International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development

International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development

( International Peer Reviewed Open Access Journal ) ISSN [ Online ] : 2581 - 7175

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IJSRED Volume 2 - Issue 4, July - August 2019

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S. No. Title and Authors Name Paper ID
The Influence of Brand Image and Product Price on Purchase Decision (A Study on iPhone in Indonesia)
Author(s): Esther KristianiYustisiana, Indira Rachmawati
Page(s): 01-07

Smartphone is used to support everyone’s daily activities which explains how most people need at least one supportive smartphone. Smartphone user penetration rate in Indonesia was forecasted to be increased every year. The increasing number of smartphones users every year in Indonesia has caused an intense competition between smartphone vendors in Indonesia including iPhone.This research aims to investigate the influence of the independent variables which are Brand Image and Product Price towards the dependent variable which is Purchase Decision of iPhone in Indonesia. There are 400 responses from 400 targeted respondents from around Indonesia have filled out 34 questionnaire items. The collected data is measured by using Multiple Linear Regression Analysis in a statistical analytic tool which is called SPSS 25 with non-probability and purposive sampling technique.The results is Brand Image and Product Price both partially and simultaneously influence Purchase Decision. The result showed that Purchase Decision of iPhone in Indonesia is not only influenced by the brand image and product price, but also other factors that are not included in this research.

Keyword: Brand Image, iPhone Smartphone, Product Price, Purchase Decision.


Esther KristianiYustisiana, Indira Rachmawati "The Influence of Brand Image and Product Price on Purchase Decision (A Study on iPhone in Indonesia)" Vol 2-Issue 4 (1-7) July - August 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Farmers’ Perceptions on Pine Tree Plantations and Food Security in Kigezi Highlands Region of Uganda
Author(s): Jennifer Turyatemba Tumushabe, Bariyo Rogers
Page(s): 08-19

This study evaluates peoples’ perceptions on pine tree growing and food security by analyzing both questionnaires and group discussion to collect data.From analysis of respondents, the percentage of targeted respondents that actually responded to the questionnaire was 98%. From the preliminary analysis conducted in this study, majority of respondents have the following attributes,1 ) diploma level education, 2) are males, 3) aged between 36-45 years, and 4) Had a negative attitude towards pine tree growing. Many aspects have been perceived as the major causes of food insecurity in the Kigezi Highland of Uganda. Perceptions of on-farm pine tree plantations and food security were measured by the rate they attribute to farmers’ livelihoods. The attributes measured as variables, that is, population pressure, income disparity, biodiversity loss and ecological imbalance, tree-crop competition, soil and land degradation, gender consideration, tree diseases, labour requirements and food security conflicts. The study applied a mixed research method, where descriptive cross-sectional research design was adopted. Both the qualitative and quantitative approaches were employed. Primary and secondary data sources were used to acquire data to accomplish the study where 384 participants took part in the study. Data was analysed using SPSS where both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to determine the results. The findings of the study indicate that pine tree plantation have got a negative effect on food security in the Kigezi Highlands. Despite having carbon markets and other co-benefits from pine tree adoption, the findings indicate that minority are benefiting from this intervention. The study was to examine the Hypothesis H01 Farmers’ perceptions of pine tree plantations do not have significant effect on food security in Kigezi Highlands Region. Hence, the null hypothesis of no significant effect of pine tree plantations on food security in Kigezi Highlands Region Uganda is rejected. The evidence of negative effect of farmers’ perceptions of pine tree plantations on food security in Kigezi Highlands Region is also in accord with some extant literature. The study recommends the adoption on farm agroforestry where farmers will have co-benefit for food security and improved livelihood, and diversification of enterprises to improve livelihood of communities in the Kigezi Highlands..

Keyword: Pine tree plantations, Food security, Farmers perceptions, Livelihoods, Land resource.


Jennifer Turyatemba Tumushabe, Bariyo Rogers "Farmers’ Perceptions on Pine Tree Plantations and Food Security in Kigezi Highlands Region of Uganda" Vol 2-Issue 3 (08-19) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Effects of SiOx Aging Time on Nano Crystalline Silicon Thin Film for Optoelectronic Devices using Sol-Gel Method
Author(s): Moniruzzaman Syed, Brittany Anderson, Joe Mvula, Yahia Hamada, Muhtadyuzzaman Syed, Tej Prasad Poudel
Page(s): 20-30

This paper presents a simulation study of a smart antenna (SA) system based on direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation is based on the MUltiple SIgnal Classification (MUSIC) algorithm for finding the Position Location (PL) of the desired user. The beamformer steer the main beam towards the desired user and nullify all other interferer, through adaptive beamforming using Least Mean Square (LMS) algorithm. This simulation results revealed the sharper peaks in the MUSIC angular spectrum and deep nulls in the LMS beam pattern. Also, this paper deals with DOA estimation and adaptive beamforming for the dynamic case based on SA. Eigen decomposing fined the PL of the desired user using MUSIC algorithm and steer the beam toward this user using compute the weight vectors like Least Mean Square (LMS) algorithm. Also this paper illustrates the results for the LMS error on the basis of number of iteration / sample.

