Devise techniques to quantify the likelihood of reachability between a task and a employee. Each analytical and empirical models for quantifying the worker-task try reachability. Propose task assignment ways that strike a balance among numerous metrics. Metrics embrace the quantity of completed tasks, employee travel distance and system overhead.

Keyword: Differential Privacy, Mobile Crowdsourcing, Privacy Preserving, Data Publication.


Laya Chacko, Smita C Thomas "Privacy Preserving Aggregate Statistics for Mobile Crowdsensing" Vol 2-Issue 6 (215-220) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Attacks on health system in South Sudan
Author(s): Samuel Kemboi Biwott, Andrew Ngugi, Juliet Ajok, Agaba Gerald, Paul Oceng Ojara, Patrick Luseni
Page(s): 221-249

Complex emergencies have been defined as “relatively acute situations affecting large civilian populations, usually involving a combination of war or civil strife, food shortages and population displacement, resulting in significant excess mortality” Armed conflict causes an enormous amount of death and disability worldwide. It destroys families, communities and cultures. It diverts scarce resources. It disrupts the societal infrastructure that supports health. It forces people to leave their homes and become internally displaced persons or refugees who have fled to other countries. It violates human rights. It promotes violence as a means to resolve conflicts and it degrades the environment. Armed conflict has an even more profound effect on low- and middle-income countries. Health professionals can play important roles in minimizing the adverse consequences of war and in preventing war itself provide evidence for conflict resolution efforts, we carried out retrospective documents and literature Large-scale armed conflict in South Sudan has led to the displacement of about 4.5 million people and severely affected food security and livelihoods. So as to inform the ongoing humanitarian response and reviews from various sources to construct the direct and indirect effect of conflict and war on fragility of health system for the period 2014 and 2018.While important factors such as climate abnormalities, limited farming technology and maternal, infant and young child feeding practices modulate its severity, armed conflict is generally understood to be a key underlying cause. Moreover, its effects on health are exacerbated by other factors brought about by war, including limited preventive and curative health services, poor water and sanitation, increased disease transmission due to displacement, and exposure to both physical and mental trauma. This definition has limitations; the duration of the emergency, which may be decades, and the inclusion of food shortages as a prerequisite are especially problematic. We have redefined complex emergencies as situations in which mortality among the civilian population substantially increases above the population baseline, either as a result of the direct effects of war or indirectly through increased prevalence of malnutrition and/or transmission of communicable diseases, particularly if the latter result from deliberate political and military policies and strategies (national, subnational, or international). This definition does not include natural disasters, which are usually short term and necessitate a qualitatively different response, but may include situations in which war does not play a major part (famine where government policies contribute to food insecurity) or situations in which food insecurity is not prominent (war and civil strife in developed countries).

Keyword: Health, War, Conflict, Morbidity, displacement, Mortality and Migration.


Samuel Kemboi Biwott, Andrew Ngugi, Juliet Ajok, Agaba Gerald, Paul Oceng Ojara, Patrick Luseni "Attacks on health system in South Sudan" Vol 2-Issue 6 (221-249) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

What are Roles of Women in Tulama Oromo Gada System? The Case of Ilu, South-West Shewa Zone, Oromia Regional State
Author(s): Aregash Eticha Sefera
Page(s): 250-262

This study deals with the role of women in Gada system in Tulama Oromo of Ilu. Gada is an indigenous institution that incorporates political, social and economic issues of the Oromo. In this institution, Women have their own role and status in the political, social and economic affairs of the Oromo society. The objective of this study is to examine the role of women among Tulama Oromo of Ilu Gada system. To achieve this objective, both primary and secondary data was used. Accordingly, interview, focus group discussion and participant observation were employed to collect data. For this purpose, informants were selected from Abba Gada (father of Gada), Luba, Jaartii Cifree (wife of Yuba (retired Gada elder)), Haadha Siiqqee (wife of Abba Gada, Luba), community elders and culture and tourism office from government officials. These informants were participated in interview, focus group discussion. In such way, 36 informants were directly involved in the study. In anthropological studies, analysis is an instrument to extract meanings and interpretation from the data obtained during fieldwork. In such manner, data were presented in a qualitative type. The findings of the study show that women have tremendous role in gada system. In this case, no event or no ceremonies take place without the full participation of women. Women were basically represented and/or play a significant role through different institutions such as Siiqqee and other ritual ceremonies and institutions working as check and balances for protecting women’s right in general. Hence, without participation of women, the Oromoo socio-political practices could be meaningless. That is to say, any social, political and economic practice irrespective of women may not be fruitful. Based on the research findings, some recommendations were forwarded that strengthen understanding of Gada system.

