International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development

International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development

( International Peer Reviewed Open Access Journal ) ISSN [ Online ] : 2581 - 7175

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IJSRED Volume 2 - Issue 3, May - June 2019

S. No. Title and Authors Name Paper ID
Autonomous Rubik’s Cube Solver Bot
Author(s): S. P. Rohith, A. Mohamed Sharif, S. Jayasankar, M. Harikrishnan
Page(s): 146-151

Rubik’s cube is considered to be the most challenging puzzle developed for humans. Building a robot to solve such a puzzle is a challenging task. In this paper, the design of such an Autonomous Rubik’s cube solver using Arduino Mega 2560 has been discussed. The paper deals with the overall process flow for solving the cube. Color recognition is used for detecting the initial orientation of the cube. Segmentation is used to obtain the HSV mask and thus the color pattern of the scrambled cube. Dot sampling is incorporated to improve the accuracy of the color recognition and segmentation processes. Finally, the categories of solution using Layer by Layer (LBL) algorithm for solving the cube has been shown.

Keyword: Autonomous System, Color Recognition, Dot Sampling, Rubik’s cube.


S. P. Rohith, A. Mohamed Sharif, S. Jayasankar, M. Harikrishnan, "Autonomous Rubik’s Cube Solver Bot" Vol 2-Issue 3 (146-151) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Telemedicine Application Based Automatic Eye Cataract Detection Algorithm Using MATLAB
Author(s): Ms. Prafulla P S, Kavyashree K T, Arpitha P, Sowmya T S, Nireeksha M Y
Page(s): 152-156

This paper proposes and evaluates an algorithm to automatically detect the cataracts from color images in adult human subjects. Currently, methods available for cataract detection are based on the use of either fundus camera or Digital Single-Lens Reflex (DSLR) camera; both are very expensive. The main motive behind this work is to develop an inexpensive, robust and convenient algorithm which in conjugation with suitable devices will be able to diagnose the presence of cataract from the true color images of an eye. An algorithm is proposed for cataract screening based on texture features: uniformity, intensity and standard deviation. These features are first computed and mapped with diagnostic opinion by the eye expert to define the basic threshold of screening system and later tested on real subjects in an eye clinic. Finally, a tele-ophthalmology model using our proposed system has been suggested, which confirms the telemedicine application of the proposed system.

Keyword: Tele-ophthalmology, Digital Single-Lens Reflex (DSLR) camera, SVM Classifier.


Ms. Prafulla P S, Kavyashree K T, Arpitha P, Sowmya T S, Nireeksha M Y, "Telemedicine Application Based Automatic Eye Cataract Detection Algorithm Using MATLAB" Vol 2-Issue 3 (152-156) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

A Data Mining Approach of Detection of Fake News on Social Media
Author(s): B.Umamaheswari, Dr. Vijeta Kumawat
Page(s): 157-160

The advantage of easy accessibility, less expensive and faster reach to more people in less time has made the news on social media gaining popularity in recent years but at the same time it faced the problem on quality of news spread compared to other standard traditional media such as newspaper and TV channels. How the people are victimized by the fake news is the major concern. Also identifying such fake news has become almost a challenge. In this paper we will see how data mining is providing solution to identify fake news on social media.

Keyword: Fake news, Traditional media, social media , detection.


B.Umamaheswari, Dr. Vijeta Kumawat, "A Data Mining Approach of Detection of Fake News on Social Media" Vol 2-Issue 3 (157-160) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

A Step Forward to a Smart Grid by Implanting Smart Monitoring System
Author(s): V.Prasath, Dr.V.Chandrasekar, Mrs.N.Pushpalatha, Mr.S.Sheikameer Batcha
Page(s): 161-167

By development of smart Grid, renewable energy such as wind generation (WG) and photovoltaic generation (PV) are getting attention in distributionsystems. Additionally, all-electric apartment houses or residence such as DC smart houses are increasing.However, due to the fluctuating power from renewable energy sources and loads, supply-demandbalancing of power system becomes problematic. Smart grid is a solution to this problem. This paperpresents a methodology for optimal operations of a smart grid, to minimize the power flow fluctuation by reduceinterconnection point and over load connection. To achieve the proposed optimal operation, we use distributed controllable loadssuch as halogen lamps and fans. By minimizing the interconnection point and over load, it is possible to reduce the electric power consumption and the cost of electricity. This system consists of battery, solar collector, and load.Energy efficient smart buildings are possible by integrating smart meter, smart sockets, domestic renewableenergy generation and energy storage systems for integrated energy management, and this integratedsystem supports demand side load management, distributed generation and distributed storageprovisions of future smart grids. Coming era of smart grids has implications for domestic DC distributionconcepts with smarts sockets.

