International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development( International Peer Reviewed Open Access Journal ) ISSN [ Online ] : 2581 - 7175 |
IJSRED » Archives » Volume2 -Issue4- Part5
IJSRED Volume 2 - Issue 4, July - August 2019
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The Arab-Israel Conflict: An Uncertain Future
Author(s): Dr. Afshan
Page(s): 486-499
This paper examines a major turning points have characterized the Middle East since the end of the Second World War is Arab-Israeli conflict. In 1948, Zionist Jews living in the British mandate of Palestine declared the independent State of Israel. This ushered in strong sentiments of military-centered nationalism and engulfed the entire region in war. Following the four Arab-Israel War, it became clear that the military nationalists had failed to provide answers to the most pressing issues of the region. However, the establishment of the State of Israel created more than one million Palestinian refugees. Their conditions of life are now precarious. In terms of the human cost, it is estimated that the conflict has taken millions of lives. The settlement of millions of Arabs in Israel would immediately eliminate Israel as a Jewish state. This is the real aim of the Arab countries, to achieve by supposedly "peaceful" means what they could not achieve by unceasing violence in whole scale wars and daily terrorism. Keyword: Jewish State, Palestine, immigration, Zionists.× Dr. Afshan "The Arab-Israel Conflict: An Uncertain Future" Vol 2-Issue 4 (486-499) July - August 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, × |
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Effect of Light Intensity and Lighting Duration on Arab Chicken (Gallus turciccus) Feed Consumption
Author(s): Aditya Wirawantoro Putra, Pratiwi Trisunuwati, Muharlien
Page(s): 500-503
This study aims to determine the consumption of Arabic chicken feed using differences in light intensity and lighting duration. The material of this study was 36 layer phase Arab chickens with an average body weight of 924.28 ± 90.45 g. The research method used was an experiment, with a 2x2 factorial complete randomized design. Chickens are kept for 9 weeks in the battery enclosure cage. Data were analyzed using variance test (ANOVA) with the help of Microsoft Excel 2013 Program. If data were significant that will be followed by Duncan's test. The results showed that the treatment of light intensity and lighting duration give a very significantly different effect on Arab chicken feed consumption. In general, the most efficient feed consumption is group I1L1. The conclusion of this study is that the intensity of light and different lighting times have an impact on the differences in Arab chicken feed consumption. Keyword: arab chicken, light intensity, lighting duration.× Aditya Wirawantoro Putra, Pratiwi Trisunuwati, Muharlien "Effect of Light Intensity and Lighting Duration on Arab Chicken (Gallus turciccus) Feed Consumption" Vol 2-Issue 4 (500-503) July - August 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, × |
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Comparative Study of Post-Tension System in Flat Plate and Flat Slab
Author(s): Vishal v Patil, Prof. MD. Ismail
Page(s): 504-508
The use of post-tensioned concepts floors in buildings has been consistently growing in recent years. The greatest use of his type of construction has been in the USA, and in California it is the primary choice for concrete floors. Post-tensioned floors have already have been in use countries like Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore and Europe. Their use in the UK is now growing rapidly.As there is increase in urban population which has led to an increase in demand for liveable space, resulting in increasing cost. Due to increase in demand for efficient floor systems.As this thesis work is on comparative study of two different post tensioned slabs, one flat slab with drop and other without drop which is flat plate slab. Initially analysis is carried out in manual designing of slab using British code and then later modelling has been carried out in FEM software. In model all the properties of material and sections are defined first and then with the help of grid the frame with slab model is prepared. Keyword: Post-tension, Deflection, punching shear etc.× Vishal v Patil, Prof. MD. Ismail "Comparative Study of Post-Tension System in Flat Plate and Flat Slab" Vol 2-Issue 4 (504-508) July - August 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, × |
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IOT based Smart Home Security System using RFID and Bluetooth
Author(s): Khaing Myat Nwe, Kaythi Wut Mhone Khin, Zin May Win, Zarni Sann
Page(s): 508-514
