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International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development( International Peer Reviewed Open Access Journal ) ISSN [ Online ] : 2581 - 7175 |
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IJSRED Volume 2 - Issue 6, November - December 2019
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S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Paper ID |
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Predicting Student Ability in Competition in Work World Using Naïve Bayes Method in SMKN 4 Pandeglang
Author(s): Muhamad Juwayni, Bambang Krismalela
Page(s): 01-07
ThehighunemploymentrateinBantenProvinceisbasedondatafromBPSwhichreached9.28%nationally.ThispercentagebecomesBanten Provinceasthehighest ranked province in Indonesia. Thehigh rate ofunemployment thatcauses vocationalschoolgraduatestomaketheroleofvocationalschoolsasaschoolthat aimsto producegraduatesreadyforworkis in the spotlight.Veryfastlessonsfrom vocationalschoolswitheducationalfactors.Schoolsneedtodoevaluations that canbeusedintheworkplace. Evaluationcan bedonefromtheresultsofthe measurementofstudents'abilitiesbasedonacademicgradescurrentlytheschool doesnotuse academicvaluedatato predictstudents'abilities.Onthatbasis,the researchwas conducted to predictstudents'abilities byusing datamining techniques,statistical methodsthatcanbeusedbyNaïveBayes.Dataminingtoextractinformationfromavailabledata.Fromthe results ofthestudyproducedadataminingmodelwiththeNaïveBayesalgorithm,amodel thatwaslater madeinthemakingofprototypestopredict students'abilityto competeinthe worldofwork.Theresults ofdataminingmodeltestingwith confusionmatrixresultedin96.0725%accuracy. Keyword: information system, code igniter, assessment, processing data.× ![]() Muhamad Juwayni, Bambang Krismalela "Predicting Student Ability in Competition in Work World Using Naïve Bayes Method in SMKN 4 Pandeglang" Vol 2-Issue 6 (1-7) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Effects of Annealing Temperature on Anatase-Rutile TiO2 Multilayer Thin Films prepared by Sol-Gel Spin Coating Method
Author(s): Moniruzzaman Syed, Jurnee Gibson, De Anthony,White, Danisha Watson, Yahia Hamada, Muhtadyuzzaman Syed, Temer S. Ahmadi
Page(s): 08-18
Titanium dioxide (TiO2) multilayer(ML) thin films (2-layers) have been deposited on glass substrate by using Sol-Gel Spin Coating technique. The influence of annealing temperature on the structure, surface morphology, optical and electrical properties of these films are characterized by Raman, XRD, FT/IR, UV-vis and four-point-probes measurements. XRD results indicate that ML TiO2 thin films has formed anatase crystal structure at (101) plane and the (101) grain size is increased when the annealing temperature have been increased. The electrical properties by four point probe measurements showed that resistivity decreased with an increase in the annealing temperature. The SEM result indicated that the lattice matching between TiO2 and substrate is important to produce good quality ML TiO2 thin film after annealing process. Optical properties of the films were measured by UV–Vis spectroscopy which showed the high transmittance in the visible region. The optical band gap energies decreased with increasing annealing temperature. It is suggested that the surface porosity, electrical properties and surface morphology of ML TiO2 thin films could be affected by changing the annealing temperatures for electroluminescence device application. Moreover, the multilayer films of TiO2 can enhance the properties of optoelectronic devices. Keyword: Sol-gel; Multilayer TitaniumOxide (MLTiO2) and Electrical properties.× ![]() Moniruzzaman Syed, Jurnee Gibson, De Anthony,White, Danisha Watson, Yahia Hamada, Muhtadyuzzaman Syed, Temer S. Ahmadi "Effects of Annealing Temperature on Anatase-Rutile TiO2 Multilayer Thin Films prepared by Sol-Gel Spin Coating Method" Vol 2-Issue 6 (08-18) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Hybrid Page Replacement Algorithm
Author(s): Egbunu Charity O, Ogedengbe Matthew T, Ollo Vincent
Page(s): 19-24
Page replacement algorithms play essential roles in virtual memory management, especially in Operating Systems that uses paging. Pagereplacement occurs when a requested page is not found in the memory (page fault) or a free available page is not enough to satisfy the request. This is because there are none, or the number of free pages is lower than the number requested. In this study, two standard page replacement (Least Recently Used LRU and OptimalOPT algorithms) were hybridized as hybrid page replacement (HRA). HRA based on the concept of OPT and LRU for it operation. The HRA was evaluatedby comparingit performance in terms of number of page faults generated with the standard page replacement algorithms, namely First InFirst Out FIFO, LRU and Optimal. Results showed that HRA outperformedFIFO, OPT and LRU when the number of frames increases to 4 and above.. Keyword: Memory, Frame, Page fault,Paging..× ![]() Egbunu Charity O, Ogedengbe Matthew T, Ollo Vincent "Hybrid Page Replacement Algorithm" Vol 2-Issue 6 (19-24) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Device Verification and Safety using RFID Tag
Author(s): Akhil Unnikrishnan Pillai,Partha Pranab Das,Deepali Nana Pawar,Akash Nivrutti Kotwal
Page(s): 25-29
Most of the families in today’s world, own a car. As the number of cars purchased increases, the theft rate also increases. Thus, the demand for an auto guard system is augmented. This system makes use of a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tag to identify unauthorized access. The microcontroller uses Id Password to the person in the car and Password to control the engine. The SMS gateway hub is used by the system to transmit intruder data and send messages to the owners. The Global Positioning System (GPS) helps the owner to know the location of the car where it is lost and we track the vehicle through a GPS. This system is built with the ATmega16 controller which controls and coordinates all the processes. Traditional anti-theft systems depend on various sensors which do not provide reliability. Thus, this system will merge safeguard, tracking and remote control of the car. Keyword: RFID reader,RFID Tag,Mircocontroller,Arduino UNO,Switches,GPS,Servo motor,DC Motor,E-drivers License.× ![]() Akhil Unnikrishnan Pillai,Partha Pranab Das,Deepali Nana Pawar,Akash Nivrutti Kotwal "Device Verification and Safety using RFID Tag" Vol 2-Issue 6 (25-29) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Review on Adopting Biophysical Chromatography Techniques
Author(s): Shine Sudev, Mohamed.P, Ameer Suhail.A.K, Farsana, Dhanya.K
Page(s): 30-44
Chromatography is the important biophysical technique that enables to separation process, identification, and purification of the components of the mixture for qualitative and quantitative analysis used in the pharmaceutical industry. In many experiments, it is important for the separate a mixture into its chemical components in order to separate to one compound and to assess the purity of the mixture of components. Chromatography is used in the industries and fields of research purpose, including the pharmaceutical production, industrial chemistry, environmental toxicology, clinical analysis, food chemistry, inorganic and pesticide analysis, dye purity, plant materials, cosmetics and herbal product analysis. In this project , discuss about the process of chromatography , principles of chromatography ,types ,applications in industries. Keyword: Chromatography, Column chromatography, Environmental toxicology etc.× ![]() Shine Sudev, Mohamed.P, Ameer Suhail.A.K, Farsana, Dhanya.K "Review on Adopting Biophysical Chromatography Techniques" Vol 2-Issue 6 (30-44) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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A Review Paper- Influence Of Welding On The Mechanical Properties Of Mild Steel & En31 Butt Weld At Diverse Groove Angle
Author(s): Amiy Anshukar Yaduvanshi, Om Prakesh Tiwari
Page(s): 45-47
The process of joining same or different material by using heat through any heat source, in which some time pressure and filler material is used or not used called welding. Due to the heat generated near the HZA changes the mechanical properties of material, we are going to review the change in mechanical properties of mild steel welded by electric arc welding. Keyword: Arc Welding, Mild Steel, HZA, Impact Test, Hardness Test, Groove Angle.× ![]() Amiy Anshukar Yaduvanshi, Om Prakesh Tiwari "A Review Paper- Influence Of Welding On The Mechanical Properties Of Mild Steel and En31 Butt Weld At Diverse Groove Angle" Vol 2-Issue 6 (45-47) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Assessment of Environmental Sustainability in Healthcare Organizations with Special Reference to Coimbatore District
Author(s): Dr.M.Dhanabhakyam, I.A.Ahamed Wasim Musthaq
Page(s): 48-55
The health care Industry is the world’s largest Industry and is undergoing a rapid transformation to meet the ever increasing needs and demands of the patient population. Hospitals that are dynamic, growth oriented and which survive are the ones that give priority to the quality of environmental sustainable services provided. Corporate hospitals are trying to attract patients by providing various environmental sustainable treatments. The present study is attempted to know the different Environmental sustainable strategies adopted by Health Care Organization and problems faced by the patients in availing environmental sustainable treatment. The study chosen is descriptive in nature. The sample size is determined as 250 patients through judgmental sampling technique.. Keyword: Environmental sustainability, Patient satisfaction, Sustainable treatment..× ![]() Dr.M.Dhanabhakyam, I.A.Ahamed Wasim Musthaq "Assessment of Environmental Sustainability in Healthcare Organizations with Special Reference to Coimbatore District" Vol 2-Issue 6 (48-55) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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An Architectural design proposal for IoT in Agriculture
Author(s): Mr. Devidas, Dr. Balasubramani.R, Mr.Jason Martis
Page(s): 56-61
With technological evolution in agriculture practice, there is an exponential increase in productivity. Advanced agricultural practices are more reliable, capable, and help to boost productivity. An environment of an agricultural system can vary from small plants in a home to massive farming centres. These automated agricultural systems will assist in managing and maintaining the quality of agricultural lands. In this paper, we suggest a low-cost IoT enabled a smart agricultural system which can evaluate the farmland and predict which crop is best for that land based on the data collected from local conditions of that land varying from humidity to soil moisture content. The main intention of this system is to maintain the acceptability of the farming environment things (IoT); Sensor technology; Automation; Agriculture. Keyword: IoT, Agriculture, Automation.× ![]() Mr. Devidas, Dr. Balasubramani.R, Mr.Jason Martis "An Architectural design proposal for IoT in Agriculture" Vol 2-Issue 6 (56-61) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Impact Of Service Quality, Corporate Social Responsibility, Organisation Stability and Engagement To Improve Loyalty (A Case Study Of Higher Education Malaysia)
Author(s): aher Al barrawi, Valliappan Raju
Page(s): 62-83
Nowadays, a competitive academic environment where students have many opportunities available to them, factors that enable educational institutions to retain and attract students should be earnestly studied. Higher education institutions, which want to earn a competitive edge in the future, may need to begin searching for creative and effective techniques to retain, attract and enhance powerful relationships with students. The purpose of the current study is to examine the role of service quality, organisation social responsibility to students, and organisation stability as predictors of student loyalty through engagement. In addition, Satisfaction could be moderating the impact as well. Keyword: CSR; Higher education; Loyalty; Organization stability; Student engagement; Service quality.× ![]() aher Al barrawi, Valliappan Raju "Impact Of Service Quality, Corporate Social Responsibility, Organisation Stability and Engagement To Improve Loyalty (A Case Study Of Higher Education Malaysia)" Vol 2-Issue 6 (62-83) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activity Of Herbal Extract And Essential Oils on Some of the Selected Human Pathogen
Author(s): Dimpal Hirapara, Dr.Ikaram Qureshi
Page(s): 84-95
The present investigation was aimed to examine the antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of herbal extracts and essential oils against the selected pathogens. Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, staphylococcus aureus, Secheromyces cerevies. The bacteria were identified and confirmed by the conventional microbiology procedure. The antimicrobial study was carried out by disc diffusion method and agar well diffusion method against the pathogens by using different herbal extract and oils. The antibacterial activity has been observed in extract of essential oil of cedar Wood, Rose marry Black cumin, Tea tree and Caret seed against all the tested bacteria with varied activity. The maximum zone of inhibition 16 mm for E. coli, 11 mm for S. aureus, 22 mm for S.cerevies and 12 mm for B. Subtilis were observed. Antioxidant activity was determined in vitro DPPH assay. It is hoped that this study would lead to the establishment of some compounds that could be used to formulate new and more potent antimicrobial drugs of natural origin. Keyword: Antimicrobial, antioxidant activity, herbal extract, essential oils, Human pathogens..× ![]() Dimpal Hirapara, Dr.Ikaram Qureshi "Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activity Of Herbal Extract And Essential Oils on Some of the Selected Human Pathogen" Vol 2-Issue 6 (84-95) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Author(s): Kanishka Ingle, Sharvari Thombre, Aishwaryalaxmi Tambad, Lajwanti Gupta
Page(s): 96-101
A Majority of People who have minor illness or chronic health issues are reluctant to raise concern related to their malady. Even so if they know the condition getting advanced they prefer to visit the nearest medical retail store and get quick cure. The pharmacist on the other hand having expertise in medical drugs has inability to specify disease based on inquires about the symptoms of the patient directly, and elicited any additional information by him or her . Our Nerve Software tries to eliminate and provide ore automated and easy approach to the problem by providing hands on services like Scanning the medical Prescription , voice assistance and medical services like Finding the nearest hospital,clinics and pharma stores. Keyword: Automated pharmacy system, Google Cloud Vision , Google Voice assistance, Prescription Scanning, Health services,Voice over, Nerve Software.× ![]() Kanishka Ingle, Sharvari Thombre, Aishwaryalaxmi Tambad, Lajwanti Gupta "NERVE" Vol 2-Issue 6 (96-101) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Measurements of Natural Radio activity Levels and Associated Health Hazard Indices in Some Portland Types of cement, Ethiopia
Author(s): Hailu Geremew, A. K. Chaubey, Birhanu Turi
Page(s): 102-111
Naturalradioactivematerialsarepresenteverywhereinthe environmentbynature. Usingenvironmentalrawmaterialsinfactoriescanproduce final productswithnaturally radioactivematerials.Thenaturalradioactivityandhazard indiceslikeradiumequivalentactivity,absorbeddose rate,annualdoserate,externalandinternalhazardindicesduetolong-livingradioactivematerials, 238U,232Thand40K canbemeasuredusinggammaspectrometer. Inthiswork, levelsof naturalradioactivityinintermediateproducts(clinker) andendproductsofcementweremeasured usingagamma-rayspectrometerwith an HPGedetector. Thespecificradioactivityof238U,232Th and40K intheanalyzedintermediateandfinalproductsofcementsampleswererangedfrom20.53Bq/kgto36.42Bq/Kg,18.84Bq/kgto45.87Bq/Kgand101.96Bq/kgto369.71Bq/Kg respectively.Inthesameway,maximumhazardindicesforradiumequivalentactivity,absorbed doserate,annualdoserate,andexternalandinternalhazardindicesweremeasuredas118.79Bq/Kg, 54.67nGy/hr, 0.067mSv/yr,0.32and0.40respectivelyinPPCsample.Thesevaluesarebelow therecommendedlevelsandconsistentwiththeresultsofotherinvestigationsindifferentpartsof theworld.. Keyword: Activity,Cement,Clinker,Doserate, Gammaspectrometry,Portland Cement,Radioactivematerials.× ![]() Hailu Geremew, A. K. Chaubey, Birhanu Turi "Measurements of Natural Radio activity Levels and Associated Health Hazard Indices in Some Portland Types of cement, Ethiopia" Vol 2-Issue 6 (96-101) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Computational Investigation on Thermo-Hydraulic Performance Characteristics of Ribbed Passage with Turbulence Generators
Author(s): Alok Kumar, Dr. Nitin Tenguria
Page(s): 112-117
Ribs of different geometrical shapes are used on the surface for heat transfer enhancement.Computational study was carried out to determine average heat transfer coefficients and friction factors for turbulent flow through rectangular ducts. A commercial finite volume package Ansys Fluent is used to analyze and visualize the nature of the flow across the ribbed duct. The fluid in the duct was air, and the average heat transfer coefficients were determined by measuring the overall heat transfer coefficients of the duct. To attain fully developed conditions at the entrance and exit, the duct was built with additional lengths before and after the test section. The results are presented in dimensionless form, in terms of Nusselt numbers and friction factors as functions of the Reynolds number. It was found that the ribs increase both the heat transfer and the pressure drop compared with a smooth duct.Thermal enhancement factor (TEF) isdetermined for all geometry and configurations of ribs pattern. Keyword: Nusselt Number, Heat transfer, Pressure Drop, CFD.× ![]() Alok Kumar, Dr. Nitin Tenguria "Computational Investigation on Thermo-Hydraulic Performance Characteristics of Ribbed Passage with Turbulence Generators" Vol 2-Issue 6 (112-117) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Online Inventory Management System
Author(s): Prof. Amol H. Pudale, Miss. Ankita Madnaik, Miss. Ayesha Attar, Miss. Trupti Shirsat, Miss. Poonam Ghatage
Page(s): 118-119
