International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development

International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development

( International Peer Reviewed Open Access Journal ) ISSN [ Online ] : 2581 - 7175

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IJSRED Volume 2 - Issue 3, May - June 2019

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S. No. Title and Authors Name Paper ID
Mobile healthcare using Internet of Things
Author(s): I.Abinaya, S.Indumathi, N.Vani
Page(s): 91-94

Internet of Medical Things is an assortment of medical units with applications that connect hook up to healthcare IT systems through online PC networks. Medical devices designed with WiFi let the device to device interaction is the basis of IoMT. Examples of IoMT include rural patient monitoring of individual with chronic or long term conditions monitoring patient medication orders and the positioning of patients accepted to hospitals;and patient’s wearable mHealth devices, which can deliver data to care givers. IoT supporting clouds like Muzzley and AWS along with Message Queuing Telemetry Transport Protocol ensures quality of service. If any abnormal is being detected, a protocol will prudent the patient and the care giver instantaneously by sending an alert message to the care giver via the smart phone. Data security is accomplished by proper authentication and Device shadow will help to hold the persistent issue state during the intermittent connection. MQTT is preferred since it is simple to implement, light and bandwidth efficient.

Keyword: IoT,Intel Galileo,Muzzley cloud ,MQTT,AWS.


P.Pavithra, S.Babu, "Data Mining Techniques for Handling Imbalanced Datasets: A Review" Vol 2-Issue 3 (91-94) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

The Effect of Silica-Titania Catalyst Loading on the Production of Biodiesel from Palm and Waste Cooking Oil
Author(s): Zurryati, Rita Sundari, Bahrizal, Ananda Putra, Latisma DJ, Edi Nasra, Desy Kurniawati, Umar Kalmar Nizar
Page(s): 95-100

A study about the effect silica-titania catalyst loading on biodiesel production from palm oil and waste oil has been conducted. The silica titania catalyst has been synthesized by solid state method and characterized by FTIR and DR UV-Vis to investigate the formation of Si-O-Ti bond from Si and Ti precursors. The synthesized silica-titania catalyst has been applied for biodiesel production with variation of catalyst mass to oil as to be 1%, 3%, 5%, 7% and 9%. The biodiesel products have been examined for their physical properties such as density, flow rate, and acid number. The percentage of conversion obtained to be 91% for waste cooking oil (1.33% FFA) and 33.33% for palm oil (0.374% FFA). The finding is justified that silica-titania catalyst has active acid site formed through Si-O-Ti bonding.

Keyword: Silica-Titania Catalyst, Biodiesel, Titanium Tetrahedral, Transesterification, FFA.


Zurryati, Rita Sundari, Bahrizal, Ananda Putra, Latisma DJ, Edi Nasra, Desy Kurniawati, Umar Kalmar Nizar, "The Effect of Silica-Titania Catalyst Loading on the Production of Biodiesel from Palm and Waste Cooking Oil" Vol 2-Issue 3 (95-100) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Assam Liquor Tragedy of 2019: A perspective
Author(s): Dr. Aniruddha Kumar Baro, Dr. Pranti Dutta
Page(s): 101-104

The incident of hooch tragedy in Assam exposed state’s inability to control excise activities and to educate people of the outcome from consuming illicit liquor. The commercialization of the liquor trade widened the scope for unethical production of alcohol which cost more than 150 lives in the district of Golaghat and Jorhat districts of Assam.

Keyword: Alcohol, Assam, tragedy, tradition, business, Death.


Dr. Aniruddha Kumar Baro, Dr. Pranti Dutta, "Assam Liquor Tragedy of 2019: A perspective" Vol 2-Issue 3 (101-104) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

A Comparative Study of Academic Achievement on Hearing Impaired and Normal Students
Author(s): Sangeeta Suman
Page(s): 105-113

The present study was undertaken to know about comparative study of academic achievement of hearing impaired and normal students. For the present study of sample 160 students will be selected. In the present study purposive sampling technique will be used. The study focuses on the actual need of hearing impaired students for academics. To take them in mainstream, we should aware about their special need. The finding of the study revealed that academic achievement will be low in hearing impaired students due to language barrier and much more. If the gap is fulfilled by trained and skilled teacher they can also do better in academics.

