International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development

International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development

( International Peer Reviewed Open Access Journal ) ISSN [ Online ] : 2581 - 7175

IJSRED » Archives » Volume 7 -Issue 1

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IJSRED | Volume 7 - Issue 1, January - February 2024

Cover-Page 1 Cover-Page 2
S. No. Title and Authors Name Area Paper ID
Author(s): Ishiagwoh Ben Temple, Lawrence Hart, Eze Promise Ikenda
Page(s): 282-295
Surveying and Geomatics IJSRED-V7I1P31
Author(s): Christian Lly R. Sosa, Shean Royce H. Timpoc, Edwin R. Arboleda
Page(s): 296-305
Computer and Electronics Engineering IJSRED-V7I1P32
Author(s): Avisha Mulchandani, Parnavi Shrawgi, Sai Shinde, Aparna Mote
Page(s): 306-308
Computer Engineering IJSRED-V7I1P33
Author(s): Archie Rama Reyhan, Tri Eko Susilorini, Suyadi
Page(s): 309-316
Animal Production IJSRED-V7I1P34
Author(s): Klyde Adriane C. Monares, Ian Rafael P. Ebones, Edwin R. Arboleda
Page(s): 317-330
Computer, Electronics and Electrical Engineering IJSRED-V7I1P35
Author(s): G.Chandu, M.Sekhar
Page(s): 331-338
Electrical and Electronics Engineering IJSRED-V7I1P36
Author(s): Bintang Putra Aditama, Priyo Sugeng Winarto, Kuswati, Dicky Pamungkas
Page(s): 339-349
Animal Husbandry IJSRED-V7I1P37
Author(s): T.Poojitha, C.Sai Sri Divya, B.Akshaya Reddy, N.Krishnaiah
Page(s): 350-355
Veterinary Science IJSRED-V7I1P38
Author(s): Salsabila Fyrda Maharani, Edhy Sudjarwo, Osfar Sjofjan
Page(s): 356-358
Animal Science IJSRED-V7I1P39
Author(s): Dhanush K
Page(s): 359-364
Management and Commerce IJSRED-V7I1P40
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