International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development( International Peer Reviewed Open Access Journal ) ISSN [ Online ] : 2581 - 7175 |
IJSRED » Archives » Volume2 -Issue2-Part1
IJSRED Volume 2 - Issue 2, March - April 2019
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Paper ID |
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Pharmacognostic Investigation of Dried Powdered Young Leaves of Traditional Medicinal Plant Phyllanthus Muellerianus Used for Treating Asthma In Sierra Leone
Author(s): LahaiKoroma, T.B.R. Yormahb, L.M. Kamarab, G.M.T. Robert
Page(s): 64-77
Pharmacognostic and mineral analysis of dried powdered young leaves of traditional medicinal plant Phyllanthus muellerianus used for treating asthma in Sierra Leone has been carried out. The colour of the dried powdered leaves was brown, wood odour and had bitter taste indicating that the plant organ investigated contained alkaloids. The following reagents 1M NaOH (aq), 1M NaOH (alc.), Ammonia, 50% HCl and 50% HNO3 gave fluorescent derivatives under U/V Lamp. Phytochemical screeningrevealed the presence of carbohydrates, alkaloid, flavonoids, sterols/terpenes and saponins, proteins and tannins in the chloroform, ethanol, methanol and aqueous extracts support the use of the plant in traditional medicine. Elemental analysis of the sample was performed with a Niton XL3t GOLDD + Hand held X-ray Fluorescence (Thermo Fisher) indicated that the plant organ investigated contained large amounts of nutrients rich in K, Ca, Mg, Al and Fe. The other elements present in smaller quantities were Ti, Mn, Sc,Zn, Sr, Zr, Rb, V and Mo.The elements Mn, V and Cu were not within the Limits of detection of the equipment. Essential elements play important roles in asthma genesis since they take part in oxidative stress reactions as cofactors of antioxidant enzymes. Zinc is an important trace element and its concentration is frequently used to evaluate inflammatory diseases in asthma genesis. Copper concentrations in human blood serum of bronchial asthma patients have been reported to be higher than in healthy individuals. In this research work Zinc concentration in the plant organ investigated was found to be higher than copper. Hence the high concentration of Zinc and low concentration of copper in the plant organ investigated support the use of the plant in traditional medicine for the treatment asthma. The incidence of asthma can be reduced or prevented with the administration of cold decoction of the dried powdered Leaves of Phyllanthus muellerianus plant or intake of zinc supplements. Keyword: Pharmacognostic, mineral analysis, asthma genesis, Soxhlet extraction and Fluorescence analysis.× LahaiKoroma, T.B.R. Yormahb, L.M. Kamarab, G.M.T. Robert " Pharmacognostic Investigation of Dried Powdered Young Leaves of Traditional Medicinal Plant Phyllanthus Muellerianus Used for Treating Asthma In Sierra Leone" Vol 2-Issue 2 (64-77) Mar-Apr 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, × |
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High Capacity and Optimized Image Steganography Technique based on Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm
Author(s): A. Priya
Page(s): 78-95
The tremendous development of digital technology, it is mandatory to address the security while transmitting information over network in a way that observer couldn’t depict it. Measures to be taken to provide the security by establishing hidden communication using steganography principle which is help to camouflage the secret information in some carrier file such as text, image, audio and video. In this era of hidden data communication, image becoming an effective tool on account of their frequency, capability and accuracy. Image steganography uses an image as a carrier medium to hide the secret data. The main motive of this article is that the uses the combination of frequency domain and optimization method inorder to increasing in robustness. In this article, Integer Wavelet transform is performed into the host image and coefficients have been transformed. ACO optimization algorithm is used to find the optimal coefficients where to hide the data. Furthermore, sample images and information having been demonstrated which proved the increased robustness as well as high level of data embeddingcapacity. Keyword: Security, Image, steganography, IWT, ACO (Ant Colony Optimization) algorithm.× A. Priya "High Capacity and Optimized Image Steganography Technique based on Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm" Vol 2-Issue 2 (78-95) Mar-Apr 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, × |
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Survey : Cryptography Optimization Algorithms
Author(s): M.Geetha, K.Akila
Page(s): 96-104
The use of Combined Heat and Power (CHP) with an overall effectiveness from 70 to 90% is one of the most effective solutions to minimize the energy utilization. Mainly caused by interdependence of the power as well as heat in these systems, the optimal operation of CHP systems is a composite optimization issue that requires powerful solutions. This paper discourse the optimal day-ahead scheduling of CHP units with Thermal Storage Systems (TSSs). Fundamentally, the optimal scheduling of CHP units problemis a complex optimization problem with innumerable stochastic besides deterministic variables. The initial stage models behavior of operating parameters and to minimizes the operation costs or price meantime the second stage examine the system's Thermal Storage Systems scenarios. The fruitfulness of the proposed algorithm has been examined. This paper illustrates Firefly algorithm (FA) to probe CHPED with Thermal Storage Systems with bounded feasible operating region. The main prospective of this technique is that it proper the fairness between local and global search. A comparative investigation of the FA with (RCGA), (NSGAII), (SPEA2) is introduced. Keyword: : Thermal Storage Systems (TSSs), TSS Modelling, Cost Function,CHP Unit Firefly Algorithm (FA).× M.Geetha, K.Akila "Survey : Cryptography Optimization Algorithms" Vol 2-Issue 2 (96-104) Mar-Apr 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, × |