Online Inventory Management System is software which is helpful for the businesses operate Optical stores, where storeowner keeps the records of sales and purchase. Blundered stock methods disillusioned clients, a lot of money tied up in distribution centers and more slow deals. This venture disposes of the administrative work, human issues, manual postponement and accelerate process. Online Inventory Management System will have the ability to customer detail, track sales and available inventory, tells a storeowner when it's time to reorder and how much to purchase. Inventory Management System is a web based application developed for operating the systems which focused in the area of Inventory control and generates the various required reports. Keyword: - - -.× ![]() Prof. Amol H. Pudale, Miss. Ankita Madnaik, Miss. Ayesha Attar, Miss. Trupti Shirsat, Miss. Poonam Ghatage "Online Inventory Management System" Vol 2-Issue 6 (118-119) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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RP-102: Formulation of Solutions of a Very Special Class of Standard Quadratic Congruence of a Multiple of Prime-power Modulus
Author(s): Prof B M Roy
Page(s): 120-123
In this paper, the solutions of a very special class of standard quadratic congruence of a multiple of prime-power modulus is considered forformulation and the solutions are formulated successfully. Such congruence havelarge numbers of solutions. Solutions can be obtained easily in a short time. It is also possible to find the solutions orally. Thus the formulation of solutions of the congruence is the merit of the paper. This formulation made the study of quadratic congruence very interesting. A large numbers of solutions can be calculated mentally. This is one more merit of the paper. Total number of solutions are double the prime in the modulus. Keyword: Composite modulus,Formulation, Prime-power modulus, Quadratic congruence.× ![]() Prof B M Roy "RP-102: Formulation of Solutions of a Very Special Class of Standard Quadratic Congruence of a Multiple of Prime-power Modulus" Vol 2-Issue 6 (120-123) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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An Overview to Cloud Computing
Author(s): Shivam Kashyap, Nitish Kaushik, Dr. Deepak Chahal
Page(s): 124-128
This study reveals the feasibility and study of Cloud computing and its concepts .It tells how cloud is computed and used in today’s era with rise of new technologies and day by day changing the generation .It also specifies how cloud can help society to solve the problems like creating a virtual system without hardware need , memory providence , client server network , cost saving etc.various cloud models are discussed there are various opportunities can be available by cloud computing. Keyword: Infrastructure ,reliability, computerize, pooling, scalability, cloud, protocol, hybrid,community, mobilization.× ![]() Shivam Kashyap, Nitish Kaushik, Dr. Deepak Chahal "An Overview to Cloud Computing" Vol 2-Issue 6 (124-128) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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RFID Future of Red-Light Violation Detection System: An Analysis on What Does It Look Like and What are the Public Perceptions
Author(s): Arun Yadav, Dr. Bridie Scott-Parker
Page(s): 129-143
Automatic traffic light detection plays an important role in the efficient functioning of theintelligent transportation system (ITS). A variety of detection methods have beenimplemented around the world with the objective toincrease the accuracy of red-light violation detection systems (RLVDS). Under the traditional method, a traffic police officer identifies red-lightviolators and apprehend them on the spot. Not only this is an expensive method of enforcement, but it may breed corruption including other drawbacks. So, to overcome these limitations many countries have shifted tothe modern enforcement method, underwhich atraffic light camera was used to detect red-light violators by capturing the number plate of the offending vehicle. However,ithas its ownlimitations, includingthe capture of a blurry image of poor resolution, obscuring of numbers and/or letters during hours of darkness and more. Therefore, many red-light transgressions remain undetected, and un-punished.This paper discusses the various limitations of the existing detection systems and proposes a Radio frequency identification (RFID) based solution to overcome theselimitationsand improve the accuracy of RLVDS.In doing so, various red-light enforcement methods have been studied, and the need for an RFID based RLVDS have been discussed.Furthermore, to understand the public perception, data from the questionnaire survey based on a random sample of 1000 respondents including a wide range of their characteristics from India were analyzed using an econometric technique. Findings from this research provide several important implications that could support the current practices of RLVDS. Keyword: Intelligent traffic control systems, Radio frequency identification, Red-light violation detection systems, Online survey, Red-light cameras.× ![]() Arun Yadav, Dr. Bridie Scott-Parker "RFID Future of Red-Light Violation Detection System: An Analysis on What Does It Look Like and What are the Public Perceptions" Vol 2-Issue 6 (129-143) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Inheritance in C++ Programming Language
Author(s): Prof. Vishal Mehtra, Prachi Gupta
Page(s): 144-147
The objective of this review paper is to review concept of inheritance in C++ Programming Language. The review paper begins upon the survey of C++ OOP’s concept like inheritance, programming language technical concepts using examples to provide the reader’s a feel for the language. Inheritance plays an important rule for code reusability. C++ is a general-purpose programming language with an influence towards system programming that supports efficient low-levelcomputations, dataabstraction, Object Oriented Programmingand generic programming. Keyword: C++,OOP’s,Inheritance, Software reuse.× ![]() Prof. Vishal Mehtra, Prachi Gupta "Inheritance in C++ Programming Language" Vol 2-Issue 6 (144-147) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Effective Catalytic Degradation of Methyl Orang Using CuO Nanoparticles
Author(s): Amine El Farrouji, Abderrahim Chihab Eddine, Larbi El Firdoussi, Boualy Brahim, Mustapha Ait Ali
Page(s): 148-151
CuO nanoparticles were synthesized by simple and inexpensive room temperature solution method. The catalytic activity of CuO was evaluated by using methyl orange (MO) as probe molecule. It was inferred from control experiments that presence of both CuO and H2O2 is necessary for the degradation. The effect of catalyst loading and Volume of H2O2 on degradation was also investigated. Oxidative degradation of MO was found to follow pseudo-first order kinetics.. Keyword: Methyl Orang, degradation, nanocrystalline copper (II) oxide.× ![]() Amine El Farrouji, Abderrahim Chihab Eddine, Larbi El Firdoussi, Boualy Brahim, Mustapha Ait Ali "Effective Catalytic Degradation of Methyl Orang Using CuO Nanoparticles" Vol 2-Issue 6 (148-151) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Cloud Computing Overview and Application
Author(s): Chris Achebe, Wayne Travis
Page(s): 152-156
Cloud computing software and applications have grown dramatically in recent years, generating a turnover of more than $ 219 billion worldwide in 2016. The share of SaaS (Software as a Service) is a majority and should, thanks stable growth, alone generating nearly $ 100 billion by 2020.Due to cloud computing systems ability to run and operate all the available programs like a normal computer and practically cloud computing ability to execute programs of any length and complicacy , it has become popular among companies from small, mid-size to large corporations. In this research paper, an attempt has been made to provide an overview of Cloud Computing, Cloud applications, benefits of Cloud Computing and security risks in Cloud Computing. Keyword: Cloud Computing, Applications, SaaS, Services, Security.× ![]() Chris Achebe, Wayne Travis "Cloud Computing Overview and Application" Vol 2-Issue 6 (152-156) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Pacitane Nanoparticles Drug Release for Brain Disorder
Author(s): C.Kumaresan
Page(s): 157-162
After swallowing nanosize formulation by oral route, nanosize drug enters into the gastrointestinal tract, and drug coated nanoparticles reaches the systemic circulation. Thereby the nanoparticle reaches the brain and brain disorder can be cured effectively by drug receptor mechanism. The nanosize drug reaches by quick onset of action. The objective of this research article is the about mind health and brain disorder, and nanoparticles review to cure the disease by release of drug effectively in brain. The drug model such as pacitane nanoparticles reach the gastrointestinal tract after oral intake and reaches pool of the systemic blood and the brain disorder such as parkinson’s , schizopernia disease can be treated. Keyword: Nano, drug release, brain, pshych, disorder and health.× ![]() C.Kumaresan "Pacitane Nanoparticles Drug Release for Brain Disorder" Vol 2-Issue 6 (157-162) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Cross breed Spam Categorization Method using Machine Learning Techniques
Author(s): Jancy Sickory Daisy, A.Rijuvana Begum
Page(s): 163-166
Electronic mail (email) is one of the most common methodologies for online correspondence and moving information through web in light of its speedy and simple dispersion of information, low dissemination cost and permanency. Notwithstanding these advantages there are sure shortcomings of email. Among these, spam otherwise called garbage email tops. Spam is set of undesirable or wrong messages sent over the web to a gigantic measure of clients to showcase, phishing, scattering malware, and so forth. With the web turning into the predominant stage hostile to spam arrangements are of extraordinary use today. This paper delineates a proficient half and half spam filtration strategy utilizing Naïve Bayes calculation and Markov Random Field system, which recognizes and channels spam messages. The proposed technique is assessed dependent on its exactness, carefulness and time utilization. The outcomes affirm that the proposed half and half technique accomplishes high level of genuine positive rate in discovering email spam messages. Keyword: E-mail spam, Naïve Bayes algorithm, Markov Random Field.× ![]() Jancy Sickory Daisy, A.Rijuvana Begum "Cross breed Spam Categorization Method using Machine Learning Techniques" Vol 2-Issue 6 (163-166) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Corporate Social Responsibility and Employee Retention in the Philippines
Author(s): Mary Ana SelineAngoluan, Rosalia Caballero
Page(s): 167-169
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been implemented in the Philippines since Memorandum Circular No. 6, Series of 2009 or Code of Corporate Governance. In line with this, studies had begun focusing on CSR.The researcher then investigated the relationship between CSR and Employee Retention in the Philippines. The results showed a positive correlation on CSRs economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic on employee retention’s career opportunities, appreciation and stimulation, and intention to stay. Only ethical showed a positive relationship on work life balance other corporate social responsibility showed no relationship. Keyword: Corporate Social Responsibility, Employee Retention.× ![]() Mary Ana SelineAngoluan, Rosalia Caballero "Corporate Social Responsibility and Employee Retention in the Philippines" Vol 2-Issue 6 (167-169) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Assessment of Field Conditions and Soil Losses From Arable Lands of Wanke District in Gusau Local Government, Zamfara State, Nigeria
Author(s): Dalhatu, Salisu
Page(s): 170-182
Soil erosion continues to be one of the major environmental threats that has devastating effects on the quality and productive capacity of arable lands with its attendant consequences on food insecurity. This research work was therefore carried out to assess the Field Conditions and carryout Volumetric Analyses of Soil Losses on Arable Lands of Wanke District in Gusau Local Government Area, Zamfara State. Stratified random sampling technique was used in selecting the sampling units for the study from which Rapid Assessment of Field conditions and Morphometric measurements of the eroded sites covering percent slope, lengths, widths and depths were made on rills and gullies as some of the soil loss indicators from which Total Cross-Sectional Area (m²) and Total Volume of Soil Loss (m³) were determined. Rapid Assessment of Field conditions shows that human interference has greatly disturbed the vegetation across all the sampling units, while farmers in the area practice bunding, terracing, cover cropping and construction of artificial drainages as farm-level anti-erosion measures. From the computations, the study unveils that the Total Cross-Sectional Area and Total Volume of Soil Loss for both sampled rills and gullies are 373.59 (m²) and 6654.78 (m³) respectively. The paper recommends that Zamfara state government should seek robust partnerships with all relevant stakeholders (federal government, NGOs, IDPs and individuals) with particular interest in soil erosion control and general soil conservation practices to reverse the trend of soil loss and restore quality environment and soil productivity in the area and the state at large.. Keyword: Soil Erosion, Soil Loss, Morphological Characteristics, Cross Sectional Area and Wanke District.× ![]() Dalhatu, Salisu "Assessment of Field Conditions and Soil Losses From Arable Lands of Wanke District in Gusau Local Government, Zamfara State, Nigeria" Vol 2-Issue 6 (170-182) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Off-Grid Small Hydropower for Rural Development in Nigeria
Author(s): Faralu Muhammad Sani, Abubakar Sani Sambo
Page(s): 183-187
A comprehensive review of small hydropower development in rural areas of Nigeria and off-grid systems was carried out. Major researches conducted at potential sites for small hydropower development and current trends as well as the role of off-grid networks were reported. All the six geo-political regions in Nigeria can possibly be taken care by the works under review. Small hydropower potential showed that 5.13-5000 kW is enough to cater for an average rural community in Nigeria and this is achievable in many identified SHP sites. The creation of decentralized off-grid networks at potential sites would significantly increase electricity accessibility. Very small percentage of identified SHP potential is so far harnessed. Works are still on-going and huge opportunities for investment and electricity generation exist in small hydropower systems regarding rural electrification in Nigeria. Keyword: small, hydropower, rural, Nigeria, off-grid.× ![]() Faralu Muhammad Sani, Abubakar Sani Sambo "Off-Grid Small Hydropower for Rural Development in Nigeria" Vol 2-Issue 6 (183-187) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Traffic Noise – A Health Stressor for Mankind
Author(s): Jonsan Vasava, Nehal Vasava, Vikash Gamit, Hetal Chaudhari, Vipul Vasaiya, Prof.C.B.Mishra
Page(s): 188-193
Sound infiltrates our life all over the place. It is a basic part of our public activity. We need it for correspondence, direction and as a notice signal. Be that as it may, 'undesirable' sound must be considered as 'acoustical rubbish for example noise'. Environmental noise stays a perplexing and divided transaction between industrialization, populace development, mechanical improvements, and the living condition. Beside the circulatory maladies and disease, noise pollution has been referred to as the third plague reason for mental and physiological issue globally. Surely, noise is a trademark of current society stressor and individuals are commonly mindful of it, however for what reason is so hard to change their demeanor toward this reality? This paper features the mindfulness about the dynamic weights of noise among the open particularly the adolescents, huge difficulties, wellbeing effects of natural noise as a developing concern, weight of disease worldwide and yield of logical examinations did by famous scientists. The specialists, strategy producers and their counsels can take the advantage to organize and design environmental and general wellbeing approaches. Keyword: Noise, Environment, Stress, Health, Annoyance.× ![]() Jonsan Vasava, Nehal Vasava, Vikash Gamit, Hetal Chaudhari, Vipul Vasaiya, Prof.C.B.Mishra "Traffic Noise – A Health Stressor for Mankind" Vol 2-Issue 6 (188-193) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Fast and Scalable Semi Supervised Adaptation for Video Action Recognition
Author(s): Asha Elsa George, Smita C Thomas
Page(s): 194-196
A new and efficient semi supervised adaptation method is used for parameter estimation and feature selection in Conditional Random Fields (CRFs). In real world applications such as activity recognition, unlabeled sensor traces are relatively easy to obtain whereas labeled examples are expensive and exhausting to collect.Automatically choose atiny low set of discriminatory options from anoutsized pool is advantageous in terms of process speed still as accuracy.In this paper, the semi supervised virtual evidence boosting algorithmic program is introduced for CRFs and a semi supervised extension to the recently developed virtual evidence boosting method for featureselection and parameter learning Semi-supervised Domain Adaptation with Subspace Learning (SDASL), which jointly explores invariant low- dimensional structures across domains to correct data distribution mismatch and leverages available unlabeled targetexamples to use the underlying intrinsic data within the target domain. Keyword: Adaptation, Human action recognition, Semi-supervised learning.× ![]() Asha Elsa George, Smita C Thomas "Fast and Scalable Semi Supervised Adaptation for Video Action Recognition" Vol 2-Issue 6 (194-196) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Automated Pharmacy
Author(s): Lajwanti Gupta, Kanishka Ingle, Sharvari Thombre, Aishwaryalaxmi Tambad
Page(s): 197-201
This paper presents the new healthcare system that would change the way of curing the diseases, storing the records, buying themedicines.Aswehaveseenmostofthepeoplevisitthedoctorforsmall-scalecureinwhichfewofthemcanbecuredathomeitselfsing the home remedies. So our system provide the different functionalities which will digitalize the healthcare system. Optical Character recognitionwillhelpinscanningtheprescriptionandprovidingtheexactcontentonit.Electronichealthrecordistheformofdigitalfilerecord systemwhichwillcontainthemedicalrecordofthepatient.TheChatbotsystemwillprovidevirtualassistancetotheusers.Herethepatient’s symptoms are predicted by pattern matching, by tracking what they describe. The patient is also provided with the map works with help of GoogleMapsAPIwhichwilltakethemtothenearestlocatedhospitalsandmedicalstores.Furtherwebserviceisalsoprovidedforpurchasing themedicalonline,whichallcollectivelyhelpusertonotgoanywhereandgettreatmentforprimaryhealthrelatedissues.. Keyword: — Healthcare Domain, OCR, Electronic Health Record (EHR), Virtual assistant (Chatbot), Google Maps API, Medication Profile..× ![]() Lajwanti Gupta, Kanishka Ingle, Sharvari Thombre, Aishwaryalaxmi Tambad "Automated Pharmacy" Vol 2-Issue 6 (197-201) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Exploiting Semantics-Based Plagiarism Detection Methods