Keyword: Gadaa system, Ilu Wereda, Role, Tulama Oromo, Women.


Aregash Eticha Sefera "What are Roles of Women in Tulama Oromo Gada System? The Case of Ilu, South-West Shewa Zone, Oromia Regional State" Vol 2-Issue 6 (250-262) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Environmental Issues and Public Health of Pakistan
Author(s): Kiran Younas, Rabail Urooj
Page(s): 263-265

A study was conducted in Pakistan in order to determine the public health and their impacts on human and environment. Different issues were studied in public health that included water and air pollution problems. Many diseases are reported in Pakistan which includes HIV/AIDS, Dengue fever and tuberculosis. Instead of these diseases many healthcare delivery systems are provided for public health. In Pakistan there are several policies in different years for public health and environmental issues. One of the policy is “National Health Vision” (2016_2025). Different organizations are working for public health. The result shows that due to policies for public health many diseases are controlled and environment conditions become much better.

Keyword: - - -


Kiran Younas, Rabail Urooj "Environmental Issues and Public Health of Pakistan" Vol 2-Issue 6 (263-265) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Autonomous Agricultural BOT
Author(s): Arati Nimbalkar, Anam Shaikh, Jayashree Hogale, Manisha Gite, Prof.R.S.Parte
Page(s): 266-275

With the advancement of science and recent technologies the attention of scientist is getting directed towards two field – Farming and Robotics System. But the combination of two technologies can serve efficiently for many problems by overcoming the limitation of previous technologies. Robotics technologies alone serve very well for the various problems in the field of engineering, medical, military, industry evolution and other various areas of development and requirements, but here we pile together the new advancement in agriculture with robotics to develop the agriculture system which can be used in more complex dynamic systems. This technology provides optimum and efficient solution for wide ranges of production with their merits and demerits. This robotic system is named as agricultural robot. We have to develop a robot capable of performing operations like automatic ploughing, seed dispensing and watering. It also provides manual control when required and keeps tabs on the humidity with the help of humidity sensors. The main component here is the AVR Atmega microcontroller that supervises the entire process. Initially the robot tills the entire field and proceeds to ploughing, simultaneously dispensing seeds side by side. After seeding it also levels the soil and waters the ground. For manual control the robot uses the Bluetooth pairing app as control device and helps in the navigation of the robot inside the field. The field is fitted with humidity sensors placed at various spots that continuously monitor the environment for humidity levels. It checks these levels with the set point for humidity and alerts the farmer. It also has temperature sensors and moisture sensor that sends data to the app. The water sprinklers, if on, bring down the humidity level thus providing an ideal growing environment to crop. Farmers today spend a lot of money on machines that help them decrease labour and increase yield of crops but the profit and efficiency are very less. Hence automation is the ideal solution to overcome all the shortcomings by creating machines that perform all operations and automating it to increase yield on a large scale.

Keyword: Movement, Agricultural robot,, Arduino, Robot Architecture, Agricultural Functions, Android, Sensors.


Arati Nimbalkar, Anam Shaikh, Jayashree Hogale, Manisha Gite, Prof.R.S.Parte "Autonomous Agricultural BOT" Vol 2-Issue 6 (266-275) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Advantages of 64 Bit 5T SRAM
Author(s): Supriya Raj, Vishal Shrivastava
Page(s): 276-280

It is seemed that we have to focus to minimize the power due to leakage current through a huge number of transistors and the large memory substance. This dissertation gives 5 Transistors future SoC (System on Chip) devices SRAM concept. Hence SRAM may be utilized in the place of 6 Transistors SRAM. By using DSCH2 and Microwind 2.6K we are designing a layout of SRAM in 2.5µm and 1.5µm technology by using 5 transistors and perform various operations on it. By using Microwind 2.6K software we are designing a layout diagram and checked it through DRC rule checker and after that simulate the layout and do the analysis. It helps to decrease the memory size.