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Churn Prediction in Telecom using Classification Algorithms
Author(s): G.M. ApurvaSree, S. Ashika, S. Karthi,V. Sathesh, M. Shankar,J. Pamina
Page(s): 105-120
Thetermchurnissaid tobewhencustomersorpeoplemovefromonetelecomserviceprovider toanother. Churnpredictionistheprocessofpredictingwhetherthereisachanceforanycustomerorpeopletochangefromone telecom service provider to another.In recent times, the problem canbepredictedusingadvancedalgorithmslike supportvectormachine,logisticregression,randomforestalgorithm.Churningratecanalsobeanalyzedbyseveralcase machinelearningalgorithms.Inthispaper.Wehavesummarizedacomparativestudyonrateofchurningofcustomers usingdifferentalgorithms. Keyword: : Randomforestapproach,LogisticRegression,SupportVectorMachine,DataVisualization.× G.M. ApurvaSree, S. Ashika, S. Karthi,V. Sathesh, M. Shankar,J. Pamina "Churn Prediction in Telecom using Classification Algorithms" Vol 2-Issue 2 (105-120) Mar-Apr 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, × |
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Protection Trends in Scada Cyber Threats
Author(s): Anusha H S, Amulya C T, Annapoorneshwari M R, Monisha Krishna D S, Mohammed Elahi
Page(s): 121-124
The answer to the existing threat issues in SCADA is that these types of threats are becoming more likely, as current SCADA systems and networks increasingly utilize commercially off-the-shelf (COTS) software, connect to the enterprise layer and move toward IP connectivity. These recent changes have contributed to higher threat levels and increased vulnerability. A few short years ago, the chances of someone finding these vulnerabilities and exploiting them were very slim. This was due to the fact that process control systems and SCADA networks were unheard of by the general population and systems were based on specialized platforms that were segregated from the enterprise layer. In recent years, industrial systems have begun to take a front seat in the spot light, due to the focus by the Department of Homeland Security on national critical infrastructure and some unfortunate media coverage. Despite current efforts, there is a high probability that something bad is eventually going to happen. In addition, the number of "SCADA hacking" presentations is increasing at security and hacker conventions, with the number of vulnerabilities discovered within these systems increasing. Bottom line, our little corner of industry is no longer isolated and the word is now out. While cyber security is being given the lions share of attention, with hackers already attracting premature blame from a few recently publicized incidents, the widespread disregard for physical and operational security within many organizations has become a huge concern. Many companies are heavily focused on shoring up their cyber security, with little or no regard for physical security. Keyword: : Commercially off the shelf (COTS), SCADA hacking.× Anusha H S, Amulya C T, Annapoorneshwari M R, Monisha Krishna D S, Mohammed Elahi "Protection Trends in Scada Cyber Threats" Vol 2-Issue 2 (121-124) Mar-Apr 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, × |
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Bone Conduction Transduser
Author(s): Sakshi Santosh Kamble, Shubhada Raosaheb Taktode, Gayatri Ulhas Kadam, Jitesh Vinod Mule, Mr.Pratik Chopade
Page(s): 125-126
Bone conduction transducer device is used for those people they cannot hear. Bone conductiontransducer is attractive technology for voice communication system in this project voice get converted into vibration through bone conduction device. Keyword: : Bone conduction device transducer, voice,vibration.× Sakshi Santosh Kamble, Shubhada Raosaheb Taktode, Gayatri Ulhas Kadam, Jitesh Vinod Mule, Mr.Pratik Chopade "Bone Conduction Transduser" Vol 2-Issue 2 (125-126) Mar-Apr 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, × |
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Policy Options for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation into Hydropower Development in Kenya
Author(s): Willis Owino Ochieng, Christopher Oludhe, Simeon Dulo
Page(s): 127-140
As climate change continues impacting on various economic sectors all over the world, a lot of efforts are being put on adaptation actions. Energy is one of those sectors contributing more towards GHG emissions while renewable energy technologies have the potential of mitigating GHG emissions. Among all the renewable energy technologies being utilised, hydropower stands out to be the most stable and proven technology over time compared to geothermal, wind, solar, biogas and ocean waves among others. Despite hydropower being capable of mitigating the impacts of climate change while supporting some appropriate adaptation strategies, less emphasis has been put on how to integrate climate change adaptation into the hydropower development activities. The objective of this study was to assess the existing climate change related policies to identify policy options that can support integration of climate change adaptation into hydropower development. Policy analysis framework methodology was adopted to evaluate the already existing climate change related policies to identify the policy options for integrating climate change adaptation in hydropower developments. The results indicate there are several existing policies that are capable of supporting the integration of climate change adaptation in to the development of hydropower. This presents opportunities for supporting adaptation actions that are capable of addressing some of the impacts of climate change on the local community. The only existing gap is the formulation of the rules that can ensure that the appropriate actions are implemented on the ground. Keyword: : Climate change, adaptation, policies, Hydropower development, Kenya.