Author(s): Sajin R Nair, Smita C Thomas
Page(s): 202-206
Manycomplex networked systems exhibit natural divisions of network nodes. Each division, or community, is adversely connected subgroup. Such community structure not only helps comprehension but also finds wide applications in complex systems. Moreover, existing proposed applications of software community structure have not been directly compared or combined with existing software engineering practices. Comparison with baseline practices is needed to convince practitioners to adopt the proposed approaches. However today’s vetting mechanisms are slow and less capable of catching new threats author have implemented a set of tools collectively called TOB-PD (TOB based Plagiarism Detection tool) by applying TOB to three existing representative dynamic birthmarks, including SCSSB (System Call Short Sequence Birthmark), DYKIS (DYnamic Key Instruction Sequence birthmark) and JB (an API based birthmark for Java). This experiments conducted on large number of binary programs show that proposedapproach exhibits strong resilience against state-of-the-art semantics-preserving code obfuscation techniques. Comparisons against the three existing tools SCSSB, DYKIS and JB show that the new framework is effective for plagiarism detection of multithreaded programs. The tools, the benchmarks and the experimental results are all publicly available... Keyword: Multithreaded programming, Android malware,Software plagiarism, Birthmark, SCSSB (System Call Short Sequence Birthmark), DYKIS (DYnamic Key Instruction Sequence birthmark), JB (an API based birthmark for JavTOB-PD (TOB based Plagiarism Detection tool).× ![]() Sajin R Nair, Smita C Thomas "Exploiting Semantics-Based Plagiarism Detection Methods" Vol 2-Issue 6 (202-206) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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A Study of Disaggregated Memory Management Techniques with Hypervisor Based Technique
Author(s): Lakshmi Prasad, Smita C Thomas
Page(s): 207-211
Increasing importance of in-memory processing, cloud service suppliers have launched massive memory virtual machine services to accommodate memory intensive workloads. Such massive memory services victimization low volume scaled-up machines square measure so much less cost-effective than scaled-out services consisting of high-volume artefact servers. By exploiting memory usage imbalance across cloud nodes, disaggregated memory will rescale the memory capability for a virtual machine during a cost-efficient approach. Disaggregated memory permits obtainable memory in remote nodes to be used for the virtual machine requiring a lot of memory than its domestically obtainable memory. It supports high performance with the quicker direct memory whereas satisfying the memory capability demand with the slower remote memory. This paper compares some existing technologies with planned system. It additionally proposes a new hypervisor-integrated disaggregated memory system for cloud computing. The hypervisor-integrated style has many new contributions in its disaggregated memory style and implementation. initially the tight hypervisor integration, investigates a new page management mechanism and policy tuned for disaggregated memory in virtualized systems. Second, it restructures the memory management procedures and relieves the measurability concern for supporting massive virtual machines. Third, exploiting page access records obtainable to the hypervisor, it supports application-aware elastic block sizes for taking remote memory pages with totally different granularities. reckoning on the degrees of spacial neighborhood for various regions of memory during a virtual machine, the optimum block size for every memory region is dynamically chosen. The experimental results with the implementation integrated to the KVM hypervisor, shows that the disaggregated memory will give on the average half-dozen % performance degradation compared to the best local-memory solely machine. Keyword: Disaggregated memory; cloud computing; virtualization; remote memory.× ![]() Lakshmi Prasad, Smita C Thomas "A Study of Disaggregated Memory Management Techniques with Hypervisor Based Technique" Vol 2-Issue 6 (207-211) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Automatic Tagging and Face Detection Mechanism Using Deep Neural Network
Author(s): Jitty Merin Mathew, Smita C Thomas
Page(s): 212-214
With the tremendous increase in video and image database there is a great need of automatic understanding and examination of data by the intelligent systems as manually it is becoming out of reach. Narrowing it down to one specific domain, one of the most specific objects that can be traced in the images are people i.e. faces. Face detection is becoming a challenge by its increasing use in number of applications. It is the first step for face recognition, face analysis and detection of other features of face. This paper considers the problem of multi-view face detection. While there has been significant research on this problem, current state-of-the-art approaches for this task require annotation of facial landmarks,or annotation of face poses. They also require training dozens of models to fully capture faces in all orientations, e.g. 22 models in HeadHunter method. In this paper proposes Deep Dense Face Detector (DDFD), a method that does not require pose/landmark annotation and is able to detect faces in a wide range of orientations using a single model based on deep convolutional neural networks. The proposed method has minimal complexity; unlike other recent deep learning object detection methods, it does not require additional components such as segmentation, bounding-box regression, or SVM classifiers. Keyword: Face Detection, Face Recognition, Tagging, Deep Learning, Convolution Neural Network.× ![]() Jitty Merin Mathew, Smita C Thomas "Automatic Tagging and Face Detection Mechanism Using Deep Neural Network" Vol 2-Issue 6 (212-214) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Privacy Preserving Aggregate Statistics for Mobile Crowdsensing
Author(s): Laya Chacko, Smita C Thomas
Page(s): 215-220
Mobile crowd-sensing applications turn out helpful information of the encircling setting. Take user answerability into consideration by revoking malicious users from the present task or all tasks of the MCS system. Framework for assignment tasks to staff in a web manner while not compromising the placement privacy of staff and tasks. Perturb the locations of each tasks ad staff supported geo-indistinguishability. Devise techniques to quantify the likelihood of reachability between a task and a employee. Each analytical and empirical models for quantifying the worker-task try reachability. Propose task assignment ways that strike a balance among numerous metrics. Metrics embrace the quantity of completed tasks, employee travel distance and system overhead. Keyword: Differential Privacy, Mobile Crowdsourcing, Privacy Preserving, Data Publication.× ![]() Laya Chacko, Smita C Thomas "Privacy Preserving Aggregate Statistics for Mobile Crowdsensing" Vol 2-Issue 6 (215-220) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Attacks on health system in South Sudan
Author(s): Samuel Kemboi Biwott, Andrew Ngugi, Juliet Ajok, Agaba Gerald, Paul Oceng Ojara, Patrick Luseni
Page(s): 221-249
Complex emergencies have been defined as “relatively acute situations affecting large civilian populations, usually involving a combination of war or civil strife, food shortages and population displacement, resulting in significant excess mortality” Armed conflict causes an enormous amount of death and disability worldwide. It destroys families, communities and cultures. It diverts scarce resources. It disrupts the societal infrastructure that supports health. It forces people to leave their homes and become internally displaced persons or refugees who have fled to other countries. It violates human rights. It promotes violence as a means to resolve conflicts and it degrades the environment. Armed conflict has an even more profound effect on low- and middle-income countries. Health professionals can play important roles in minimizing the adverse consequences of war and in preventing war itself provide evidence for conflict resolution efforts, we carried out retrospective documents and literature Large-scale armed conflict in South Sudan has led to the displacement of about 4.5 million people and severely affected food security and livelihoods. So as to inform the ongoing humanitarian response and reviews from various sources to construct the direct and indirect effect of conflict and war on fragility of health system for the period 2014 and 2018.While important factors such as climate abnormalities, limited farming technology and maternal, infant and young child feeding practices modulate its severity, armed conflict is generally understood to be a key underlying cause. Moreover, its effects on health are exacerbated by other factors brought about by war, including limited preventive and curative health services, poor water and sanitation, increased disease transmission due to displacement, and exposure to both physical and mental trauma. This definition has limitations; the duration of the emergency, which may be decades, and the inclusion of food shortages as a prerequisite are especially problematic. We have redefined complex emergencies as situations in which mortality among the civilian population substantially increases above the population baseline, either as a result of the direct effects of war or indirectly through increased prevalence of malnutrition and/or transmission of communicable diseases, particularly if the latter result from deliberate political and military policies and strategies (national, subnational, or international). This definition does not include natural disasters, which are usually short term and necessitate a qualitatively different response, but may include situations in which war does not play a major part (famine where government policies contribute to food insecurity) or situations in which food insecurity is not prominent (war and civil strife in developed countries). Keyword: Health, War, Conflict, Morbidity, displacement, Mortality and Migration.× ![]() Samuel Kemboi Biwott, Andrew Ngugi, Juliet Ajok, Agaba Gerald, Paul Oceng Ojara, Patrick Luseni "Attacks on health system in South Sudan" Vol 2-Issue 6 (221-249) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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What are Roles of Women in Tulama Oromo Gada System? The Case of Ilu, South-West Shewa Zone, Oromia Regional State
Author(s): Aregash Eticha Sefera
Page(s): 250-262
This study deals with the role of women in Gada system in Tulama Oromo of Ilu. Gada is an indigenous institution that incorporates political, social and economic issues of the Oromo. In this institution, Women have their own role and status in the political, social and economic affairs of the Oromo society. The objective of this study is to examine the role of women among Tulama Oromo of Ilu Gada system. To achieve this objective, both primary and secondary data was used. Accordingly, interview, focus group discussion and participant observation were employed to collect data. For this purpose, informants were selected from Abba Gada (father of Gada), Luba, Jaartii Cifree (wife of Yuba (retired Gada elder)), Haadha Siiqqee (wife of Abba Gada, Luba), community elders and culture and tourism office from government officials. These informants were participated in interview, focus group discussion. In such way, 36 informants were directly involved in the study. In anthropological studies, analysis is an instrument to extract meanings and interpretation from the data obtained during fieldwork. In such manner, data were presented in a qualitative type. The findings of the study show that women have tremendous role in gada system. In this case, no event or no ceremonies take place without the full participation of women. Women were basically represented and/or play a significant role through different institutions such as Siiqqee and other ritual ceremonies and institutions working as check and balances for protecting women’s right in general. Hence, without participation of women, the Oromoo socio-political practices could be meaningless. That is to say, any social, political and economic practice irrespective of women may not be fruitful. Based on the research findings, some recommendations were forwarded that strengthen understanding of Gada system. Keyword: Gadaa system, Ilu Wereda, Role, Tulama Oromo, Women. × ![]() Aregash Eticha Sefera "What are Roles of Women in Tulama Oromo Gada System? The Case of Ilu, South-West Shewa Zone, Oromia Regional State" Vol 2-Issue 6 (250-262) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Environmental Issues and Public Health of Pakistan
Author(s): Kiran Younas, Rabail Urooj
Page(s): 263-265
A study was conducted in Pakistan in order to determine the public health and their impacts on human and environment. Different issues were studied in public health that included water and air pollution problems. Many diseases are reported in Pakistan which includes HIV/AIDS, Dengue fever and tuberculosis. Instead of these diseases many healthcare delivery systems are provided for public health. In Pakistan there are several policies in different years for public health and environmental issues. One of the policy is “National Health Vision” (2016_2025). Different organizations are working for public health. The result shows that due to policies for public health many diseases are controlled and environment conditions become much better. Keyword: - - -× ![]() Kiran Younas, Rabail Urooj "Environmental Issues and Public Health of Pakistan" Vol 2-Issue 6 (263-265) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Autonomous Agricultural BOT
Author(s): Arati Nimbalkar, Anam Shaikh, Jayashree Hogale, Manisha Gite, Prof.R.S.Parte
Page(s): 266-275
With the advancement of science and recent technologies the attention of scientist is getting directed towards two field – Farming and Robotics System. But the combination of two technologies can serve efficiently for many problems by overcoming the limitation of previous technologies. Robotics technologies alone serve very well for the various problems in the field of engineering, medical, military, industry evolution and other various areas of development and requirements, but here we pile together the new advancement in agriculture with robotics to develop the agriculture system which can be used in more complex dynamic systems. This technology provides optimum and efficient solution for wide ranges of production with their merits and demerits. This robotic system is named as agricultural robot. We have to develop a robot capable of performing operations like automatic ploughing, seed dispensing and watering. It also provides manual control when required and keeps tabs on the humidity with the help of humidity sensors. The main component here is the AVR Atmega microcontroller that supervises the entire process. Initially the robot tills the entire field and proceeds to ploughing, simultaneously dispensing seeds side by side. After seeding it also levels the soil and waters the ground. For manual control the robot uses the Bluetooth pairing app as control device and helps in the navigation of the robot inside the field. The field is fitted with humidity sensors placed at various spots that continuously monitor the environment for humidity levels. It checks these levels with the set point for humidity and alerts the farmer. It also has temperature sensors and moisture sensor that sends data to the app. The water sprinklers, if on, bring down the humidity level thus providing an ideal growing environment to crop. Farmers today spend a lot of money on machines that help them decrease labour and increase yield of crops but the profit and efficiency are very less. Hence automation is the ideal solution to overcome all the shortcomings by creating machines that perform all operations and automating it to increase yield on a large scale. Keyword: Movement, Agricultural robot,, Arduino, Robot Architecture, Agricultural Functions, Android, Sensors.× ![]() Arati Nimbalkar, Anam Shaikh, Jayashree Hogale, Manisha Gite, Prof.R.S.Parte "Autonomous Agricultural BOT" Vol 2-Issue 6 (266-275) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Advantages of 64 Bit 5T SRAM
Author(s): Supriya Raj, Vishal Shrivastava
Page(s): 276-280
It is seemed that we have to focus to minimize the power due to leakage current through a huge number of transistors and the large memory substance. This dissertation gives 5 Transistors future SoC (System on Chip) devices SRAM concept. Hence SRAM may be utilized in the place of 6 Transistors SRAM. By using DSCH2 and Microwind 2.6K we are designing a layout of SRAM in 2.5µm and 1.5µm technology by using 5 transistors and perform various operations on it. By using Microwind 2.6K software we are designing a layout diagram and checked it through DRC rule checker and after that simulate the layout and do the analysis. It helps to decrease the memory size. Keyword: VLSI, SoC, SRAM, IC, DSCH2, DRC.× ![]() Supriya Raj, Vishal Shrivastava "Advantages of 64 Bit 5T SRAM" Vol 2-Issue 6 (276-280) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Experimental Investigation and Development of Mathematical Correlations of Cutting Parameters for Machining Titanium with CNC WEDM
Author(s): Aviyyapu mounika, K.S.V.S Sarath Chandra
Page(s): 281-290