This IOT based smart security and smart home automation systems are trying to achieve comfort combined with simplicity. Bluetooth based Home security and Home automation are the twofold features of this system. The currently built prototype of the system sends alerts to the owner over message using the smart phone. This IoT project focuses on building a smart home security system which sends alerts to the owner and raises an alarm optionally. So, people want to use for security to become safety environment. There has been a focus on the deployment of home security alarm system. But if there is Automatic Home Security System, people can feel safety of their home and also be feeling smart and comfortable of their home. So Home Security System is necessary for every home. In this system, door lock that can be controlled by RFID card and automatic light system can be used. The alarm will sound if there is movement inside the house at night. This system can communicated with Short Message Service (SMS) on Android phone to control home appliances.. Keyword: Smart home, home appliances, Arduino, Bluetooth, Android, RFID.× Khaing Myat Nwe, Kaythi Wut Mhone Khin, Zin May Win, Zarni Sann "IOT based Smart Home Security System using RFID and Bluetooth" Vol 2-Issue 4 (508-514) July - August 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, × |
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Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) Inference Based Electronic Goods Production
Author(s): Zarni Sann, Thi Thi Soe, Kaythi Wut Hmone Khin, Lin Lin Pyway
Page(s): 515-519
The system can provide the user to forecast the electronic goods production for future in business application within acceptable time. By using this system, user can obtain the desired solution for producing such as profit, products and general expenses for future. Electronic goods producing are the act of determining the future value of business sectors on time series historical data. The ability to accurately forecast long-term future sales of specific items is highly desirable capability for many business areas. New product sales forecasting must deal with major problems caused by lack of data and the uncertainty of how breakthrough technologies and products will be accepted by consumers. It is then matched with previous stored cases and retrieved the most similar cases. The nearest-neighbor concept is employed to match cases and the similarity percentages are shown as a result. Keyword: CBR Inference and CBR cycle, Similarity measure, the local-global principle.× Zarni Sann, Thi Thi Soe, Kaythi Wut Hmone Khin, Lin Lin Pyway "Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) Inference Based Electronic Goods Production" Vol 2-Issue 4 (515-519) July - August 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, × |
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Performance Assessment of Distributive Secondary Control of Microgrid
Author(s): Meenu Tiwari, Manish Awasthi
Page(s): 520-529
Paper proposes a multi agent based distributed cooperative secondary level control of micro grid. Considering DGs in a micro grid as agents which requires only own information and the information of some neighbors. Input–output feedback linearization is used to control tracker synchronization problem and complex communication network used which improve the system reliability. The Secondary control is 0responsible to maintain the voltage and frequency of the micro grid within the acceptable ranges. To achieve a dynamic variation for the output active power ratios among the distributed energy resources, the distributive cooperative secondary control has to adjust the references of frequency for the rated active power and the references of voltage for rated reactive power. The proposed secondary control may lead to unacceptable voltage and frequency in the microgrid and has to adjust the references of the voltage and frequency consequently. A distributed networked Secondary control proposed approach is used in order to avoiding implementation of microgrid central controller and not only able to restore frequency and voltage of the MG but also ensures active and reactive power sharing so that the failure of a single unit will not produce the fail down of the whole system. Distributive cooperative secondary control ensures the stabilization and the synchronization of the inverters frequencies and regulates the frequencies to a rated value. The developed novel solution takes into account the converters parameters as apparent power limit and maximum active power which balance the system and improves reliability. The control parameters and its effectiveness for a desired response speed verified by the simulation of a microgrid test system. Keyword: Distributed generation, Distributed cooperative control, multi-agent systems, synchronization..× Meenu Tiwari, Manish Awasthi "Performance Assessment of Distributive Secondary Control of Microgrid" Vol 2-Issue 4 (520-529) July - August 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, × |
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Evaluation of Knowledge of Educators on Dental Avulsion in Two Education Establishments in Manaus
