International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development

International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development

( International Peer Reviewed Open Access Journal ) ISSN [ Online ] : 2581 - 7175

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IJSRED Volume 2 - Issue 3, May - June 2019

S. No. Title and Authors Name Paper ID
Removal of pH and Concentration in Biosorpsi of Cu2+ Metal Ions withLongan Shell (Euphoria longan Lour) that has been Immobilized
Author(s): Khairunnisa, Bahrizal, Indang Dewata, Syamsi Aini, Desy Kurniawati
Page(s): 686-690

The detection of abnormal events has an essential role in video content analysis and is a challenging task in order to monitor the surveillance fields. In this paper, we proposea way to train the neural network through abnormal, anomalous and normal videos with clipping them as video segments and extracting the features. The anomaly detecting model trained, predicts probability scores for the testing video segments.

Keyword: anomaly event detection, video surveillance, computer vision, activity recognition, feature extraction.


Khairunnisa, Bahrizal, Indang Dewata, Syamsi Aini, Desy Kurniawati "Removal of pH and Concentration in Biosorpsi of Cu2+ Metal Ions withLongan Shell (Euphoria longan Lour) that has been Immobilized" Vol 2-Issue 3 (686-690) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Design and Construction of Earthquake Detection and Location Reporting System on Google Map
Author(s): Zin Mar Cho, Win Zaw Hein
Page(s): 691-698

A large number of people died in every year caused by earthquake around the world. As a result of insufficient information, emergency service such as safely cannot be provided in time to the occurrence of earthquake places. Therefore, many lives have been lost for earthquake victims. The goal of this proposed system is to know the magnitude of earthquake in time and show the details of earthquake in google, mobile etc. This proposed system aims to design by using sensors and controller and empowering them to communicate with each other through wireless technologies. This system has two devices: the detector and reporter. The detecting device was devised using simulated sensor program. MPU 6050 sensor detects the occurrence of the earthquake. GPS is used to support identification of the location such as latitude and longitude of the earthquake and sent it to the Arduino uno. Wi-Fi module is used to connect the controller and sent to the server. Further reporting device could be done to send data on the website for user interface. Finally, the location, origin time and magnitude of the earthquake are shown on the Global Map (Google Map) by Wi-Fi module.

Keyword: IMU Sensor,GPS, Wi-Fi module (ESP8266), Google Map,Internet of Things (IOT).


Zin Mar Cho, Win Zaw Hein "Design and Construction of Earthquake Detection and Location Reporting System on Google Map" Vol 2-Issue 3 (691-698) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

RP-92: Solutions of three Special Classes of Congruence of Prime Modulus of Higher Degree
Author(s): Prof. B. M. Roy
Page(s): 699-703

In this paper, three formulae are established for solutions of three special classes of congruence of prime modulus ofhigher degree.The formulae are tested true by citing example. The said congruence are possible to solve very easily in the least time. Formulation is the merit of the paper.No discussion on such standard congruence of higher degree are found in the literature of mathematics. Formulation made the congruence easily solvable.

Keyword: Congruence of higher degree,Fermat’s theorem, Inverse-modulo a prime, Prime-modulus.


Prof. B. M. Roy "RP-92: Solutions of three Special Classes of Congruence of Prime Modulus of Higher Degree" Vol 2-Issue 3 (699-703) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Analyzing and Improving the Efficiency of Hadoop-Cluster for Big Data Analysis
Author(s): Deepak Kumar, Saurabh Charaya
Page(s): 704-709

The extent of Digitization is continuously increasing by leaps and bounds now a days, resulting in accumulation of large amount of data every second. The data can be a transaction, it can be a social media chat or from any other source. Processing such a Big Data is a very time consuming and tedious task. Though we have advanced systems and techniques to process this data but still there are possibilities of improvements. This paper analysis and explores such possibilities to improve the performance of Hadoop-cluster which is being used to process the big data. In this paper, we first analysis the performance of the cluster and then suggest some method to improve the overall performance of the system..

Keyword: Big Data, Hadoop-cluster, Fault tolerance, MapReduce.