Keyword: VLSI, SoC, SRAM, IC, DSCH2, DRC.


Supriya Raj, Vishal Shrivastava "Advantages of 64 Bit 5T SRAM" Vol 2-Issue 6 (276-280) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Experimental Investigation and Development of Mathematical Correlations of Cutting Parameters for Machining Titanium with CNC WEDM
Author(s): Aviyyapu mounika, K.S.V.S Sarath Chandra
Page(s): 281-290

Wire Cut EDMprocess material Titanium different parameters of machining current, cutting speed, spark gap and Material removal rate will be investigated and best suited values forstable and controlled machining with least wire breakage.In the present work aimed at Experimental Investigation to determining optimal values of machining parameters in the machining of Titanium material of different Thickness using wire cut electric discharge machine. It also aimed at development of mathematical correlations to determine the effect of machining parameters on Current, Cutting speed, Spark gap, and Material Removal Rate investigated and best suited values for stable and controlled machining with least wire breakage. The experiments are conducted on the Titanium material by cutting L and U shapes by varying machining current from a lower value to a higher value in 5 steps. The cutting speed is noted down from machine display and surface finish is measured on using Tallysurf.The spark gap is calculated from cutting width. The optimum values of machining current, cutting speed, spark gap, surface roughness and MRR are used for plotting the curves and best fit curve is selected using the Origin 8.0,software.The mathematical relation is for best fit curve and statistically analysis is performed to find fitness of the curve. The maximum error obtained from calculated values and experimental values are found to be less than 4 %.From these we, conclude that Regression Statistical analysis gives better prediction values with less error%.

Keyword: WEDM, Cutting speed, MRR, Spark gap, surface roughness,Mathematical correlations, Regression Analysis.


Aviyyapu mounika, K.S.V.S Sarath Chandra "Experimental Investigation and Development of Mathematical Correlations of Cutting Parameters for Machining Titanium with CNC WEDM" Vol 2-Issue 6 (281-290) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Household Energy Use–Clean and Energy Efficient Cooking Solution – a case study of Chhukha Dzongkhag
Author(s): Jigme Lhaden, Ngawang Dorji, Dupjay Pelzang, Roshan Chhetri
Page(s): 291-297

Bhutanese cooking pattern as of now isliquefied petroleum gas (LPG), firewood and kerosene which are sufficiently not clean. As Bhutan is increasingly intrested in switching for clean and efficient household energy, it is never too early to go for electricity and induction cooking. In this paper cost, time, environmental impact and loading of distrubution transformer are substantially analysed and came up with the conclusion that induction cooking is the best cooking solution besides exsisting cooking technologies. With the introduction of induction cooking in the country, people will often feel scaptic to go for induction cooking. This paper dissiminate and create awareness on cost and time benefit analysis which will make people easy to decide on the more efficient cooking energy. This solution solves the overall increasing use of dirty energy consumption and thereby at the macro level helping to acheive the country’s mission of maintaining carbon neutal country for all the times to come

Keyword: Clean and efficient energy, induction cooktops, GHG emission, transformer loading.


Jigme Lhaden, Ngawang Dorji, Dupjay Pelzang, Roshan Chhetri "Household Energy Use–Clean and Energy Efficient Cooking Solution – a case study of Chhukha Dzongkhag" Vol 2-Issue 6 (291-297) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Author(s): Gregory Abramov
Page(s): 298-300

Many world languages contain two technical terms which are equally used in the modern scientific and industrial lexicons and, at a first glimpse,soundpretty similar: "geotechnology" ("geotechnological") and "geotechnic" ("geotechnical"). Due to that apparent similarity and the lack of a clear definition of "geotechnology", they are often misused, creating significant muddle and confusion. This article is an attempt to clarify the situation.

Keyword: Geotechnology, geotechnological, geotechnic, geotechnical, remote operated mining.


Gregory Abramov "GEOTECHNIC VS. GEOTECHNOLOGY" Vol 2-Issue 6 (298-300) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

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