Keyword: Smart Antenna (SA), Beamformer, Direction-of-Arrival (DOA) Estimation, Multiple Single Classification (MUSIC), Least Mean Square (LMS), Signal Nulling.


Moniruzzaman Syed, Brittany Anderson, Joe Mvula, Yahia Hamada, Muhtadyuzzaman Syed, Tej Prasad Poudel, "Effects of SiOx Aging Time on Nano Crystalline Silicon Thin Film for Optoelectronic Devices using Sol-Gel Method" Vol 2-Issue 3 (20-30) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Home Automation System
Author(s): Krushna Daulappa Kalyankar, Gaurav Pandit Anandrao, Tushar Balshiram Bhalerao, Sudarshan Pramod Dhotre, Amaan Salim Ansari, Prof. Vidhya Thakare
Page(s): 31-38

Home Automation System with advancement of technology things are becoming simpler and easier of us. Automatic systems are being preferred over manual system. Automatic Room Lights System using Arduino is a very useful project as you need not worry about turning on and off theswitches every time you want to turn on the lights. The main components of the Automatic Room Lights project are Arduino, PIR Sensor and the Relay Module.Out of the three components, the PIR Sensor is the one in focus as it is the main device that helps in detecting humans and human motion.In this paper we have presented a Home automation using Arduino and IOT. Our project proposes a low cost solution and Home automation is done using IOT system which uses mo-bile devices to control an analyze the basic home functions and features automvvatically through internet from any corner within short span of time. Arduino microcontroller is used to upload computer code to the physical board and controls sensors, relays as well as actuators..

Keyword: Component:- Automation, Arduino, PIR sensor, Relay Module, LED, Android and IOT.


Krushna Daulappa Kalyankar, Gaurav Pandit Anandrao, Tushar Balshiram Bhalerao, Sudarshan Pramod Dhotre, Amaan Salim Ansari, Prof. Vidhya Thakare, "Home Automation System" Vol 2-Issue 3 (31-38) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Influence of Individual Abilities and Work Motivation on Employee Performance Public Works and Spatial Planning of Palembang City
Author(s): Diyo Gilang Prasetya, Prof.Badia Perizade, Dr.Hj.Zunaidah,M.Si
Page(s): 39-45

This research was conducted to see the influence between research variables, namely the ability variable (X1), work motivation variable (X2), on employee performance variables (Y). The research design is causality research with data analysis techniques using multiple linear regression analysis.To analyze and answer research problems, researchers tested the data in four stages, namely: (1) Research Instrument Test, (2) Classical Assumption Test Research, (3) Descriptive Analysis of Research Variables and (4) Multiple linear regression analysis. The object of the research was employees of the PUPR Office of Palembang City, which amounted to 169 people (Sampling Results).The results of the study prove that (1) the Individual Ability Variable (X1) has a positive and significant effect on employees performance of thePublic Works Spatial Planning Office of Palembang City. (2) Work Motivation Variable (X2) has a positive and significant effect on the performance of employees of the Public Works Spatial Planning Office of Palembang City. (3) Individual Capability Variables (X1) and Work Motivation Variables (X2) influence simultaneously and significantly on the performance of Palembang Public Works Spatial Planning staff.

Keyword: Component:- Individual Ability, Work Motivation, Performance Of Employee.


Diyo Gilang Prasetya, Prof.Badia Perizade, Dr.Hj.Zunaidah,M.Si, "Influence of Individual Abilities and Work Motivation on Employee Performance Public Works and Spatial Planning of Palembang City" Vol 2-Issue 3 (39-45) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

A Study on Prevalence and Economic Significance of Bovine Hydatidosis in Debire Birhan Municipal Abattoir, Centeral Ethiopia
Author(s): Ermias Gebeyehu
Page(s): 46-90

A cross-sectional study aimed at determining the prevalence and estimating the financial losses due to cystic echinococcosis (hydatidosis) in cattle slaughtered at Debre Berhan municipal abattoir was conducted from November, 2014 to April, 2015. Out of 384 examined animals, 110 (28.6%) were harboring visible hydatid cysts. Significantly higher infection was detected in cattle’s with poor (48.40%) than animals with medium (24.10%) and good body condition (20.30%). The prevalence of the parasite in male and female was 29.83 and 29.8% respectively. However, there was no significant variation was between two sexes. The prevalence was not statistically different between local (30.10%) and cross (19.20%) breeds. Regarding organ distribution, infections of the lung, liver, kidney and heart were 52.50, 38.10, 5.00, and 4.40%, respectively. Of the total 160 hydatid cysts counted, 64 (40.00%) were fertile, 80 (50.00%) sterile, and 16 (10.00%) were calcified. Of the 64 fertile cysts subjected for viability test, 24 (37.50%) were viable while 40 (62.50%) were nonviable. Moreover, assessment of annual economic loss due to bovine hydatidosis at Debre Berhan municipal abattoir from offal condemnation and carcass weight loss was about 3,730,328 ETB (186,516.40 USD). As the infection was detected in this study, there seems to be an existing favorable situation for hydatidosis, and hence, it remains one of the most important diseases warranting serious attention for prevention and control actions in the district. Hence, establishment of well-equipped standardized abattoirs, creation of public awareness, and control of stray dogs have paramount importance..