Deepak Kumar, Saurabh Charaya "Analyzing and Improving the Efficiency of Hadoop-Cluster for Big Data Analysis" Vol 2-Issue 3 (704-709) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Mitigation of Torque Ripple & Detect Rotor Position of BLDC Motor
Author(s): Ramanuj Nigam, Govind Pandya
Page(s): 710-715

In the recent past, variable speed driving systems have sprouted in various small scale and large scale applications like automobile industries, domestic appliances etc. The usage of green and eco friendly electronics are greatly developed to save the energy consumption of various devices. This lead to the development in Brushless DC motor (BLDCM). The usage of BLDCM enhances various performance factors ranging from higher efficiency, higher torque in low-speed range, high power density ,low maintenance and less noise than other motors. The BLDCM can act as an alternative for traditional motors like induction and switched reluctance motors. In this paper hysteresis current controller is implemented with speed feedback loop and it is observe that torque ripples are minimized. Simulation is carried out using MATLAB / SIMULINK. The results show that the performance of BLDCM is quite satisfactory for various loading conditions.

Keyword: Brushless DC (BLDC) motor, Fast Torque response, low-frequency torque ripples, RC network, , Hall effect Position-sensorlesscontrol,Torque Pulsation..


Ramanuj Nigam, Govind Pandya "Mitigation of Torque Ripple & Detect Rotor Position of BLDC Motor" Vol 2-Issue 3 (710-715) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Analytical Study of Strengthening of RCC Beam Openings by BFRP Composites using ABAQUS
Author(s): Ashwini Halyal, Neethu Urs
Page(s): 716-720

This paper aims to appraise the influence of Basalt Fibre Reinforced Plastic [BFRP] wrapping on the effect of strengthening of openings in RCC beam. Finite element analysis has been used in order to study this problem. Five beams were analyzed using finite element program ABAQUS software. The beams are of span 1000mm and are having rectangular cross section of size 150mm x 250mm. One solid beam is treated as control beam. The rest of the beams were divided into two groups depending upon opening dimensions i.e. single circular opening of diameter 94.40 mm and double circular opening of diameter 66.75 mm. As per SP 34,openings are provided. Each group has two beams with one unstrengthened beam and other beam were wrapped with BFRP. All these beams are simply supported and are analyzed by applying midpoint loading. The load carrying capacity and the deformation of the beams are studied and analyzed in detail. Strengthening of the beam introduced with small sized double opening is found to be more efficient compared to large sized single opening while openings having the same area.

Keyword: BFRP, Strengthening, Load carrying capacity, ABAQUS.


Ashwini Halyal, Neethu Urs "Analytical Study of Strengthening of RCC Beam Openings by BFRP Composites using ABAQUS" Vol 2-Issue 3 (716-720) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Disturbances in the Supply of Electricity and the Current Extent of Deforestation: The Case Study of Lubumbashi City, DR Congo
Author(s): Banza Wa Banza Bonaventure, Ilunga Kabiakulwa Alexis, Kibale Musenge Frank
Page(s): 721-731

Deforestation is commonly explained by population growth is economic. Many authors corroborate the thesis that the impact of the speed of economic and demographic growth on deforestation can be offset by good land management at the local level (bottom-up approach). In this work we show that the quality of electrical service at the urban scale can also explain deforestation. In total, 1460 households were surveyed in 7 communes of the city of Lubumbashi. Household survey data were subjected to a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) to highlight the differences between the averages of the different municipalities.In addition, a Tukey post-hoc test was applied to determine the difference between the 5% significance level means. R 2.15 and Past software were used for statistical analysis. The results of this work reveal a malfunction of the electricity network characterised by cuts with an average of 3 days of cut per week and 17 hours of cuts per day at the city level. This pushes households to use charcoal as a source of energy for cooking with an utilisation rate of more than 90% regardless of the type of neighborhood and on the outskirts of the city the forests are regressing to meet the demand for energy charcoal. This leads us to argue that the state can curb deforestation by improving the quality and the rate of electricity supply, which would prevent households from consuming charcoal for energy needs (top down approach).

Keyword: Disturbance, electricity supply, deforestation, Lubumbashi.