× Willis Owino Ochieng, Christopher Oludhe, Simeon Dulo "Policy Options for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation into Hydropower Development in Kenya" Vol 2-Issue 2 (127-140) Mar-Apr 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, × |
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Performance Analysis of the Operation of the Three-Phase Power Relay RM3-TR113QN by Approach Based On Mathematical Morphology
Author(s): Pembesuka Nepa-Nepa Laurent, Kabongo Ntambwe Georges, Banza Wa Banza Bonaventure
Page(s): 141-156
The RM3-TR113QN7 relay is a multifunction device designed to monitor the presence and direction of phase rotation in three-phase power, as well as overvoltage (U> Un) or under voltage (U Keyword: : Performance, Phase failure, overvoltage, under-voltage, incorrect rotational direction of phases.× Pembesuka Nepa-Nepa Laurent, Kabongo Ntambwe Georges, Banza Wa Banza Bonaventure "Performance Analysis of the Operation of the Three-Phase Power Relay RM3-TR113QN by Approach Based On Mathematical Morphology" Vol 2-Issue 2 (141-156) Mar-Apr 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, × |
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New Distribution of Rhinoceros Beetle Xylotrupes Taprobanes Ganesha(Silvestre, 2003) in Tamilnadu,India
Author(s): N. Moinudheen, A. Samson, D.Jayabalan, Jothimani
Page(s): 157-159
Rhinoceros beetle (Xylotrupes taprobanes ganesha) Silvestre, 2003 recently recorded from Nilgiri hills,Western Ghats. The distribution of this species were reported from Kerala and Tamil Nadu regions so far here after no works were done in this subspecies distribution so for in this region. This present observation ensure the occurrence of X. Taprobanes Ganesha in the Nilgiris show a light on this species ecological work in this region. Keyword: : Rhinoceros beetle, Dynastinae,Xylotrupes taprobanes ganesha, Nilgiri hills, Western Ghats.× N. Moinudheen, A. Samson, D.Jayabalan, Jothimani "New Distribution of Rhinoceros Beetle Xylotrupes Taprobanes Ganesha(Silvestre, 2003) in Tamilnadu,India" Vol 2-Issue 2 (157-159) Mar-Apr 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, × |
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New Distribution of Rhinoceros Beetle Xylotrupes Taprobanes Ganesha(Silvestre, 2003) in Tamilnadu,India
Author(s): N. Moinudheen, A. Samson, D.Jayabalan, Jothimani
Page(s): 157-159
Rhinoceros beetle (Xylotrupes taprobanes ganesha) Silvestre, 2003 recently recorded from Nilgiri hills,Western Ghats. The distribution of this species were reported from Kerala and Tamil Nadu regions so far here after no works were done in this subspecies distribution so for in this region. This present observation ensure the occurrence of X. Taprobanes Ganesha in the Nilgiris show a light on this species ecological work in this region. Keyword: : Rhinoceros beetle, Dynastinae,Xylotrupes taprobanes ganesha, Nilgiri hills, Western Ghats.× N. Moinudheen, A. Samson, D.Jayabalan, Jothimani "New Distribution of Rhinoceros Beetle Xylotrupes Taprobanes Ganesha(Silvestre, 2003) in Tamilnadu,India" Vol 2-Issue 2 (157-159) Mar-Apr 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, × |
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User Opinion towards Internet
Author(s): C.Manjula
Page(s): 160-170
In the present age of information technology, use of internet is becoming quite popular for accessing information on any topic of your interest. It also provides tremendous opportunities to students, researchers and professionals for getting information on matters related to academic and professional topic and lot more. In the present world, most of the people who have computers around themselves use internet to access information from the World Wide Web, exchange messaging and documents and e-services.The internet is the worldwide “network of networks” that links millions of computers together via copper wires, fibre-optic cables, wireless connections, and other telecommunication channels.The internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard internets that use the standard internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to serve billions of users worldwide. It is a network that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business and government networks, of local to global scope, that are linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless and optional networking technologies. The internet carries a vast range of information resources and services, such as the inter-linked hypertext documents of the World Wide Web (WWW) and the infrastructure to support electronic mail. . Keyword: : Information technology, Global system, Inter-link, World Wide Web, Network of networks, Electronic mail.× C.Manjula "User Opinion towards Internet" Vol 2-Issue 2 (160-170) Mar-Apr 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, × |