Keyword: DC distribution Home electronics appliances Smart buildings and systems Demand side load management Smart grid DC smart house optimal operation Interconnection point power flow and load shedding.


V.Prasath, Dr.V.Chandrasekar, Mrs.N.Pushpalatha, Mr.S.Sheikameer Batcha, "A Step Forward to a Smart Grid by Implanting Smart Monitoring System" Vol 2-Issue 3 (161-167) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Analysis Factors Influencing the Adoption of Mobile Payment Using the UTAUT2 Model (A Case Study of OVO in Indonesia)
Author(s): Eka Latifah Anggraini, Indira Rachmawati
Page(s): 168-175

Although it is already proven that the growth of non-cash transaction promotes economic efficiency, the percentage of non-cash instruments used in Indonesia is still low compared to the internet or smartphone penetrations. Thus, to analyze one of the non-cash instruments adoption rate, the researcher conducted research using OVO application as the object. This research aims to find out the factors influencing the adoption of OVO in Indonesia using the UTAUT2 model and provide suggestion to the company related to respondents’ perception toward it. Based on the 400 valid responses, the results show that most of the variables in UTAUT2 model (social influence (SI), facilitating conditions (FC), hedonic motivation (HM), price value (PV), behavioral intention (BI), and trust (TR)) have a positive influence on the adoption variable except for performance expectancy (PE) and effort expectancy (EE) variables. It also shows that facilitating conditions (FC) are the key determinant of customers' intention to use the services.

Keyword: Adoption, Non-cash Transaction, OVO, UTAUT2, Indonesia.


Eka Latifah Anggraini, Indira Rachmawati, "Analysis Factors Influencing the Adoption of Mobile Payment Using the UTAUT2 Model (A Case Study of OVO in Indonesia)" Vol 2-Issue 3 (168-175) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Survey: Sentiment Stress Identification Using Tensi/Strength Framework
Author(s): Mrs. Reshma Radheshamjee Baheti, Prof. S.A.Kinariwala
Page(s): 176-180

Although it is already proven that the growth of non-cash transaction promotes economic efficiency, the percentage of non-cash instruments used in Indonesia is still low compared to the internet or smartphone penetrations. Thus, to analyze one of the non-cash instruments adoption rate, the researcher conducted research using OVO application as the object. This research aims to find out the factors influencing the adoption of OVO in Indonesia using the UTAUT2 model and provide suggestion to the company related to respondents’ perception toward it. Based on the 400 valid responses, the results show that most of the variables in UTAUT2 model (social influence (SI), facilitating conditions (FC), hedonic motivation (HM), price value (PV), behavioral intention (BI), and trust (TR)) have a positive influence on the adoption variable except for performance expectancy (PE) and effort expectancy (EE) variables. It also shows that facilitating conditions (FC) are the key determinant of customers' intention to use the services.

Keyword: Adoption, Non-cash Transaction, OVO, UTAUT2, Indonesia.


Mrs. Reshma Radheshamjee Baheti, Prof. S.A.Kinariwala, "Survey: Sentiment Stress Identification Using Tensi/Strength Framework" Vol 2-Issue 3 (176-180) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Applications of Information Retrieval for Afaan Oromo text based on Semantic based Indexing
Author(s): Berhanu Anbase
Page(s): 181-274