Banza Wa Banza Bonaventure, Ilunga Kabiakulwa Alexis, Kibale Musenge Frank "Disturbances in the Supply of Electricity and the Current Extent of Deforestation: The Case Study of Lubumbashi City, DR Congo" Vol 2-Issue 3 (721-731) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Ethical Issues in Select Nigerian Children’s Fiction: A Linguistic Perspective
Author(s): Umoren, Mariastella
Page(s): 732-745

The notion of ethics in literary creation pertains to the transforming powers of literature as well as issues of appropriateness and adequacy. Literature for children has the capacity to support children to think ethically and it also imposes pressure on authors and publishers to make ethically appropriate choices in language, content and form. Patterns of linguistics structures deployed by authors of select Nigerian children’s fiction have been analysed using the systemic linguistic descriptive frame (SFL). Findingsrevealed conformity in some lexico-grammatical choices. Clausal elements and sentence typology (simple compound and complex) have been identified and their meta-functions ascertained as interrogative, assertive, and exclamatory Findings could serve as linguistic check list for authors, publishers and teachers of children’s literature..

Keyword: Ethical issues, Children’s literature, Lexico- grammatical choices and meta-functions..


Umoren, Mariastella "Ethical Issues in Select Nigerian Children’s Fiction: A Linguistic Perspective" Vol 2-Issue 3 (721-731) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

An Evaluation of Compaction Characteristics for Expansive Clays by Using Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Technique
Author(s): Harish S, Vinay A, A V Pradeep Kumar
Page(s): 746-752

Preparation of Soil Grade Layer by achieving maximum dry density is most important in the construction of highway according to Ministry of Road, Transport and Highways. Therefore, determination of density for soil in the field is done by destructive methods such as core cutter or sand replacement tests. But these methods are tedious as well as require a lot of time. The present investigation aims at determining a non-destructive method of determining the density in the field.Non-destructive testing by using ultrasonic pulse velocity method was performed on compacted clayey soil. The various physical properties of the soil were determined. Further laboratory specimens were prepared for varying percentages of GGBS and moisture contents by Standard Proctor method. Wave velocity by direct transmission was determined for all the specimens and optimum moisture contents for each of the percentages of GGBS was determined. Slabs were cast for soils with varying percentages of GGBS and their corresponding optimum moisture contents. Wave velocities were determined for both direct and indirect transmission. Cores were made and respective densities were determined. All the specimens tested exhibited an increase in pulse velocity with increase in dry density until optimum moisture content was obtained and a rapid decrease in velocity with further increase in water content. The observations made were in conformity to the research made earlier. The parameters investigated include water content, dry density, soil characteristics and the relationship between velocity and density.

Keyword: Ultrasonic pulse velocity test, water content, wave velocity, p-velocity, dry density.


Harish S, Vinay A, A V Pradeep Kumar "An Evaluation of Compaction Characteristics for Expansive Clays by Using Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Technique" Vol 2-Issue 3 (746-752) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Casing and Cementing Job in an Oil Well (A Case Study of Benin Basin Well 16A of Maro Oil Company)
Author(s): Uti L.O., Esabunor O.R., Ogugu A.A.
Page(s): 753-764

Foradrillingoperationtobeconsideredsuccessful,thewellmustbecapableofproducinghydrocarbontothesurface.Forthistobe possible, the well must be cased and cemented using cement slurry. Also, additives play significant role in oil and gas well cementing operations. Cement additives selected for cementing operations are an integral part of sound well design, construction and well integrity. Additives are available to enhance the properties of oil well slurries and achieve successful placement between the casing and the geological formation, rapid compressive strength development and adequate zonal isolation during the lifetime of the well.Thisresearchworkisfocusedoncasingandcementingoperationwhichisanintegralandindispensablepartofdrillingandcompletionprocess.Thetypeofcasingsusedduringtheactualoperationwentaccordingtotheproposedprogrammeandthecementingjobwhichwasoftheprimarytypewashighlysuccessfulandwentaccordingtodesign.Thedevelopmentofthecementslurrywascarriedoutin an ideal way based on the conditions of the formations encountered. In light of the successful nature of the casing and cementing programme carried out on Benin Basin Well 16A of Maro Oil Company, it was discovered that the practice of developing a casing strings to withstand burst, tension and collapse pressure was properly done. Thus, the developed casing strings can withstand any forceencountered.

Keyword: Casing, Cementing, oil well, force, additives, Benin Basin Well 16A.


Uti L.O., Esabunor O.R., Ogugu A.A. "Casing and Cementing Job in an Oil Well(A Case Study of Benin Basin Well 16A of Maro Oil Company)" Vol 2-Issue 3 (753-764) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

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