Wire Cut EDMprocess material Titanium different parameters of machining current, cutting speed, spark gap and Material removal rate will be investigated and best suited values forstable and controlled machining with least wire breakage.In the present work aimed at Experimental Investigation to determining optimal values of machining parameters in the machining of Titanium material of different Thickness using wire cut electric discharge machine. It also aimed at development of mathematical correlations to determine the effect of machining parameters on Current, Cutting speed, Spark gap, and Material Removal Rate investigated and best suited values for stable and controlled machining with least wire breakage. The experiments are conducted on the Titanium material by cutting L and U shapes by varying machining current from a lower value to a higher value in 5 steps. The cutting speed is noted down from machine display and surface finish is measured on using Tallysurf.The spark gap is calculated from cutting width. The optimum values of machining current, cutting speed, spark gap, surface roughness and MRR are used for plotting the curves and best fit curve is selected using the Origin 8.0,software.The mathematical relation is for best fit curve and statistically analysis is performed to find fitness of the curve. The maximum error obtained from calculated values and experimental values are found to be less than 4 %.From these we, conclude that Regression Statistical analysis gives better prediction values with less error%. Keyword: WEDM, Cutting speed, MRR, Spark gap, surface roughness,Mathematical correlations, Regression Analysis.× ![]() Aviyyapu mounika, K.S.V.S Sarath Chandra "Experimental Investigation and Development of Mathematical Correlations of Cutting Parameters for Machining Titanium with CNC WEDM" Vol 2-Issue 6 (281-290) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Household Energy Use–Clean and Energy Efficient Cooking Solution – a case study of Chhukha Dzongkhag
Author(s): Jigme Lhaden, Ngawang Dorji, Dupjay Pelzang, Roshan Chhetri
Page(s): 291-297
Bhutanese cooking pattern as of now isliquefied petroleum gas (LPG), firewood and kerosene which are sufficiently not clean. As Bhutan is increasingly intrested in switching for clean and efficient household energy, it is never too early to go for electricity and induction cooking. In this paper cost, time, environmental impact and loading of distrubution transformer are substantially analysed and came up with the conclusion that induction cooking is the best cooking solution besides exsisting cooking technologies. With the introduction of induction cooking in the country, people will often feel scaptic to go for induction cooking. This paper dissiminate and create awareness on cost and time benefit analysis which will make people easy to decide on the more efficient cooking energy. This solution solves the overall increasing use of dirty energy consumption and thereby at the macro level helping to acheive the country’s mission of maintaining carbon neutal country for all the times to come Keyword: Clean and efficient energy, induction cooktops, GHG emission, transformer loading.× ![]() Jigme Lhaden, Ngawang Dorji, Dupjay Pelzang, Roshan Chhetri "Household Energy Use–Clean and Energy Efficient Cooking Solution – a case study of Chhukha Dzongkhag" Vol 2-Issue 6 (291-297) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Author(s): Gregory Abramov
Page(s): 298-300
Many world languages contain two technical terms which are equally used in the modern scientific and industrial lexicons and, at a first glimpse,soundpretty similar: "geotechnology" ("geotechnological") and "geotechnic" ("geotechnical"). Due to that apparent similarity and the lack of a clear definition of "geotechnology", they are often misused, creating significant muddle and confusion. This article is an attempt to clarify the situation. Keyword: Geotechnology, geotechnological, geotechnic, geotechnical, remote operated mining.× ![]() Gregory Abramov "GEOTECHNIC VS. GEOTECHNOLOGY" Vol 2-Issue 6 (298-300) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Secure Verifiable Mobile Voting Based On Kerberos Mechanism
Author(s): Abdullahi Yahya Imam
Page(s): 301-306
Recent technological breakthroughs make the use of mobile smartphones in our daily lives so ubiquitous. Democratic systems mostly depend on elections to provide teeming electorates the right to vote for their leaders or to express their views in referendums. In literature, several electronic voting systems from standalone to mobile were proposed. However, a valid and usable electronic voting system supposes to meet some requirements among which vote verifiability is a challenge to many of the current systems. Thus, this paper proposes a mobile phone e-voting system based on Kerberos authentication mechanism which achieves vote verifiability using a cryptographic tag each voter produces independently. The proposed system uses secure symmetric key cryptography to fit the most used mobile devices’ performance. Keyword: Electronic voting, verifiability, cryptographic tag,Kerberos authentication, Two–factor Authentication.× ![]() Abdullahi Yahya Imam "Secure Verifiable Mobile Voting Based On Kerberos Mechanism" Vol 2-Issue 6 (301-306) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Mass of Photon
Author(s): Mohit Lamba
Page(s): 307-308
Since ancient times,Light is an controversial topic and nowdays it’s belived that light exists in 2 forms : particle and wave.But major part of light is “Photon”.According to scientists,it’s massless but it has momentum.But this rises some questions such as,how anything could exist without mass? Or how it’s possible to have momentum without mass ? So according to me,Photon should have some mass. Keyword: - - -.× ![]() Mohit Lamba "Mass of Photon" Vol 2-Issue 6 (307-308) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Blockchain: An Innovative Technology
Author(s): Anjali Singhal, Gaganmeet Bahri, Dr. Deepak Chahal
Page(s): 309-311
The first person to work on a cryptographically secured chain of blocks was illustrated in1991 by Stuart Haber and W. Scott Stornetta. They wanted to execute a system where a document time count cannot be fortified. The first Blockchain was visualized by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008. Nakamoto enhances the design efficiently by using the Hashcash method to time count the no of blocks without necessitating them that to be signed to reduce the size with which block to be added to the block or not. Nakamoto executed the design as a part of the cryptocurrency bitcoin, where it serves as a public ledger for all arrangements on the network. In this paper, we are going to learn more in-depth about Blockchain, the working of Blockchain, and how it is modernized the whole world. Keyword: Block chain, Crypto currency, Distributed Ledger, KYC using block chain Challenges with Block chain.× ![]() Anjali Singhal, Gaganmeet Bahri, Dr. Deepak Chahal "Blockchain: An Innovative Technology" Vol 2-Issue 6 (309-311) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Talent Management in Commercial Banks in Tamilnadu
Author(s): Saravana Kumar M, Dr.Sridharan G
Page(s): 312-327
There have come about many changes in India, especially in the banking sector. Thanks to the new economic policy that was introduced during the early nineties. The emerging business profile of banks would include non-traditional areas like merchant banking, mutual funds, newer financial services, personal investment counselling, factoring, venture capital and possibly consultancy and research services. The banks are continuously making innovations in their operational fields and thus the profile of these banks will undergo major transformations. It calls for new knowledge, skill and attitude and training systems will have to stand up to these challenges and it will definitely demand for changes in approaches to training. The new technology will transform the skill structure in banks. The present study is an attempt to evaluate and compare the training and development endeavours in Commercial Banks (Public Sector and New Generation Banks) in Tamilnadu. The study finds that significant differences exist between the two categories of banks regarding the training provided to its employees and its impact towards employee retention. But the differences are related to only certain aspects and it is not universal. Based on the study it will be apt to say that the training approach of a particular type of bank is significantly enhanced and contribute to benefits of the employee and the organization. Keyword: Training, Public Sector Banks, New Generation Banks, Benefits of training, Employee retention.× ![]() Saravana Kumar M, Dr.Sridharan G "Talent Management in Commercial Banks in Tamilnadu" Vol 2-Issue 6 (312-327) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Communications Network Of Broiler Farmers Partnership
Author(s): J.A Putritamara, S.Azizah, N.Febrianto
Page(s): 328-336
The study aims to analyze patterns of communication networks and create strategies to solve the problem of communication within the partnership Broiler. Study to be implemented in 8 inti external partnerships in Malang with respondents are 3 types of institutional support of public, voluntary and private sectors.The first stages of mapping the appropriate communication network for use stakeholder analysis UCINET 6682. The research result that the value in a very large degree farmers role in contributing in a partnership of 100%. The ability of farmers in the exchange of information only occurs in the inti actors only.At the farmer actor in closeness value was 87.50% and 57.17% out closeness means that farmers master the technical terms and give a good output for the inti in terms of communication and even able to provide good information to the integrator so that in the study of plasma sources of information good for the other actors. Keyword: Broiler, communication, network, partnership.× ![]() J.A Putritamara, S.Azizah, N.Febrianto "Communications Network Of Broiler Farmers Partnership" Vol 2-Issue 6 (328-336) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Preferred Methods of Assisted Partner Notification Services in Seme and Kisumu West Sub Counties, Kenya
Author(s): Anangwe Munala Samson, Dennis G. Magu, Fredrick O.Otieno
Page(s): 337-343
No one method of partner notification is universally preferred. Preferences differ by population, age (specifically young people) and partner type (primary or non-primary).We aim to examine the preferred methods of assisted partner notification service among HIV positive clients in Kisumu county. We conducted a descriptivecross-sectional research study in 3 health facilities on a sample of 423 HIV positive clients. Findings indicated that 40.4% of the participants indicated that the preferred method of referral was provider referral .However there existed no statistical association between participation in PNS and the preferred methods.. Keyword: - - -.× ![]() Anangwe Munala Samson, Dennis G. Magu, Fredrick O. Otieno "Preferred Methods of Assisted Partner Notification Services in Seme and Kisumu West Sub Counties, Kenya" Vol 2-Issue 6 (337-343) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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A comparative analysis on fundamental of Speech Signal and Noise using different Channels and Modes
Author(s): Md. Murad Ali, Md. Solaiman Ali
Page(s): 344-347
Signal is essential in our daily life for evaluating our daily activities. Signal is a function of one or more variables which conveys information, such as analog signal, digital signal, continuous tine signal, discrete time signal etc. But sometimes unwanted signals are included into the message signal, which is termed as a noise, As a result, we can’t get the appropriate signal at the receiver end. So, we should to find out the best way, how to minimize this noise effect in original signal. In this paper we have evaluated the performance of bit error rate with respect to SNR for different channels (AWGN, Rician, Rayleigh) for finding the best channel and also investigated the performance of different mode for finding error less signal transmission. From the simulation results, it is viewed that AWGN channel is the best channel and Rayleigh channel is the worst channel and data mode carries as small bit, the result is better for error less signal transmission.. Keyword: Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), Bit Error Rate (BER).× ![]() Md. Murad Ali, Md. Solaiman Ali "A comparative analysis on fundamental of Speech Signal and Noise using different Channels and Modes" Vol 2-Issue 6 (344-347) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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HUMAN STEM CELLS: An Interpretation and Impression on Human Adult Stem Cell
Author(s): Dr Rajalakshmi.G
Page(s): 348-353
An historically, understanding of molecular genetics aspects of human germ cell development has been limited, due to inaccessibility of early stages of human development to trialling. Human body is a multifarious structure that consists of a number of organ systems working in concert for the sustenance of life. Stem cells are a set of unspecialized cells which enable regeneration or renewal in our body and also can divide in self renewal to produce more of same type of stem cells1. Adult stem cells are undifferentiated cells found throughout the body after development that multiply by cell division to replenish dying cells and regenerate damaged tissues. These are also known as somatic stem cells. Germ cells have a unique function in the body. They are not only needed for survival or immediate physiological function of the individual, but also capable of contributing to the next generation. Germ line stem cell is a key to genomic transmission to future generations. Over recent years, there have been numerous insights into the regulatory mechanisms that keep an eye on both germ cell specification and the maintenance of the germ line in adults. Keyword: Adult stem cell, Germ cells, undifferentiated cells, Self renewal.× ![]() Dr Rajalakshmi.G "HUMAN STEM CELLS: An Interpretation and Impression on Human Adult Stem Cell" Vol 2-Issue 6 (348-353) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Customer Satisfaction and Factor Influence Of Purchase Behaviour in Organic Food Products
Author(s): M.Gowri Seeni Rajam
Page(s): 354-361
The high development of the populace and futures during the ongoing years expanded interest for nourishment supplies in India. To meet this, the green upheaval turned into the foundation of agrarian accomplishment. Over exploitation of regular and non-inexhaustible assets have hindered biological equalization and has placed the strength of the buyers in danger. Hence it is inescapable to fall back on natural nourishment items. The point of the investigation was to evaluate the familiarity with natural nourishment items among the buyers in Pudukottai locale, Tamil Nadu. A cross sectional survey based examination was directed among country, semi-urban, urban occupants in August 2019. Out of 120 respondents, the primary wellspring of natural nourishments was from explicit shops and the most favored factor while obtaining nourishment things is the validity. The explanation behind not devouring organic nourishments in our occupants is the non-accessibility. The fundamental explanations behind devouring natural nourishment being and accessibility. Expanding the mindfulness level of natural items, urging individuals to make their very own natural nursery can build utilization of natural nourishments. Keyword: Biological equalization, Occupants, Organic Nourishments.× ![]() M.Gowri Seeni Rajam "Customer Satisfaction and Factor Influence Of Purchase Behaviour in Organic Food Products" Vol 2-Issue 6 (354-361) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Enhanced Routing and Cluster Based Algorithms in WSNs to Improve Communication and Energy Efficiency
Author(s): Dr.J.Daniel Mano
Page(s): 362-367
Wireless Sensor Network [WSN] is a without wired network of many autonomous small size sensor nodes that are self organized and use a sensor to monitor the physical conditions of the real world. The development of wireless sensor network was motivated by military applications for the battlefield and surveillance, but today such networks are used in many industrial and consumer applications [1]. In this paper, proposed algorithms namely RTP-AMODV, MAODV, MM-LEACH and E-LEACH are compared with the existing routing protocols such as AODV, AOMDV, DSDV and TEEN, HEED, LEACH of Cluster-Based Routing Protocols using the Network Simulator2. The performance of the protocols are measured based on metrics such as Packet Delivery Ratio, End to End Delay, Throughput and Node Left Energy. Keyword: NS2, Routing, Frequency, Cluster Based Routing, Wireless Sensor Networks.× ![]() Dr.J.Daniel Mano "Enhanced Routing and Cluster Based Algorithms in WSNs to Improve Communication and Energy Efficiency" Vol 2-Issue 6 (362-367) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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A Study on HRM Practices of Employees on Printing Industry in Sivakasi
Author(s): M.Rifaya Meera, M.Manikandan, S.Subalakshmi, R.Padmaja
Page(s): 368-374
HRM practices are becoming popular in all the sectors in India. Printing and fireworks are the two major industries in the study area. There are about 351 printing industries are actively in working in the study area. They are regularly following some Human resource management practices. Hence this paper reveals about the HRM practices of employees on printing industry in Sivakasi. Keyword: HRM, HRM Practices, Printing industries.× ![]() M.Rifaya Meera, M.Manikandan, S.Subalakshmi, R.Padmaja "A Study on HRM Practices of Employees on Printing Industry in Sivakasi" Vol 2-Issue 6 (368-374) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Assitance Application for Visually Impaired - Vision
Author(s): Varsha Sharma, Chaitanya Sharma, Sahil Jain, Siddhant Jain
Page(s): 375-378
HRM practices are becoming popular in all the sectors in India. Printing and fireworks are the two major industries in the study area. There are about 351 printing industries are actively in working in the study area. They are regularly following some Human resource management practices. Hence this paper reveals about the HRM practices of employees on printing industry in Sivakasi. Keyword: HRM, HRM Practices, Printing industries.× ![]() Varsha Sharma, Chaitanya Sharma, Sahil Jain, Siddhant Jain "Assitance Application for Visually Impaired - Vision" Vol 2-Issue 6 (375-378) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Realized Ecosystem Services: Using Stakeholder Theory for Policy Development
Author(s): Tariq Aziz, Muhammad Umair Shah
Page(s): 379-382
Because the realized ecosystem services directly contribute to human well-being, they are of great importance to policy-makers. Currently, a number of studies are focusing on distinguishing potential (used plus unused) and realized (used) ecosystem services. So far, we do not have information on who the specific users of realized ecosystem services are. In this article, we distinguish between the potential and realized ecosystem services for the Greenbelt, which is a green space that encircles the Greater Toronto Area and the surrounding population centers in Southern Ontario, Canada. We emphasize the value of applying a conceptual framework of stakeholder theory to systematically identify the various stakeholders that contribute, as well as exploit the ecosystem services. We suggest using the conceptual model of stakeholder identification and salience by Mitchell, Agle and Wood (1997) on the basis of power, legitimacy, and urgency. By laying this conceptual foundation, it is believed that better ecosystem services management could be established, with direct implications for policy making and the protection of realized ecosystem services.. Keyword: Realized Ecosystem Services, Stakeholder Theory, Greenbelt, Policy-making.× ![]() Tariq Aziz, Muhammad Umair Shah "Realized Ecosystem Services: Using Stakeholder Theory for Policy Development" Vol 2-Issue 6 (379-382) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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The Role of Microcredit to Change the Socio-Economic Status and Economic Empowerment of Women in Northern Region of Bangladesh