Keyword: Debre Berhan; Bovine; Economic significance; Fertility; Hydatidosis; Prevalence.


Ermias Gebeyehu, "A Study on Prevalence and Economic Significance of Bovine Hydatidosis in Debire Birhan Municipal Abattoir, Centeral Ethiopia" Vol 2-Issue 3 (46-90) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Experimental Study on the Effect of Partial Replacement with Flyash in Recycle Air Entrained Concrete
Author(s): R. Suriyakala , A.Jayabal
Page(s): 91-94

Concrete is one of the most important materials employed in public works and building construction projects. It means that we are utilizing a tremendous amount of concrete and we will continue to use it. On the other hand, sustainable development has become more and more important. The human race is steadily transitioning its socio economic system in an effort to solve its resource, energy and environmental problems. It is obvious that the concrete industry also have to introduce environmental axis in to technologies.
In this project, recycled coarse aggregate was used as coarse aggregate and the fine aggregate composed of 85% of recycled fine aggregate and 15% of natural fine aggregate. Cement was replaced with flyash at 0%,10%,20%,30%& 40%. Concrete was prepared with the above ingredients and also with the air entraining agent. A comparative study was carried out on the properties of plain concrete and air entrained concrete and optimum percentage replacement of cement with flyash was also carried out. Nominal mix mentioned in the IS 456-2000 for M20 grade concrete was used for casting the specimens. Tests were carried out to find the compressive strength, strength and modulus of elasticity. Results of recycled aggregate concrete were compared with the air entrained recycled aggregate concrete. The optimum percentage replacement of cement with flyash is also reported.

Keyword: Flyash, Air ntraining Agent.


R. Suriyakala , A.Jayabal, "Experimental Study on the Effect of Partial Replacement with Flyash in Recycle Air Entrained Concrete" Vol 2-Issue 3 (91-94) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Measurement of Software Metrics
Author(s): Sanjeev Kumar
Page(s): 95-103

By its nature, engineering is a quantitative discipline. Engineers use numbers to help them design and assess the product to be built. Until recently, software engineers had little quantitative guidance in their work - but that's changing. Technical metrics help software engineers gain insight into the design and construction of the products they build. Software project effort estimation is frequently seen as complex and expensive for individual software engineers. The Metric-set selection has a vital role in software cost estimation studies; its importance has been ignored especially in neural network.

Keyword: Software Robustness, Software Metrics, Software Quality, Project Metrics, Software Economics..


Sanjeev Kumar, "Measurement of Software Metrics " Vol 2-Issue 3 (95-103) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Experimental Investigation on Partially Replacement of Cement and Fine Aggregate by Glass Powder and Vermiculite
Author(s): P. Vanmathi, A.Dharani
Page(s): 104-108

By its nature, engineering is a quantitative discipline. Engineers use numbers to help them design and assess the product to be built. Until recently, software engineers had little quantitative guidance in their work - but that's changing. Technical metrics help software engineers gain insight into the design and construction of the products they build. Software project effort estimation is frequently seen as complex and expensive for individual software engineers. The Metric-set selection has a vital role in software cost estimation studies; its importance has been ignored especially in neural network.

Keyword: Software Robustness, Software Metrics, Software Quality, Project Metrics, Software Economics..


P. Vanmathi, A.Dharani, "Experimental Investigation on Partially Replacement of Cement and Fine Aggregate by Glass Powder and Vermiculite" Vol 2-Issue 3 (104-108) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Detection of Legitimate Websites
Author(s): Mahezabeen N Ilkal
Page(s): 109-115

Phishing is defined as mimicking a trusted company's website aiming to take private information of a victim. Different solutions have proposed in order to eliminate phishing. However, we can’t expect magic from single bullet to eliminate phishing threat completely. Data mining is a promising technique used to detect phishing attacks. In this paper, an intelligent system to detect phishing attacks is presented. We used different data mining techniques to decide categories of websites: legitimate or phishing. Different classifiers were used in order to construct accurate intelligent system for phishing website detection.

Keyword: Phishing, WHOIS, cybercrime.


Mahezabeen N Ilkal, "Detection of Legitimate Websites" Vol 2-Issue 3 (109-115) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

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