Keyword: Academic achievement, Hearing impaired students , normal students.


Sangeeta Suman, "A Comparative Study of Academic Achievement on Hearing Impaired and Normal Students" Vol 2-Issue 3 (105-113) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Performance Analysis of Water-in-glass Evacuated Tube Solar Water Heater
Author(s): Nikhil Chandratre, SandeshGaikwad,d ChaitanyaGirase, Dinesh Khairnar, B. P. Kumbhare
Page(s): 114-118

It is necessary to develop a technique of receiving and storing solar energy efficiently. Extensive research work is taking place worldwide in the area of Solar Water Heaters. The project aims at studying the performance of water-in-glass evacuated tube solar water heater and to analyze the results obtained from the experimentation, which involves tilting evacuated tube at different angles and measuring the temperature of water in the tank over the period of time. Temperature is sensed by a suitable temperature sensor and those values are recorded manually. Those recorded values then used to obtain relationships between the inclination angle, temperature attained in the tank. A MATLAB code is used to plot temperature characteristics and calculate heat transfer coefficient. It also involves the determination of Heat gain and Heat loss from the tube at various angles of inclination during operation and suggesting the appropriate inclination angle with an efficiency point of view.

Keyword: Evacuated tube collector, Solar water heater, Tube tilt angle, Thermal Performance.


Nikhil Chandratre, SandeshGaikwad,d ChaitanyaGirase, Dinesh Khairnar, B. P. Kumbhare "Performance Analysis of Water-in-glass Evacuated Tube Solar Water Heater" Vol 2-Issue 3 (114-118) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Content Based Retrieval and Classification of Images Using Hybrid of HMMD Color Space
Author(s): Jasmeet Singh
Page(s): 119-126

With the development of the Internet, and the availability of image capturing devices such as digital cameras, image scanners, the size of digital image collection is increasing rapidly.. In CBIR, images are indexed by their visual content. Content based image retrieval consists of three parts: feature extraction, indexing and retrieval part. The techniques which are used to extract features of an image are called feature extraction techniques. The choice of features plays an important role in image retrieval. Some of the features used are color, texture and shape. Combination of these features provides better performance than single feature. Here we are extracting color mean features and color standard deviation feature with the proposed method consists of HMMD (Hue Min Max Difference) color plane. It is proved in research work that HMMD along with color mean features and color standard deviation feature is tend to reduced the size of feature vectors, storage space and gives high performance than, RGB-color mean feature. Further, HMMD color space model will be used to improve the feature extraction and improve the precision. At the end, results are presented to show the efficacy of the proposed method.

Keyword: CBIR, HMMD,Content based image classification, Feature Extraction, Color Features, Naive Bayesian Classifier.


Jasmeet Singh, "Content Based Retrieval and Classification of Images Using Hybrid of HMMD Color Space" Vol 2-Issue 3 (119-126) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Effects of Flow-Field Design on the Performance Characteristic of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells
Author(s): HoaBinh Pham, Thanh Cong Doan
Page(s): 127-130

Flow-field design of the bipolar plate plays an important role in the operation of proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC), it contributes reactants through gas diffusion layers (GDL) to the membrane electrolyte assembly (MEA), current collection, providing structural support to the MEA, water management & thermal management and so on. As a result, the flow-field design entails the design of the flow fields on both surfaces of the plate with optimum design parameters to assume responsibility for the stability and high performance of fuel cell. In this paper, numerical analysis-based design of the bipolar plate is investigated to enhance the performance of PEM fuel cell through a comparative evaluation of the fuel cell performance when flexibility using the serpentine flow-field and the serpentine flow field with sub-channels design for anode and cathode bipolar plate. The results show that using the serpentine flow-field with design as the bipolar plates appropriately have many advantages in preventing the cathode flooding and anode drying; as a result, improving fuel cell performance..

Keyword: Proton exchange membrane, flow field pattern, temperature field, polymer electrolyte membrane, Computational Fluid Dynamics.