Author(s): Md. Rakibul Islam Rubel, Md. MozahidulHaque, Md. RabiulAwal, Mustapha Usman Baba, Dr. Mohammad Earfan Ali Khondaker
Page(s): 383-390
The present study was conducted to investigate the role of microcredit to change the socio-economic status and economic empowerment of women in Northern region of Bangladesh. Three districts namely Gaibandha, Rangpur and Dinajpur were selected then the leading NGOs namely ASA, BRAC, Grameen Bank, TMSS, and SKS, were targeted for data collection. A total 247 women (Microcredit borrowers) were selected randomly from six upazillas from these three districts as the sample of the study. The focus of the quantitative study was to investigate whether there were significant differences in income, expenditure, savings, basic amenities and wealth, as well as the attitudinal and behavioral changes in the women before and after involving with microcredit. The findings of the study showed that microcredit reduces economic problems of the women and helps to enhance economic empowerment. And also after taking loan or involving with microcredit their family income, expenditure and savings increased significantly. Finally based on the findings of the study, some policy recommendations were suggested for future policy implications of NGOs which can play an important role to improve socio-economic status and economic empowerment of women in Bangladesh. Keyword: Microcredit, Socio-economic Status of Women, Economic Empowerment, Bangladesh.× ![]() Md. Rakibul Islam Rubel, Md. MozahidulHaque, Md. RabiulAwal, Mustapha Usman Baba, Dr. Mohammad Earfan Ali Khondaker "The Role of Microcredit to Change the Socio-Economic Status and Economic Empowerment of Women in Northern Region of Bangladesh" Vol 2-Issue 6 (383-390) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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A Comparative Analysis of Iris Data Compression
Author(s): Supriya Vishwakarma, Swati Soni
Page(s): 391-394
An Aadhar card is a unique number issued to every citizen in India and is a centralized and universal identification number. The Aadhar card is a biometric document that stores an individual's personal details in a government database, and is fast becoming the government's base for public welfare and citizen services. While the various uses of Aadhar card are publicized by the government through awareness campaigns, still there are a few uses. The UIDAI had said that face confirmation would be permitted "just in combination mode" which means alongside either unique finger impression or iris or OTP (One Time Password) to check the subtleties of Aadhaar holder. After a long time this system have not been still executed because of larger size of the biometric images. The aim of this Research is to compare the excising methods and give some conclusions. Keyword: OTP, UIDAI, PIN.× ![]() Supriya Vishwakarma, Swati Soni "A Comparative Analysis of Iris Data Compression" Vol 2-Issue 6 (391-394) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Influence of Angles in Design and Analysis of Rocket Propulsion System Nozzle
Author(s): C.Munish Kumar, V.Vigneshwaran, C.Balamurugan, I.Justin Antony Raj
Page(s): 395-421
Purpose: The purpose of this work is to investigate the influence of angles of nozzle (120,250,450)on the performance of nozzles of rockets.Design /Methodology/Approach: In this study ,The nozzles were developed by varying the nozzle angles (120,250,450) without varying other parameters. The nozzle were developed as per the industrial procedure .Heat transfer was found good for varying nozzle angles and developed nozzles.The high velocity ,quick retrieving the parts ,less heat production of developed nozzles were analysed as per the industrial standards. The CFD analysis were analysed the performances of nozzles with different angle and material .The rocket nozzle was designed by using SOLID WORKS software with standard physical dimension from reference 1 and varying the angle of nozzle as 120,250and 450. Keyword: nozzle ,heat transfer,velocity,CFD analysis,SOLID WORKS software.× ![]() C.Munish Kumar, V.Vigneshwaran, C.Balamurugan, I.Justin Antony Raj "Influence of Angles in Design and Analysis of Rocket Propulsion System Nozzle" Vol 2-Issue 6 (395-421) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Invention of Parsimonious Science: Foldscope
Author(s): Piyush Kumar, Muskan Jain, Latika Kharb
Page(s): 422-426
Innovation has helped in the development and improvement of the humanity all in all. Mechanical creations have made living helpful. Interfacing with individuals in various pieces of the world, voyaging long separation, having steady wellsprings of stimulation and simplicity of preparing and putting away nourishment are the absolute best things innovation has offered us.. Keyword: - - -.× ![]() Piyush Kumar, Muskan Jain, Latika Kharb "Invention of Parsimonious Science: Foldscope" Vol 2-Issue 6 (422-426) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Simulation of Variable Speed Induction Machine Wind Generation System Using Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC)
Author(s): Kommalapudi Srihari, C.Dinakaran
Page(s): 427-433
The worldwide electrical power utilization is increasing moreover there is stable enlarge of the demand on energy generation. The presented conservative power sources are depleting. The substitute power source reserves are appropriate further significant at the present day. Wind electrical production systems are newly receiving lot of concentration, for the reason that they are the majority charge spirited, ecological clean as well as secure renewable energy source. Artificial intelligence system such as fuzzy logic, neural networks as well as genetic algorithms are recently performance a lot of assure in the function of power electronic systems. The most important intention of this paper is to propose with analyse the routine of a model 5KW unpredictable speed wind generation arrangement with fuzzy logic controllers used for optimizing effectiveness furthermore improve the routine of the method. The production system uses three Fuzzy Logic Controllers FLC-1, FLC-2 as well as FLC-3. The FLC-1 tracks the generator speed through the wind velocity in the direction of extort utmost power identified as producer speed tracking regulator. The FLC-2 programs engine flux for illumination load effectiveness development known as Generator flux programming controller. The FLC-3 provides vigorous speed control against wind current with turbine oscillatory torque recognized as closed loop generator speed regulator. The fuzzy logic based control of the arrangement helps to optimize effectiveness as well as improve performance of the arrangement is demonstrated by simulation via MATLAB/SIMULINK. Keyword: Fuzzy Logic Control, Variable Speed Squirrel Cage Induction Machine, Wind Generator, MATLAB 8.2 Software× ![]() Kommalapudi Srihari, C.Dinakaran "Simulation of Variable Speed Induction Machine Wind Generation System Using Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC)" Vol 2-Issue 6 (427-433) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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In Silico Analysis and Selection of Clostridium Perfringens Type D Epsilon Toxin Multiepitope Fragment
Author(s): Mohsen Mehrvarz, Mohsen Fathi Najafi, T.Zahraei Salehi, Behjat Majidi
Page(s): 434-440
Epitope based vaccination plays an important role in the protective immunity. To construct an effective universal vaccine against domestic infections caused by C.perfrigenes types B and D, the B cell epitopic regions of the epsilon toxin were analyzed with different algorithms. Using different algorithms and bioinformatics tools to select the best candidate fragment with the highest number of antigenic determinant regions is a powerful tool in immunoinformatic. Sequence primary information was obtained from national center of biotechnology (NCBI) and Protein Data Bank (PDB). B-cell epitope prediction algorithms performed on amino acid sequence allowed the identification of several regions containing putative conserved B-cell epitopes and at least 3 fragments with overlapping regions were selected. Sequence analysis was performed by CLC Main Work bench software, I-TASSERand Raptrox (for tertiary structure).Immunoinformatic analysis was accomplished by IEDB, ABCpred, Seppa servers. According to all outputs received from these algorithms fragment 3 has the highest score for linear epitope regions included and fragment 1 has the highest score among three fragments in the case of having discontiniuousepitopic regions. The additional experimental work is required to validate these multiepitope fragments and confirm results obtained here. Keyword: Clostridium perfringens,epsilon toxin, recombinant, vaccine, B cell epitope, fragment.× ![]() Mohsen Mehrvarz, Mohsen Fathi Najafi, T.Zahraei Salehi, Behjat Majidi "In Silico Analysis and Selection of Clostridium Perfringens Type D Epsilon Toxin Multiepitope Fragment" Vol 2-Issue 6 (434-440) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Fulfillment an E-Archiving System for MENA Countries
Author(s): Wasnaa Kadhim Jawad, Israa Saad Mohammed
Page(s): 441-445
Recently, the streaming of adopting the electronic copies of the conventional system has been increased. This is to increase the accuracy of dealing with the important data and information. In addition these systems can reduce the needs for human resources, human skills, costs and administration lifecycle time. In this paper, an E-Archive system based on web applications has been proposed to tackles the incoming and outgoing official books as well as tracking and transferring them to other divisions.The obtained results show the superior performance of the proposed system in terms of efficiency and accuracy for all divisions included. In addition, the security and authorization levels have been proved in the achieved results. Keyword: Conventional System, E-Archive system, Web Applications.× ![]() Wasnaa Kadhim Jawad, Israa Saad Mohammed "Fulfillment an E-Archiving System for MENA Countries" Vol 2-Issue 6 (441-445) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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The Impact of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) on State Enterprises and Parastatals (SEPs) Performance in Zimbabwe: The Case of Zimbabwe National Road Administration (ZINARA)
Author(s): Tonwet KARURU, Dr.Smartson. P. NYONI, Thabani
Page(s): 446-465
The study focused on the impact of PPPs on SEPs’ performance in Zimbabwe. The research objectives were focused on factors that caused ZINARA to adopt PPPs, challenges faced in implementing PPP at ZINARA and the extent to which the resources support through PPP affect ZINARA’s performance in road services delivery. The study made use of qualitative and quantitative data. The study made use of questionnaires and interviews to collect data. The study concludes that factors that influenced ZINARA to adopt PPPs were: the need for financial resources, infrastructure development, to improve efficiency, to reduce poverty and to fuel economic growth. ZINARA was faced by challenges in implementing PPPs with the Group Five and these were: contract renegotiation, performance enforcement, political acceptability, lack of sound regulatory framework, lack of fulfilment of key formation requirements, lack of common vision and win-win relationship, multiple interests of key participants and conflict between public and private sector officials in PPPs. PPPs have improved ZINARA’s performance in road services delivery through safe travel to road users, improved quality of roads, more facilities in the roads, improved efficiency in road services, clean and attractive roads, improved revenue collection and improved cost management strategies. The study offers six policy recommendations in order to improve the performance of SEPs in Zimbabwe. Keyword: PPPs, Roads, SEPs, Transport, ZINARA.× ![]() Tonwet KARURU, Dr.Smartson. P. NYONI, Thabani NYONI "The Impact of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) on State Enterprises and Parastatals (SEPs) Performance in Zimbabwe: The Case of Zimbabwe National Road Administration (ZINARA)" Vol 2-Issue 6 (446-465) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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The Process Of Settling the Guardian Case is Adhal in Case Number 0010 / Pdt.P / 2018 / Pa.Pdg(Study At Class IA Religious Court Padang)
Author(s): Yunimar
Page(s): 446-476
Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage stipulates the validity of a marriage if it is carried out according to the respective religious and religious law. In Islam, a marriage is valid if it meets the conditions of marriage. One of the pillars of marriage is the existence of a guardian, but the guardian of women is reluctant to marry for reasons of not sekufu in this case called guardian adhal, meaning that guardians object to marrying women who are under their guardianship.The problem in this study is first, How is the process of settlement of the case of guardian adhal in the Class I A Padang Religious Court in case number: 0010/Pdt.P/2018/PA.Pdg. second, what are the judges' considerations in completing the guardian case in that case.The method used in this study is a normative juridical approach supported by an empirical juridical approach. Data were analyzed using qualitative methods, namely grouping data according to its aspects, then the data is presented in a descriptive manner.The results of the study are that the judicial process carried out in accordance with the provisions of the procedural law, because this case is a voluntary case means that there is no lawsuit or party sued. In this case there are only applicants who submit applications so there is no need for answers, duplicate replicas and parties, so the trial can be carried out briefly in this case only twice. and the judge provides the decision to accept the petition of the applicant, ordering that the marriage take place. Keyword: Case Resolution, Guardian Adhal, Marriage, Religious Court.× ![]() Yunimar "The Process Of Settling the Guardian Case is Adhal in Case Number 0010 / Pdt.P / 2018 / Pa.Pdg(Study At Class IA Religious Court Padang)" Vol 2-Issue 6 (446-476) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Depression Detection Based On Title Of Video
Author(s): Sanas Sayali Dnyandev, Shelar Varsha Machhindra,Shaikh Koyal Iqbal,Thorat Supriya Vishnu
Page(s): 491-494
This paper explore detection of depression and provide social support to users who are suffer from depression but due to lack of support sometimes they lost their life. In India, the National Mental Health Survey 2015-16 reveals that nearly 15 percent Indian adults need active intervention for one or more mental health issues and one in 20 Indians suffers from depression. This survey motives us to work on it. It’s estimated that in 2012, India had over 258,000 suicides, with the age-group of 15-49 years being most affected. As this age group spend most time with social media and share their view on it. by using this we can provide a solution to detect depression state of user and provide social support to user. To reduce the percentage of death due to depression the system will be beneficial. it will provide social support to user by automatically detecting depression. This system will use emotions of user, recognized from videos watched by the user. The title of video describes about content or category of video .With the help of weight factor we can decide whether the video is of positive or negative approach and based on analysis of user approach we will detect depression condition of user to provide support. Keyword: Affective computing ,emotion detection ,automatic data processing data collection expressed emotion data, YouTube, big data, artificial intelligence.× ![]() Sanas Sayali Dnyandev, Shelar Varsha Machhindra,Shaikh Koyal Iqbal,Thorat Supriya Vishnu "Depression Detection Based On Title Of Video" Vol 2-Issue 6 (491-494) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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A Review Paper On 360 Degree Rotating Car Aided For Parking
Author(s): Sk. Naseer, Y. Sai, P. Michael Joseph Stalin
Page(s): 495-497
In the developing modern era, there are many types of the vehicles developed in this society, yet manyplaces in this system has very few parking facility and there may be a tough challenge for the parking and retrieving the vehicle which is parked. So we have developed a new way of parking of the vehicles as a project for parking of the vehicles easily called 360 Degree car rotation. This project hopefully helps in the parking of the vehicles such as cars easily in the parking lot and can also retrieve the vehicles from them. In this project we are using spur gear and worm gear with motor mechanism for lifting and rotation purpose. Keyword: - - -.× ![]() Sk. Naseer, Y. Sai, P. Michael Joseph Stalin "A Review Paper On 360 Degree Rotating Car Aided For Parking" Vol 2-Issue 6 (495-497) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Design and Fabrication of a Portable, Remote Controlled, 360°rotating Robotic Arm for Sewage Cleaning
Author(s): Achintya Pratap Singh, Priyanshu Sahu, Suraj Kumar Dubey, Yash Jalan
Page(s): 498-500
The objective of the robotic arm is to provide means and apparatus for making an efficient system for the purpose of sewage cleaning. Arduino board enabled on geared motors of 25 kgcm along with a rotating 360 degree arm infrastructures are utilized for building the system. Thus, by making use of this rotating arm powered by the motors and actuators controlled by Bluetooth is salient features for the smart cities, a robotic arm used for the sewage cleaning is built.In the current scenario requires high capital investment in the labor for the government along with the life threatening risks to the person being involved with this job. This mainly takes into the account a number of deaths being caused due to threats in the manholes. An efficient way of cleaning is required which does the job with more speed as well as does the job with no threat to life. The project would be developed on the crane mechanism which would make use of an arm mounted on the hydraulics. It would further be attached to a metal wire which will help in digging out the various wastes from the sewage. Keyword: Sewage Cleaning, Actuators, 360° Rotating.× ![]() Achintya Pratap Singh, Priyanshu Sahu, Suraj Kumar Dubey, Yash Jalan "Design and Fabrication of a Portable, Remote Controlled, 360°rotating Robotic Arm for Sewage Cleaning" Vol 2-Issue 6 (498-500) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Employees Life Style Satisfaction an Agricultural Sector Enterprise