As storage becomes more sufficient and less expensive, the amount of information retained by businesses and institutions is likely to increase. For these increasing amounts of information, they need efficient and effective index structure when we have to find needed information. Indexing is an offline process for organizing collection of documents using indexing structure such as Inverted file, sequential files and signature file to save storage memory space and speed up searching time.However, since there are usually many ways to express the same concept, the terms in the users query may not appear in a relevant document. Alternatively, many words can have more than one meaning. So the standard information retrieval models (e.g., Boolean, standard vector, probabilistic) treat words as if they are independent, although it is quite obvious that they are not.Due to these facts term matching methods are likely to miss relevant documents and also retrieve irrelevant ones. Therefore, to solve this issue, we have developed Applications of Information Retrieval for Afaan Oromo text based on Semantic-based Indexing. This technique of information retrieval can partially handle these problems by organizing terms and documents into a semantic based indexing structure more appropriate for information retrieval. Semantic indexing information retrieval is a new technique which is based on vector representation of documents and user‟s query. Because it uses concepts or topics instead of each words to index and retrieve the documents, consequently allowing a relevant document to be retrieved even when it shares no common words with in the query.In this study, the potential of applications of Latent Semantic indexing approach in Afaan Oromoo text retrieval is investigated. 70 Afaan Oromoo documents and nine (9) queries were used to test the approach. Automatic indexing of the documents resulted in some unique terms which are not in the stop-word list used for the thesis. Singular value decomposition (SVD) of the term by document matrix is used for indexing and retrieval system. The performance of the system after User Relevance Feedback is measured using recall and precision. Therefore; the experiment shows that the performance of the prototype is on the average 0.67(67%) precision and 0.63(63%) recall registered. Finally, the recommendations can be forwarded based on the applications resource that the performance of the LSI system can be improved by designing good stemmer and standard corpus for Afaan Oromoo languages..

Keyword: Information Retrieval, Afaan Oromo, Latent Semantic indexing, Singular Value Decomposition.


Berhanu Anbase, "Applications of Information Retrieval for Afaan Oromo text based on Semantic based Indexing" Vol 2-Issue 3 (181-274) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

Effect of Stiffness on Different Shapes of Building to Seismic Zones
Author(s): Avantika H. Dahikar, Valsson Varghese ,Vinayak D. Vaidya
Page(s): 275-287

The objective is to conduct a literature review to provide importance to develop a computational model on which linear/non-linear, static/ dynamic analysis is performed. The first part of this chapter presents a summary of various parameters defining the computational models, the basic assumptions and the geometry of the selected building considered for this study.Analysis of any structure for resisting earthquake is the basic need of this study. In this project analysis of a seismic resistant structure is a need of concern, and thereby establishing a comparison between structures with different plan geometry. Here the study is carried out for the behaviour of G + 5 H shaped buildings. The proposed H shaped building size is 29 x 35 m and also properties are defined for the building structure. The model of the building is created in STAAD Pro software . The properties are defined as per IS 1893: 2002 part1. The seismic zone considered for the model of building are in IV zone and soil type is medium. The modelling of building is done for Indian seismic zone IV IS1893 -2002.For given structure loading with applied loads includes live load, earthquake zone and dead load accordingly .Load consumptions are also provided according to the IS1893(part 1):2002.The analysis is carried out to determine max node, displacement and base shear ,stiffness. After analysis results are obtained in the form of graphs which are in turn observed to form conclusions.

Keyword: - - -.


Avantika H. Dahikar, Valsson Varghese ,Vinayak D. Vaidya, "Effect of Stiffness on Different Shapes of Building to Seismic Zones" Vol 2-Issue 3 (275-287) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

RP-90: Formulation of Two Special Classes of Standard Cubic Congruence of Composite Modulus- A Power of Three
Author(s): B M Roy
Page(s): 288-291

In this paper, two special types of standard cubic congruence of composite modulus—a power of three, are considered for study and are formulated. Formulation of the solutions is proved time-saving, simple and quick. It made finding solutions of cubic congruence of composite modulus easy. Solutions can also be obtained orally. Formulation is the merit of the paper.

Keyword: Binomial Theorem, Cubic Congruence, Composite Modulus.


B M Roy, "RP-90: Formulation of Two Special Classes of Standard Cubic Congruence of Composite Modulus- A Power of Three" Vol 2-Issue 3 (288-291) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

The Extent and Significance of the Drivers of Adoption-Use of Open Source ERP by Deposit Taking Saccos in Kenya
Author(s): James Mwikya Reuben, Dr. Johnmark Obura, Dr. Moses Oginda
Page(s): 292-310

In this paper, two special types of standard cubic congruence of composite modulus—a power of three, are considered for study and are formulated. Formulation of the solutions is proved time-saving, simple and quick. It made finding solutions of cubic congruence of composite modulus easy. Solutions can also be obtained orally. Formulation is the merit of the paper.

Keyword: Binomial Theorem, Cubic Congruence, Composite Modulus.


James Mwikya Reuben, Dr. Johnmark Obura, Dr. Moses Oginda, "The Extent and Significance of the Drivers of Adoption-Use of Open Source ERP by Deposit Taking Saccos in Kenya" Vol 2-Issue 3 (292-310) May - June 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175,

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