HoaBinh Pham, Thanh Cong Doan, "Effects of Flow-Field Design on the Performance Characteristic of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells" Vol 2-Issue 3 (127-130) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Non-Human Land Drone for Soldier and Border Security, Surveillance and Navigation System
Author(s): Mrs. Kokila K S, Ravikumar G N, Mujahid, Prasad M B, Supreeth B H
Page(s): 131-135

The military forces continuously tried to use new gadgets and weapons for reducing the chance of their casualties and to defeat their enemies. With the event of subtle technology, it principally depends on the high school weapons or machinery being employed. AI is one amongst the recent fields of recent age during which the nations area unit concentrating upon for military functions within the state of war and peace. they need been in use for a few time for demining and rescue operations however currently they're beneath analysis for combat or spy missions. within the future they'll be used for intelligence and police work, supplying and support, communications infrastructure, forward-deployed offensive operations, and as military science decoys to hide planner by manned assets. so as to create robots for the unheralded untidy atmosphere of the parcel, analysis on totally different aspects of robots is beneath investigation in laboratories to be able to do its job autonomously, as expeditiously as somebody's operated machine will do...

Keyword: DC Motor, GPS, GSM, Gas sensor, IR senor, Metal detector sensor, Motor driver,Navigation system, Surveillance, Temperature sensor..


Mrs. Kokila K S, Ravikumar G N, Mujahid, Prasad M B, Supreeth B H, "Non-Human Land Drone for Soldier and Border Security, Surveillance and Navigation System" Vol 2-Issue 3 (131-135) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

GLCM-LBP Plant Leaf Disease Detection
Author(s): Samiksha Devi, Ritika, Bhanu Gupta
Page(s): 136-140

Agriculture is the backbone of the nation as it provides food and job opportunity to the humankinds and directly contributes to the economic growth of the nation. In agriculture, plant disease identification is more important one. If the diseases can be prevented early that would be more to helpful to farmers to save the crops. This paper presents as system for identification of disease of the plant by using symptoms on leaves. There are several methods reported in the literature to identify the disease. Moreover, many researchers paid their attention in identification of plant leaf disease and some of them used image processing and machine learning techniques to perform the disease prediction. This work presents a review on identification of plant disease using image processing and recognition. Disease detection involves the steps like image acquisition, image pre-processing, image segmentation, feature extraction and classification. Image processing is a method to covert an image into digital form and performs some operation on it. Feature extraction start from an initial set of measured data and builds derived values (features) intended to be informative and non–redundant, facilitating the subsequent learning and generalization steps, and in some cases leading to better human interpretation. The system applies GLCM and LBP for plant disease feature extraction using MATLAB.

Keyword: Plant Disease, GLCM, LBP, MATLAB.


Samiksha Devi, Ritika, Bhanu Gupta, "GLCM-LBP Plant Leaf Disease Detection" Vol 2-Issue 3 (136-140) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Smart Soldier Jacket
Author(s): Mrs. Nandini S, Puneeth U E, Sudarshan H S, Sachin H K, Shivakumar A N
Page(s): 141-145

As the climatic conditions are changing rapidly, the winters are getting much colder, especially in northern region and the western region of India. Since we developed a smart army jacket using control media devices such as GSM, GPS, and SENSORS in the jacket. The smart army jacket aims for providing reliable health monitoring as well as position tracking of soldier. Some of climatically conditions are led to. unfortunate deaths of soldiers. This jacket can automatically sense the temperature inside, outside using temperature sensors. We are using coils for heating purpose and the temperature of the coil will depends on the outer temperature. GPS, GSM are the models used for communication purpose. Hence for monitoring the health and the heart rate of the soldier health monitoring equipment sensors are been establish in the jacket as well.

Keyword: Atmega328 microcontroller, Electric coils, Arduino uno, GPS and GSM modules, LM35,temperature sensor, Heartbeat sensor, battery, etcs.


Mrs. Nandini S, Puneeth U E, Sudarshan H S, Sachin H K, Shivakumar A N, "Smart Soldier Jacket" Vol 2-Issue 3 (141-145) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,