Author(s): Mr. P.Mani
Page(s): 501-508
Over the span of changes in horticultural approach and auxiliary changes in agribusiness, family-run ranches are forming into 'more distant family run homesteads' with extra non-family representatives. Because of the agrarian auxiliary change, ranches are progressively transforming into more distant family organizations or work-wage organizations and, in this manner, should concentrate more on faculty the executive’s issues. Specifically, parts of occupation fulfillment assume a significant job considering the developing lack of gifted specialists. In an investigational study, 200 farming employees were intentional about their activity fulfillment. The outcomes uncover that instalment, the association with partners, the activity itself, and a spare activity are of more significance for the representation and life fulfillment is firmly identified by the director and the working atmosphere. As an outcome, ranch supervisors progressively need to manage issues of staff the executives. Considering the developing deficiency of gifted work, the importance of employment fulfillment is likewise developing. This examination investigates the impact of different homestead related factors just as life and wellbeing satisfactions hands on fulfillment of agrarian workers. The after effects of a multivariate relapse investigation show that wellbeing related elements and the work itself apply a particularly huge effect hands on fulfillment of horticultural representatives. These outcomes offer ranch managers an opportunity to impact ranch related elements positively so as to boost work fulfillment among ranch representatives. Keyword: farming employees, employment fulfillment, working atmosphere, ranch managers.× ![]() Mr. P.Mani "Employees Life Style Satisfaction an Agricultural Sector Enterprise" Vol 2-Issue 6 (501-508) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Carbon Level Detection of Vehicle for Preventing Air Pollution Using IOT Sensors
Author(s): Prathamesh Lolge,Ashutosh Amrutkar,Kunal Pakhale,Chinmay Joshi
Page(s): 509-512
As we know the number of vehicles are increases day by day. Due to the vehicles, level of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane and sulphur, etc. gases are increasing in atmosphere. It causes the global warming effect that has bad effects on the earth. High enough concentrations in the air can result in suffocation of air breathing creatures. It directly affects to nature and it also harmful to the humans. The present situation at some places any vehicle can get the PUC certificate without actual checking then there is no use of the PUC certificate only. The system is for Carbon level detection of vehicle for preventing Air Pollution using IOT to control the level of gases released by the vehicles. Keyword: Client Server Architecture,Android,IOT,MYSQLArduino.× ![]() Prathamesh Lolge,Ashutosh Amrutkar,Kunal Pakhale,Chinmay Joshi "Carbon Level Detection of Vehicle for Preventing Air Pollution Using IOT Sensors" Vol 2-Issue 6 (509-512) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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HR Analytics: A Brief study on Predictive Attrition
Author(s): Ms.Priksha Dalal
Page(s): 513-521
Expansions in Human Resources Management (HRM) are fast being joined with comparable changes in data and information processing, which are restructuring our industrial pace. The capacity to capture and successfully pick-up vision from their data have led many enterprises across the world to streamline their processes and sustain their growth. Data analytics has become the benchmark across functions like Marketing, Retail, Operations and Finance. However, a domain as vital and as ubiquitous as Human Resource has only woken up to data analytics in recent times in predictive decision making. While many HR professionals leverage analytics as part of their general HR role, an increasing number focus primarily on HR analytics. These specialists work on teams with names like “talent analytics” and “people analytics”. Generally, HR managers apply two types of analytics to get insights about a company’s workforce including Descriptive and Predictive Analytics. Keyword: HR Analytics, Predictive, Talent Analytics, People Analytics.× ![]() Ms.Priksha Dalal "HR Analytics: A Brief study on Predictive Attrition" Vol 2-Issue 6 (513-521) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Design and Fabrication of Manually Operated Crop Transplanter Via Suitable Mechanism
Author(s): Rishabh Mishra, Vikash Singh, Vipul Vinod, Prashant Singh
Page(s): 522-527
Since agriculture is the most important sector of the Indian economy. It is most important source of employment for the majority of the work force in the country.As the large workforce is engaged in this sector, Traditional method is costly, time consuming and labour intensive work.The main objective is not only to resolve the problem but also to manufacture a machine which is also cheap in rate so that it can be used by a middle class person also. A crop transplanter working on suitable engineering mechanism is introduced in the project which is very easy to use and to run. This machine will easy the work of the farmers by planting the crop plants on the wet ground. Keyword: Four Bar Mechanism, Fork shape structureetc.× ![]() Rishabh Mishra, Vikash Singh, Vipul Vinod, Prashant Singh "Design and Fabrication of Manually Operated Crop Transplanter Via Suitable Mechanism" Vol 2-Issue 6 (522-527) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Sodium Hypophosphite: An Efficient Catalyst for Synthesis of Pyranopyrazoles
Author(s): Amit P.Tayade, Ramkrushna P. Pawar, Rajiv V. Khobare, Chandakant B.Mane, Nitin P. Tayde
Page(s): 528-531
Sodium hypophosphite is an important catalyst for synthesis of pyranopyrazole. One pot four compound system in presence of catalyst at room temperature carried out. the present protocol offers the short reaction time, high yield ,easy and simple purification and economically available catalyst. Keyword: aldehydes , ethyl aceto-acetate ,hydrazine hydrate ,malononitrile , sodium hypophosphite ,green ,pyranopyrazole.× ![]() Amit P.Tayade, Ramkrushna P. Pawar, Rajiv V. Khobare, Chandakant B.Mane, Nitin P. Tayde "Sodium Hypophosphite: An Efficient Catalyst for Synthesis of Pyranopyrazoles" Vol 2-Issue 6 (528-531) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Survey on Guardian-Faculty Member Android Application (GFM)
Author(s): Salma Shaikh, Siddhi More, Poornima Edke, Shanti Gambhire
Page(s): 532-538
This work is aimed at developing an Android Application for parent-faculty interaction, which is very important in any educational institution. This system will be useful for both parents and faculty members for effective communication. Faculty members can upload technical information like maintaining records, attendance, daily activities. Earlier, managing faculty subject details, a schedule was entirely based on manual effort and it is a time-consuming process. The GFM android application has been proposed to overcome such problems. This application has a record of daily activity planning that lists criteria for a piece of work. This application saves a considerable amount of time when instructors creates and manages activities. Overall, this application helps faculty in their work and improve their daily activity planning system. Keyword: GFM android application, Login module, Admin module, Notification module, reportmodule.× ![]() Salma Shaikh, Siddhi More, Poornima Edke, Shanti Gambhire "Survey on Guardian-Faculty Member Android Application (GFM)" Vol 2-Issue 6 (532-538) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Survey on Online Bus Pass System
Author(s): Vikas Burgute, Shamrao Ghodake, Priyanka koradkar, Sonali Dhaware
Page(s): 539-544
The project name as “ONLINE BUS PASS SYSTEM” is developed using Active Server Page.Net as Front end and MS SQL Server as back end. Bus pass System is useful for passengers who are facing problems with the current manual work of bus pass system and renewal. His/her renewal or registration can be done through credit card and any other online payment. In the manual system the user has to go on particular date and time if they fail then the renewal done. This online bus pass system application will help candidates to save their time and renewal bus pass without standing in a line for hours near counters. There are uses need to register with the application by submitting their details through online. The admin will verify the candidate details and if they are satisfied they will approve bus pass. The user can login with their username and password and renewal is performed. The renewal process is carried by paying the money using the credit card and any other online payment. The user can give their valuable feedback for further enhancement of this project. Keyword: Online Bus Pass System, Login module, Admin module, Notification module, register module, renewal module.× ![]() Vikas Burgute, Shamrao Ghodake, Priyanka koradkar, Sonali Dhaware "Survey on Online Bus Pass System" Vol 2-Issue 6 (539-544) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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RP-121: Formulation of Solutions of a Special Class of Standard Quadratic Congruence of Composite Modulus- a Multiple of Power of an Integer
Author(s): B M Roy
Page(s): 545-548
In this paper, a standard quadratic congruence of composite modulus is formulated. These congruence have a large numbers of solutions. These solutions can be obtained very easily in a short- time. Solutions can be obtained mentally using the formula established. It is the merit of the paper. Formulation made the study of quadratic congruence very interesting. Such standard quadratic congruence are not formulated by earlier Mathematicians. Keyword: Composite modulus, Formulation, Quadratic congruence.× ![]() B M Roy "RP-121: Formulation of Solutions of a Special Class of Standard Quadratic Congruence of Composite Modulus- a Multiple of Power of an Integer" Vol 2-Issue 6 (545-548) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Scope of Restructuring the Industrial Policy of Hill State with Respect to Food Processing Industry
Author(s): Dr. Kamal Kant Vashisth, Snigdha Parihar
Page(s): 549-560
This is a comprehensive study of the existing Industrial Policy of Himachal Pradesh. It involved in-depth study of the document so that the gap that exists could be established and suitable suggestions given. The study picks up one focus industry, “Food Processing” and builds around that for data collection, analysis of government incentives and the growth, and gives proposition for the improvement of the same. The main aim of the study has been to find drawbacks in the existing policy and suggest restructuring measures for more contribution from Food Processing industry in Himachal Pradesh. It envisages speeding industrial growth, generation of employment opportunities and to envision equitable and sustainable development of the state through the implementation of the restructured policy and recognizes the efforts of the government for creation of appropriate ecosystem, modernization infrastructure, setting up of food parks and providing necessary financial support for growth of food processing sector. This industry has become increasingly important to meet the challenge of feeding nutritionally enriched food to the growing young population of India and the state in particular. The objective has been to study the already existing policy of the government and analyze the dataset that such reports provide so as to recognize the drawbacks in the formulated policy. After recognition of such shortcomings, certain recommendations have been provided with the aim of maximizing output of food processing industry in the state and enhancing its contribution to the state gross domestic product. Another focus of this study is to increase the employment opportunities for the locals as well as to improve procurement of local raw materials. The state industrial policy does talk about this objective, but fails to state the measure to do so. Therefore, the study has tried to address this concern. Keyword: State Industrial Policy, Food Processing, Himachal Pradesh, Food Park.× ![]() Dr. Kamal Kant Vashisth, Snigdha Parihar "Scope of Restructuring the Industrial Policy of Hill State with Respect to Food Processing Industry" Vol 2-Issue 6 (549-560) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Antimicrobial Analysis Of Some Selected Ayurvedic and Unani Medicines
Author(s): Zakaria Ahmed, Taslima Rahman, Sanchita Sarkar
Page(s): 561-569
All of the ayurvedic medicines showed more effective antimicrobial agent than unani medicine against all the tested organisms in in vitro culture condition. All of the ayurvedic medicines have almost twice antimicrobial activity than unani medicine, even whereas most commercial antibiotic have a little response against all the tasted organisms. Keyword: Ayurvedic, Unani, Antimicrobial, Plant products.× ![]() Zakaria Ahmed, Taslima Rahman, Sanchita Sarkar "Antimicrobial Analysis Of Some Selected Ayurvedic and Unani Medicines" Vol 2-Issue 6 (561-569) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Social Economic Cultural Development of A City - Pratapgarh (Uttar Pradesh) - A Case Study
Author(s): Upendra Rai, Krishna Shankar yadav, Deepak kumar
Page(s): 570-573
India is belong in the heart of village. Ruraldevelopment and agriculture play a predominate role in the development of a nation economy. socialbehavior and culture heritage shows any country culture and personality. it (Pratapgarh) is a district of UttarPradesh. Keyword: Rural development, social, economic, culture.× ![]() Upendra Rai, Krishna Shankar yadav, Deepak kumar "Social Economic Cultural Development of A City - Pratapgarh (Uttar Pradesh) - A Case Study" Vol 2-Issue 6 (570-573) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Public Perception about Network Marketing in Shimla Town
Author(s): Dr.Kamal Kant Vashisth, Manisha, Mehak Mahna
Page(s): 574-587
The research carried out on general public in Shimla found out that many people have knowledge about network marketing but still there are some people who don’t know exactly what network marketing is. People are aware about different network marketing (MLM) companies in the market. Many people still confuse network marketing with Ponzi schemes. Majority of the respondents think that MLM is reliable which is a positive sign. People perceive that MLM companies offer high quality products. People think that the prices of products offered by MLM companies are high. This is also a perceived disadvantage that the product prices are high. Majority thinks that the products are not easily available. Higher prices and lack of availability are the main reasons given for switching to another product. It was found that people don’t have enough time or they think they cannot sell the products which is why they refrain from joining MLM business. People lack knowledge about the compensation plan. Many have responded that they have no idea about the compensation plan of these companies. But as people are becoming more and more aware, they feel that in future MLM companies will have huge growth. Keyword: Network Marketing, MLM, Ponzi schemes.× ![]() Dr.Kamal Kant Vashisth, Manisha, Mehak Mahna "Public Perception about Network Marketing in Shimla Town" Vol 2-Issue 6 (574-587) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Historical Analysis of Gender and Women Empowerment in Nigeria
Author(s): Iyanda Kamoru Ahmed, Ibrahim Bare
Page(s): 588-597
This paper discusses gender and women empowerment in Nigeria. Women constitute half of the world's population and have contributed significantly to the well-being of the human race. In Nigeria, for instance, women, have always played five key roles mother producer, home manager, community organizer and social, cultural end "political activist. Despite their large number and crucial functions, the division of roles between the male and female sexes, as prescribed by most cultures, assigns 'the subordinate, position to women. As a consequence, women have for Song suffered, various forms of discrimination, inequality, exclusion and violence.In conclusion, the Researcher discusses importance of empowering women in Nigeria and what is to be done in all ramifications. Keyword: Gender, Empowerment, Violence, Women, and Nigeria.× ![]() Iyanda Kamoru Ahmed, Ibrahim Bare "Historical Analysis of Gender and Women Empowerment in Nigeria" Vol 2-Issue 6 (588-597) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Comparison of Detection of Antibodies Due to Exposure to AI Virus Sub type H5N1 in Ducks in the tropics compared to subtropical areas
Author(s): Dzikria Shoimah, Irfan H. Djunaidi, Osfar Sjofjan
Page(s): 598-606
Antibodies are formed in response to the entry of antigens so that they can identify and bind specific antigens. This study aims to detect antibodies that are formed due to infection or exposure to AI virus H5N1 subtype in domestic domestic waterfowl (especially ducks and sticks) which are thought to be the initial source of AI virus transmission in water birds in the surrounding areas of Tropical and Subtropical . Analysis of the presence of antibodies in the serum was done by HA and HI tests. Detection results on the formation of antibodies in the blood serum of domestic waterfowl showed that the birds were once exposed to the virus AI subtype H5N1. GMT value ti ter for Tropical regions higher bi He compared subtropical regions for the Ducks with a seroprevalence value to reach 100% of the entire species but the entire poultry samples tested did not show clinical signs of AI infection. Keyword: Antibody, Water fowl, HI-Test, AI Virus Subtype H5N1, titer.× ![]() Dzikria Shoimah, Irfan H. Djunaidi, Osfar Sjofjan "Comparison of Detection of Antibodies Due to Exposure to AI Virus Sub type H5N1 in Ducks in the tropics compared to subtropical areas" Vol 2-Issue 6 (598-606) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Strongly Soft G-Closed Sets in Soft Bi-Cech Closure Space
Author(s): R.Vijaya Chandra, B.Bhuvaneshwari
Page(s): 607-611
In this paper, we introduce some basic concepts of soft Bi-Cech closure space and we study the basic properties of strongly soft generalized closed sets in soft Bi-Cech closure space.. Keyword: Soft Bi-Cech closure space, Strongly soft g-closed set, Soft semi-open, Soft regular-open, Soft pre-open× ![]() R.Vijaya Chandra, B.Bhuvaneshwari "Strongly Soft G-Closed Sets in Soft Bi-Cech Closure Space" Vol 2-Issue 6 (607-611) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Privacy Preserving Data Mining Technique to Recover Association Rules Using Homomorphic Encryption Technique