Author(s): Anunciata Matos Carvalh, IvonildaNogueira da Silva, Érica da Silva Carvalho; Ângela Xavier Monteiro; Eduardo Jorge SantAnaHonorato; Daniel Cerdeira de Souza; Sônia Maria Lemos; Tirza Almeida da Silva; Clarissa Santana Cruz; LuzianeVitoriano da Costa; Kenne Samara Andrade Martins; RômuloChaves Pereira de Oliveira
Page(s): 530-540
The subject assessment of knowledge of educators Children's House Nursery and Municipal School of Basic Education painter Leonardo da Vinci - Manaus-AM on dental avulsion aims to verify if teachers have adequate knowledge about dentoalveolar trauma, as well as the most appropriate conduct before one tooth avulsion frame. The dental trauma is one of the most important oral health problems in childhood, may cause distress and pain as well as physical, psychological distress and other implications such as a tendency to avoid smile, that may affect social relationships. The emergency care for traumatized teeth is recognized as critical to the success of the final treatment. Therefore, before an avulsed tooth in the school environment, the participation of teachers in emergencies can help in providing good care to the injured child, because the quality of the emergency procedures will directly affect the long-term prognosis of avulsed tooth.. Keyword: Knowledge of educators, Tooth avulsion,Dentoalveolar trauma.× Anunciata Matos Carvalh, IvonildaNogueira da Silva, Érica da Silva Carvalho; Ângela Xavier Monteiro; Eduardo Jorge SantAnaHonorato; Daniel Cerdeira de Souza; Sônia Maria Lemos; Tirza Almeida da Silva; Clarissa Santana Cruz; LuzianeVitoriano da Costa; Kenne Samara Andrade Martins; RômuloChaves Pereira de Oliveira "Evaluation of Knowledge of Educators on Dental Avulsion in Two Education Establishments in Manaus" Vol 2-Issue 4 (530-540) July - August 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, × |
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Spatial Analysis on Rural Economy in Taungtha Township, Mandalay Region, Myanmar
Author(s): Thida Hlaing
Page(s): 553-561
The main aim of this paper is to analyze rural economy of Taungtha Township.Primary activities play an important role in rural economy of developing countries like Myanmar. Among them, agriculture is the primary source of livelihood not only for the country but also for the study area, i.e, Taungtha Township. The boundary lines along the north-western of the township are demarcated by hydrology features of Ayeyarwady River. It has 78 village tracts and Taungtha Town. It was aimed to assess the role of primary sector in rural economy of Taungtha Township. The primary sector includes the production of raw material and basic foods. Activities associated with the primary sector include agriculture (subsistence and commercial), forestry, and farming, grazing, fishing and quarrying. Primary economic activities are still influencing upon the rural economy. Then, after analyzing the working people force is 15 percent of rural population in the primary sector. However, only about 45 percent of the agriculture workers can support sufficient food for the rest of about 55 percent of population. Keyword: Primary activities, labor forces, rural economy and working force.× Thida Hlaing "Spatial Analysis on Rural Economy in Taungtha Township, Mandalay Region, Myanmar" Vol 2-Issue 4 (553-561) July - August 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, × |
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Mixing and Proportioning of High Strength Concrete
Author(s): Khine Zar Mon, Swe Swe Khaing
Page(s): 562-564
The main aim of this paper is to analyze rural economy of Taungtha Township.Primary activities play an important role in rural economy of developing countries like Myanmar. Among them, agriculture is the primary source of livelihood not only for the country but also for the study area, i.e, Taungtha Township. The boundary lines along the north-western of the township are demarcated by hydrology features of Ayeyarwady River. It has 78 village tracts and Taungtha Town. It was aimed to assess the role of primary sector in rural economy of Taungtha Township. The primary sector includes the production of raw material and basic foods. Activities associated with the primary sector include agriculture (subsistence and commercial), forestry, and farming, grazing, fishing and quarrying. Primary economic activities are still influencing upon the rural economy. Then, after analyzing the working people force is 15 percent of rural population in the primary sector. However, only about 45 percent of the agriculture workers can support sufficient food for the rest of about 55 percent of population. Keyword: Primary activities, labor forces, rural economy and working force.× Khine Zar Mon, Swe Swe Khaing "Mixing and Proportioning of High Strength Concrete" Vol 2-Issue 4 (562-564) July - August 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, × |