Author(s): Varsha Patel, Namrata Tapaswi
Page(s): 612-617
The data mining is a technique which is used for analysing the data and recovering the patterns for applications. A number of applications are available where the data mining techniques are being used such as for classification, decision making, pattern learning, etc. In this presented work the privacy preserving data mining techniques are explored and a new technique for privacy preserving rule mining is introduced. That technique usage the contributed data from different data suppliers and mine the association rules securely. In order to mine the association rules the apriori algorithm is used. Additionally to secure the data at client end the Homomorphic encryption algorithm is used. After mining the required association rules from encrypted data it is delivered to the associated parties. The received encrypted rules are decrypted at the end of client and decryption algorithm is implemented here to recover the decision rules based on contributed part of data. The implementation of the proposed system is given in client server approach. That technique is developed with the help of java technology. Finally using the different experiments the performance of system is measured in terms of time and space complexity. The results demonstrate the proposed technique is acceptable and secure due to Homomorphic encryption. Additionally for extending the given concept the future plan is also proposed in this work. Keyword: association rule mining, privacy preserving rule mining, apriori algorithm, Homomorphic encryption, client end privacy management× ![]() Varsha Patel, Namrata Tapaswi "Privacy Preserving Data Mining Technique to Recover Association Rules Using Homomorphic Encryption Technique" Vol 2-Issue 6 (612-617) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Survey on Robust Intelligent Malware Detection Using Deep Learning
Author(s): Bhagyashree Bhoyar, Preeti Shinde, Nikita Suryawanshi, Mansi Sawaj, Nikita Shinde
Page(s): 618-620
Security breaches due to attacks by malicious software (malware) continue to expand posing a major security concern in this digital age. Current malware detection solutions that support the static and dynamic analysis of malware signatures and behavior patterns are time consuming and have proven to be ineffective in identifying unknown malwares in real-time. Therefore there is a need to implement a zero-day detection and attack blockage system so that the user transactions are harm-free/safe. Different datasets are used for detection, classification and categorization of malwares. Dataset bias is removed in the experimental analysis by splitting the public and private datasets to train and test the model in a disjoint way using different timescales. Hybrid architecture is designed by implementing static, dynamic and image processing to detect malwares. A comparative study shows that deep learning architectures outperform classical machine learning architectures. The combination of visualization and deep learning architectures for static, dynamic, and image processing-based hybrid approach applied in a big data environment is the first of its kind toward achieving robust intelligent zero-day malware detection. Overall, this method paves way for an effective visual detection of malware using a scalable and hybrid deep learning framework for real-time deployments. Keyword: Malware Detection, Static and Dynamic Analysis, Image Processing, Zero-Day Detection, Hybrid Architecture, Deep Learning× ![]() Bhagyashree Bhoyar, Preeti Shinde, Nikita Suryawanshi, Mansi Sawaj, Nikita Shinde "Survey on Robust Intelligent Malware Detection Using Deep Learning" Vol 2-Issue 6 (618-620) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Stock Market Prediction Analysis: A Review
Author(s): Dr.Yogesh Kumar Sharma, Ranjeet Kaur
Page(s): 621-627
Foreseeing how the securities exchange will perform is one of the most troublesome activities. There are such huge numbers of components engaged with the forecast – physical elements versus physhological, discerning and silly conduct, and so on. Every one of these viewpoints consolidate to make offer costs unpredictable and hard to foresee with a high level of precision. Securities exchange expectation is the demonstration of attempting to decide the future estimation of an organization stock or other budgetary instrument exchanged on a trade. The effective expectation of a stock's future cost could return huge benefit. The proficient market speculation places that stock costs are a component of data and normal desires, and that recently uncovered data about an organization's prospects is very quickly reflected in the present stock cost. Forecast of securities exchange patterns is considered as a significant undertaking and is of incredible consideration as foreseeing stock costs effectively may prompt appealing benefits by settling on legitimate choices. Financial exchange forecast is a significant test inferable from non-stationary, blasting, and disordered information, and along these lines, the expectation winds up testing among the speculators to contribute the cash for making benefits. This paper presents a quick review on the numerous methods to predict about stock market values. Keyword: Stock market prediction, Machine learning,SVM, Neural Networks.× ![]() Dr.Yogesh Kumar Sharma, Ranjeet Kaur "Stock Market Prediction Analysis: A Review" Vol 2-Issue 6 (621-627) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Assessing the Properties of Metallic Fibre in Concrete
Author(s): Akilu Muhammad, Umar Isah
Page(s): 628-631
The effect of metallic fibre reinforced concrete on mechanical property of concrete was investigated in this study with the aim of ascertaining the attainable strength of the concrete as a result of the fibre addition. Concrete mix design of 1:1.6:4.12 mix ratio for cement, fine aggregate and coarse aggregate respectively and water/cement ratio of 0.63 was calculated for a target characteristic strength of 20 N/mm2. The amount of metallic fibre reinforcement added in the concrete ranged from 0-3% of volume of the concrete. The fibre reinforced concrete were casted into cubes and cured for 28 days in curing tanks. The result showed remarkable increase in strength of concrete by 9.4 N/mm2 as a result of metallic fibre addition. Keyword: Metallic Fibre, Concrete, Fibre reinforced concrete, Compressive strengt.× ![]() Akilu Muhammad, Umar Isah "Assessing the Properties of Metallic Fibre in Concrete" Vol 2-Issue 6 (628-631) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Evaluation of Commercial Bus Operators Perception of Traffic Management Techniques along Badagry Expressway, Lagos, Nigeria
Author(s): Olorunnimbe,R.O, Giwa,O.M, Akintoye,O.O
Page(s): 632-646
The condition under which we all travel especially in urban areas such in Lagos has become more and more difficult for people, it is absolutely unbearable. Urban travel takes place when city dwellers move to execute their various functional activities with their choice of modes. This gave serious impetus to efficient management and control of traffic and traffic related issues in Lagos state. This paper evaluate commercial bus operator’s perception of traffic management techniques in Lagos state taking badagry as a study area. The both primary and secondary source of data were adopted for the study. This study recommend that the use of modern traffic management techniques such as the: BRT scheme, Park and ride, off-road bus stop facility should be immediately implement along the Badagry expressway. Multi-story car park should be introduce to bus stops such as Iyana-Iba, Okokomaiko, Agbara and Mile 2 garage. Keyword: Agency, Buses Traffic, Management and Urban.× ![]() Olorunnimbe,R.O, Giwa,O.M, Akintoye,O.O "Evaluation of Commercial Bus Operators Perception of Traffic Management Techniques along Badagry Expressway, Lagos, Nigeria" Vol 2-Issue 6 (632-646) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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In-silico evaluation, analysis and screening of a potent polyphenolic herbal drug molecule and its validation as a candidate drug inhibiting p100/RELB domain of NF-kB alternate pathway through molecular docking studies
Author(s): Aman, Nidhi
Page(s): 647-681
Upregulation of various flagging pathways is required for the uncontrolled tumor cell expansion. Mitogen enacted protein and NF-kB pathways have been watched for demonstrating exceptionally critical impacts by the oxidants. Cell expansion is advanced by the outflow of NF-kB and its restraint squares cell multiplication.A large portion of the herbs utilized as hostile to carcinogenic medications are anticipated to restrain the traditional pathway of the NF-kB for example p65/RELA space. Each one of those herbs have different reactions that might be destructive for future perspectives. Much after restraint of the old style pathway, cell multiplication can go on through the elective pathway. Be that as it may, Silymarin represses the elective pathway of NF-kB by authoritative to p100/RELB space which stifles the kinase compound that phosphorylates the I-kB. The dynamic I-kB hinders the traditional pathway by authoritative to the p65/RELA space and stops its translocation to core further anticipating the DNA translation, which thusly at long last stops cell multiplication. Keyword: NF-kB, Silymarin, Oxidative stress, p100/RELB domain.× ![]() Aman, Nidhi "In-silico evaluation, analysis and screening of a potent polyphenolic herbal drug molecule and its validation as a candidate drug inhibiting p100/RELB domain of NF-kB alternate pathway through molecular docking studies" Vol 2-Issue 6 (647-681) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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A Critical Review on Pathophysiology and Treatment of Enteric Fever
Author(s): Aman, Nidhi
Page(s): 682-694
Typhoid fever is a bacterial contamination found basically among youngsters and youths in southern and eastern Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Typhoid fever spreads through tainted nourishment, drink, or water. It is normally described at first by fever, cerebral pain, and stomach side effects, albeit other vague indications might be available. The disease likewise now and again causes disarray or psychosis. In late phases of the disease, intestinal puncturing or monstrous intestinal discharge may happen. Treatment regularly comprises of anti-infection agents, however issues with sedate safe microbes strains have been accounted for. Improved sanitation and nourishment cleanliness are significant control measures. In any case, these are related with financial advancement that has been delayed in most influenced regions. Along these vaccination is a successful method to attempt to anticipate this infection. Keyword: Typhoid, Salmonella, Vaccine, Pathology.× ![]() Aman, Nidhi "A Critical Review on Pathophysiology and Treatment of Enteric Fever" Vol 2-Issue 6 (682-694) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Numerical Representation Of Zagreb Energy
Author(s): A. Mohanaadevi, V. Monisha
Page(s): 695-699
In this paper, we have G be simple, finite, undirected graph with vertex setV={P_1,P_2,……P_n } and edge set E={〖 q〗_1,q_2,……q_n }. The energy concept originated in chemistry and became delivered by means of I.Gutman in 1978. Similar to the energies like He energy, minimum monopoly energy, complementary dominating energy, Zagreb energy is having its own importance in take a look at of physic-chemical properties of chemical compound. In this paper, we discover First Zagreb Energy of few preferred graphs like complete graph, complete bipartite graph and star graph. Keyword: Graph, Topological Indices, Zagreb Indices, Zagreb Matrix, Zagreb Energy.× ![]() A. Mohanaadevi, V. Monisha "Numerical Representation Of Zagreb Energy" Vol 2-Issue 6 (695-699) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Exploration Potential and Risk Analysis of the Charlie Field Onshore Niger Delta
Author(s): Justice.O. Tamunoibelema, Pascal. I. Esenenjor, Jude. U. Igweajah
Page(s): 700-710
This research was conducted to evaluate the exploration potential and risk associated with producing reservoirs from Charlie Field, Onshore Niger Delta. A 3-D post-stack depth migrated seismic volume, check-shot and well log suite from two exploratory wells (C-001 and C-002) drilled into Charlie Field were utilized for this study. Data analysis and visualization was done using Schlumberger Petrel software. The workflow began with data loading, quality checks and log conditioning. Gamma ray log, neutron and density logs were used to delineate 10 reservoir intervals (A-J). Resistivity established the contained fluid, while neutron and density logs were used to discriminate hydrocarbon type. Reservoir A (R-A) and reservoir J (R-J) were selected for further assessment based on thickness, cleanliness and contained fluids. Average gross and net established from log signatures are 126.67ft and 123.57ft for R-A and 137.66 and 112.69ft for R-J. Effective porosity, permeability and water saturation are 29%, 2218.38 mD and 27% in R-A; and 26%, 2286.33 mD and 31% in R-J. Twenty-nine faults were identified which included antithetic and synthetic faults. Seismic ties enabled mapping R-A and R-J reservoirs as positive peak amplitude events. Generated time and depth converted structure maps revealed closures that are anticlinal supported by normal faults. Maximum amplitude extraction and OWC mapping enhanced prospects and lead identification. Three prospects and a lead were identified on Surface A, and two prospects and a lead on surface B. The maximum amplitudes showed no conformance to structure, hence there is likely tendency for sand-sand juxtaposition, which decreases the sealing capacity of the faults. Because field management decisions are usually made using a deterministic approach, hydrocarbon volumes were evaluated using a deterministic approach where minimum, mean and maximum petrophysical properties for each reservoir, were used for calculating P10, P50 and P90. Based on P50, prospect A in R-J had STOIIP of 1023 mmstb and prospect B had STOIIP of 106 mmstb. For R-A, prospect A had STOIIP off 625 mmstb, 175 for B and 176 for prospect C. Production profitability assessment done using a risk factor of 20%, onshore production cost of 31.6 USD, recovery factor of 35% for Niger Delta reservoirs, and the current price of oil at 63 USD, showed that all the prospects can be recovered at a profit. In terms decreasing profitability, the following trend was established; prospect A in R-J (2.248 billion USD), prospect A in R-A (1.373 billion USD), prospect B in R-A (474.77 million USD), prospect C in R-A (386.85 million USD) and prospect B in R-J (232.99 million USD). . Keyword: Lead, Prospect, Deterministic approach, STOIIP..× ![]() Justice.O. Tamunoibelema, Pascal. I. Esenenjor, Jude. U. Igweajah "Exploration Potential and Risk Analysis of the Charlie Field Onshore Niger Delta" Vol 2-Issue 6 (700-710) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Spatial Distribution of Soil Organic Carbon and Total Nitrogen in a Grid Sampled Landscape
Author(s): Justice. O. Tamunoibelema, Israel O. Ikoyi
Page(s): 711-719
Assessing of chemical properties and estimation of their associated variability are essential for making site-specific decisions on soil and crop management practices. This study was conducted with the aim of assessing thespatial variability of organic carbon and total nitrogen in the Kubani area, Zaria, Kaduna state(Lat 11° 06.625’’N to 11o05.375’’N and longitude 007°41.608”E to 007°39.680”E), with an elevation ranging from 631m to 689m above sea level, to observe changes in the variance structure caused by different sampling distances and to suggest future sampling distances with less spatial variability. 210 soil samples were collected at 0-15 cm depth at a distance of 3 m intervals using Geographical Positioning System (GPS). The geostatistical package was used to model the variance structure of Organic Carbon (OC), and Total Nitrogen (TN). Results obtained revealed that the standard deviation ranged from 0.44 (total nitrogen) to 2.36 (organic carbon). The semi-variograms showed that the range of spatial dependence varied from 14 m (Organic Carbon) to 45m (Total Nitrogen) for measured chemical soil properties were spatially correlated within that distance; therefore, kriging can be used to estimate organic carbon and total nitrogen from available data. The kriged contour maps showed positional similarities. These maps of organic carbon and total nitrogen, along with their spatial structures, can be used in making better future sampling measurements and management decisions. Keyword: Spatial Variability, Kriging, Total Carbon, Total Nitrogen× ![]() Justice. O. Tamunoibelema, Israel O. Ikoyi "Spatial Distribution of Soil Organic Carbon and Total Nitrogen in a Grid Sampled Landscape" Vol 2-Issue 6 (711-719) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Application of Well Logs and Seismic Data in Predicting Overpressured Zones in “Pasney” Field, Onshore Niger Delta
Author(s): Pascal I. Esenenjor, Jude U. Igweajah, Justice O.Tamunoibelema
Page(s): 720-727
The prediction of overpressured events using well logs and seismic data was carried out in Pasney Field located in Onshore Niger Delta. Four (4) wells were correlated to delineate reservoir sands using gamma ray, density, neutron and resisitivity log. Eight (8) normal faults were interpreted on seismic. Using well to seismic tie, the four (4) wells namely Pasney-001, Pasney-002, Pasney-003 and Pasney-004 were displayed on seismic and synthetic seismogram were generated which helped in identifying the various reservoir horizons. Three (3) reservoir horizons were interpreted. The interpreted reservoir horizons aided in production of time maps and this was converted to depth map using a polynomial velocity model. The depth map revealed that the reservoirs are compartmentalized which is an indication of overpressure. The interval velocity and acoustic impedance generated from seismic showed areas of overpressure as they both decrease in value on encountering overpressured zones. The reservoir tops conform with the upper limit of overpressure while the base corresponds with the lower limit of overpressure. The pressure data showed that the Pasney Field has mild overpressure. Keyword: Acoustic Impedance, Interval Velocity, Overpressure, Well Logs, Seismic Data.× ![]() Pascal I.Esenenjor, Jude U. Igweajah, Justice O.Tamunoibelema "Application of Well Logs and Seismic Data in Predicting Overpressured Zones in “Pasney” Field, Onshore Niger Delta" Vol 2-Issue 6 (720-727) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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The Impact of Seismic Facies Analysis on the Reservoir Architecture of “CHARLIE” Field in the Niger Delta
Author(s): Jude U. Igweajah, Justice O. Tamunoibelema, Pascal I. Esenenjor
Page(s): 728-734
The seismic facies technique was used to analyse the “CHARLIE” Field to better understand its impact on the reservoir architecture of the field. The field which has undergone extensive faulting is located onshore Niger Delta basin and comprised of only two drilled wells. Well correlation done with Petrel software to delineate the different reservoir sands in the field. The seismic facies analysis of “CHARLIE” Field involved the integration of seismic reflection characters/attributes towards the interpretation of the energy of deposition of the sediments, environments of deposition and thus make inferences on the lithologic composition of the field and its source rock, reservoir and seal potentials. The seismic reflection attributes which include reflection amplitude, reflection continuity, reflection geometry and seismic frequency were used to delineate the different depositional sequences observable on the seismic sections and these sequences are adjudged as seismic facies units. From the results of well correlation, ten reservoir sands were correlated with four of them being hydrocarbon bearing. Also, from the results of seismic facies analysis, seven (7) seismic facies units designated as Ai, Bi, Ci, Di, Ei, Fi and Gi were delineated and described based on the observed seismic attributes. Thus, it was observed that reservoir architecture is anticlinal in structure, and the depositional environments ranged from fluviatile–deltaic– beach settings. The energy of deposition of sediments showed low energy as in the case of facies units Bi and Ci, while Ai, Di and Gi exhibited variable energy, and the facies units Fi and Gi were deposited in high energy setting. The lithologic composition discerned showed an alternating sequencing of sands and siltstone intercalation and shale/mud stratigraphy. From the foregoing, the “CHARLIE” Field presents good source rock, seal and reservoir potentials.. Keyword: Seismic facies analysis, “CHARLIE” Field, Niger Delta, Seismic Facies units, depositional environment, energy of sediment deposition, reservoir architecture.× ![]() Jude U. Igweajah, Justice O. Tamunoibelema, Pascal I. Esenenjor "The Impact of Seismic Facies Analysis on the Reservoir Architecture of “CHARLIE” Field in the Niger Delta" Vol 2-Issue 6 (728-734) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Green’s Function Solution of Non-homogenous Singular Sturm-Liouville Problem
Author(s): Abdelgabar Adam Hassan
Page(s): 735-742
In this paper, the initial- boundary value problem consisting non-homogeneous ordinary differential equation are solved using Green’s function approach. The important tool for potential theory is provided by Green's function. We present a calculation for many differential equations to find general solutions by using Green’s Function Solution of non-homogenous singular Sturm-Liouville problem. Keyword: Green’s function, Sturm-Liouville, differential equations.× ![]() Abdelgabar Adam Hassan "Green’s Function Solution of Non-homogenous Singular Sturm-Liouville Problem" Vol 2-Issue 6 (735-742) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Prototype of the Export Information System for Managing Cargo Data
Author(s): Fifit Alfiah, Khusnul Khoiriyah, Erni
Page(s): 743-749
The company PT Gapura Angkasa is engaged in aviation, which operates in Indonesia by prioritizing high quality services, providing cargo warehousing, handling passengers and baggage, and aircraft flight operations. The management system for incoming and outgoing cargo in the current export section still uses Microsoft Excel to process data. The final goal of this research is to find out what constraints often occur in the data processing of incoming and outgoing goods at PT Gapura Angkasa which is currently running, so that an application can be made to facilitate the warehouse and recipient employees in managing incoming goods data and out. Adding knowledge and experience from research into the management of incoming and outgoing goods systems currently running at PT Gapura Angkasa and can produce a management system for incoming and outgoing goods that can assist the warehouse in managing data for incoming and outgoing goods. Keyword: Cargo, CSF, PHP, SDLC, Mysql.× ![]() Fifit Alfiah, Khusnul Khoiriyah, Erni "Prototype of the Export Information System for Managing Cargo Data" Vol 2-Issue 6 (743-749) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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The Role of Women in Enterprise in Beef Cattle Breeding at Deyeng Village, Ringinrejo District, Kediri Regency
Author(s): Niche Permata Sari,Umi Wisaptiningsih, Z.Fanani
Page(s): 750-754
Rural communities in the Deyeng Village Ringinrejo District Kediri Regency choose beef cattle business as a sideline to help the family economy. Families used as a resource in managing the farm sector, both men and women, it is necessary for the optimal development potential in the development of human resources, especially in the field of animal husbandry. Scott (2011) describes the role of an expectation that certain interactions organized so as to form individual motivational orientations toward others. The entry of women's role in the livestock sector is affected by the low household income and family burden, but the needs are high, spare time, and contribute to the husband in making a living. Keyword: The role of women, beef cattle breeding, access and control, benefits, participation.× ![]() Niche Permata Sari,Umi Wisaptiningsih, Z.Fanani "The Role of Women in Enterprise in Beef Cattle Breeding at Deyeng Village, Ringinrejo District, Kediri Regency" Vol 2-Issue 6 (750-754) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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A Study on Crimes Comitted on Intoxication
Author(s): V.C.Megha
Page(s): 755-765
This paper aims at examining whether a person can be discharged from criminal liability under Indian Penal Code who is intoxicated voluntarily. It has been a controversy for years on this issue. If law can set free an involuntarily intoxicated person from criminal liability under the code of IPC, stating that mens rea was absent, how can it only punish a voluntarily intoxicated person, because in this case also, he loses control and has no knowledge of what he is doing. This was based on the maxim that, actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea’, which means that the act does not makes one guilty unless he has a guilty intention. This is considered a serious issue because, in law, no innocent person should be wrongly punished. But this paper clearly elaborates that the situations needed to be considered and identified before concluding the case. The legal provisions relating to intoxication and the test used to determine liability on this issue is also well discussed. The famous ‘Dutch Courage Rule’ is discussed in the paper, which gives a different connotation to this matter. The different defences under different laws are also elucidated briefly. This paper compares that, what are all the exemptions provided under both Indian and English law. Various Indian and as well as English landmark judgments are discussed to the better understanding of the concept. The paper finally concludes whether the law absolves a person from criminal liability completely for any act done against law or omitted. Keyword: Criminal liability, indian penal code, voluntary intoxication, mens rea absent,dutch courage rule, english and indian law, defences.× ![]() V.C.Megha "A Study on Crimes Comitted on Intoxication" Vol 2-Issue 6 (755-765) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Review Paper on Earthquake- Resistant Structure
Author(s): Prof. Pooja Lonare, Amarjeet Kumar
Page(s): 766-767
The review paper is for Analysis of earthquake effect on different buildings in seismic zones. Due to the effect of earthquake many building structure are partially or completely damaged so for Civil Engineers working in seismic zones it is need to determine seismic load of that particular building. There are number of software are used such as STAAD.pro. AutoCAD, E-TABS for design and planning of building. The aim of this project work is to study the past seismic analysis of buildings with carried out irregularity at different floor level.. Keyword: Analysis on Design, Earthquake ,STAAD PRO, AutoCAD, E-TABS etc.× ![]() Prof. Pooja Lonare, Amarjeet Kumar "Review Paper on Earthquake- Resistant Structure" Vol 2-Issue 6 (766-767) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Artificial intelligence in Healthcare
Author(s): Prof. Sonia .H. Bajaj, Praful Rahate, Pallavi Wasade, Neha Dindewar
Page(s): 768-771
In the 21st century, the use of Artificial intelligence is more productive as it has capabilities to perform work that humans do, but more effectively, efficiently and at lower capital. The application of AI and robotics is getting immensely popular. AI and robotics can be a huge part of healthcare eco-system. This paper will provide you with a study of the basis of Artificial Intelligence and robotics application in healthcare and medical diagnosis. The major role of these fields is providing productdiversity. Moreover, it can distinguish by providing effusive, stimulating and interdisciplinary data calculation. Keyword: Artificial intelligence, healthcare, Artificial conversation entity (chatbot).× ![]() Prof. Sonia .H. Bajaj, Praful Rahate, Pallavi Wasade, Neha Dindewar "Artificial intelligence in Healthcare" Vol 2-Issue 6 (768-771) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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IoT based Campus Automation
Author(s): Pranmay Jadhav, Sarika Shinde, Ankita Sonawane, Vaishnavi Thete, Dr.V.R.Sonawane
Page(s): 772-774
There will be a definite change in the surroundings, India will become more digitalize and this idea will completely eradicate the old methodology. As people will get used to the ideology of this project an innovation that could change the way of looking towards the normal objects and communicating these objects with internet and such kind of projects will inspire other developers to make further projects like this one. Teachers won’t have to worry about students’ attendance as the technology will take care of every student attendance and also parents will be able to breathe easily as the notification will confirm that the student is present and now located in a particular classroom. This project also helps students in controlling Light, Fan and Projector with their Mobile Phone. The efforts taken to do these kinds of activities are less. As the basic methods are now done by technology so the human efforts are degraded. Keyword: IoT, Arduino, QR code,Automatic Attendance System.× ![]() Pranmay Jadhav, Sarika Shinde, Ankita Sonawane, Vaishnavi Thete, Dr.V.R.Sonawane "Artificial intelligence in Healthcare" Vol 2-Issue 6 (772-774) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Predicting Public Bureaucracy and Sustainability of Educational Management in Selected Tertiary Institutions in South-South Nigeria
Author(s): Obia Eniang-Esien
Page(s): 775-787
The study aimed at predicting public bureaucracy and sustainability of educational management in selected tertiary institutions in south-south Nigeria. To guide the study, two research questions and hypotheses were formulated.. The study utilized the descriptive survey design with a population of nineteen thousand eight hundred and twenty nine (19, 829) senior and junior staff in all the selected 24 tertiary institution in south-south. A sample of five hundred and fifty three (553) respondents comprising both male and female staff of the selected tertiary institutions constitutes the study. The study adopted the stratified and simple random sampling techniques and data for the research was obtained from primary and secondary sources. Split half reliability techniques were employed which was later adjusted by Spearman Brown formula to test the reliability of the questionnaire and the index ranged from 0.87 to 0.96. The statistical tools used for the study were descriptive (simple percentages and bar charts), while the stated hypotheses were answered with simple regression analysis. Major findings revealed that there is a significant prediction of public bureaucratic investment on education and sustainable educational management in South-south. It was also revealed that public bureaucratic funding of educational project has a significant prediction on sustainable educational management in south-south, Nigeria. It was recommended among others that full weight of bureaucratic principles should be applied in the educational sector to help revive inefficiency in educational system thereby promoting sustainability and proper management of the limited resources meant to cater for the educational system. Keyword: Predicting, public bureaucracy, sustainability, educational management, tertiary institutions, south-south, Nigeria.× ![]() Obia Eniang-Esien "Predicting Public Bureaucracy and Sustainability of Educational Management in Selected Tertiary Institutions in South-South Nigeria" Vol 2-Issue 6 (775-787) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Issues of Strategic Implementation and Organizational Performance in Selected Manufacturing Companies in Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria
Author(s): Ubi,Ije Ubana, Ojie,Michael Peter, Akaa,Samuel Terzungwe
Page(s): 788-810
This study examined issues of Strategic Implementation and Organizational Performance in Selected Manufacturing Companies in Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria. To guide the study, four hypotheses were formulated and the study utilized the descriptive survey research design was adopted to elicit responses from the staff. The population of the study consists of 1,588 staff and a sample size of 320 determined using Taro Yamane sampling formula. The study adopted stratified sampling method and Bowley’s proportional allocation formula for selection of staff in four manufacturing companies.Factor analysis was used to ascertain the validity of the constructs while Pearson-Product-Moment Correlation was used to test the hypotheses with the use of SPSS version 23.Findings revealed that decision making is affected by low degree of goal alignment, low commitment of individuals and low efforts of middle managers which affects the performance goals of companies negatively. Conflicting priorities on strategy implementation and poor coordination of ineffective leadership marred decision making for strategic plan implementation and this renders performance goals unrealized in the companies. The implication of the findings was the rejection of the null hypotheses. In line with the findings, the study concluded that the continuous failure and inability of managers to put strategy on motion and align it to enterprise goal which is as a result of absent of managerial skills and knowledge for effective performance. The study recommended that management should make decisions on resource allocation to align goals with high commitment of middle managers for effective performance to achieve long and short long term goals of the companies.Conflicting priorities and poor leadership coordination should be resolved with effective communication strategies that the companies seek to implement with their available resources to enhance performance and efficiency. Keyword: Issues, Strategic Implementation, Organizational Performance.× ![]() Ubi,Ije Ubana, Ojie,Michael Peter, Akaa,Samuel Terzungwe "Issues of Strategic Implementation and Organizational Performance in Selected Manufacturing Companies in Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria" Vol 2-Issue 6 (788-810) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Assessing Integral Abutment Bridge Model and Sustainability of Bridge Maintenance Management in Kebbi State Nigeria
Author(s): Akilu Muhammad, Dayyabu Abdussalam Kurfi
Page(s): 811-816
This research work is an Assessment on condition of bridges along Federal roads in Kebbi states, Nieria with the aim of knowing the maintenance state of the bridges, defects associated with them, cause of the defects, how it affects the safety of the bridge and the viability of Integral Abutment Bridge model in minimising the maintenance problems and ensure sustainability of the bridges. The research was conducted through field inspections to assess the condition of 56 Bridges along Fifteen (15) Federal roads in Kebbi State covering a total distance of 863.4 km. Major findings revealed among other things that degradation or erosion of slopes and approach embankments as the major threat to most bridges in the state; this was found to be caused by accumulation of debris and insufficient drainage or blockages at relief culverts near the bridges. The effect of degradation of slopes on the bridge structure, approach slabs and expansion joints and various protective measures to ensure sustainability of the brides were outlined. In conclusion, the research identified putting in place deliberate bridge maintenance policies followed by proper implementation as well as the use of Integral Abutment Bridge system as the solution to the problem of backlog of deferred maintenance work on the bridges and the attendant problems. Keyword: Integral Abutment Bridge, Bridge Maintenance, Sustainability, bridge defects.× ![]() Akilu Muhammad, Dayyabu Abdussalam Kurfi "Assessing Integral Abutment Bridge Model and Sustainability of Bridge Maintenance Management in Kebbi State Nigeria" Vol 2-Issue 6 (811-816) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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LPG Gas Leakage Detector System using IOT
Author(s): Sachin Malviya, Shilpa D. Pande, Puja P. Kalaskar, Ankit Hingane
Page(s): 817-821
Security has been major solicitude at present time. Many incidents are taking place due to the LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) gas leakage, which is by far flammable. The peril of outburst, suffocation are based on their nature such as toxicity, flammability. Which may cause various misfortunes resulting in both material loss and human laceration. To prevent the loss of human life owing to a small neglected leakage of the liquefied petroleum gas the LPG gas leakage detector and indicator system is used in the domicile for safety measures. This LPG gas leakage detector and indicator system is developed to keep an eye on the LPG leakage. This arrangement detect the LPG gas leakage using gas sensor, at the same time it gives a warning alarm in addition it sends a message on the mobile phones using Wi-Fi module after the gas leakage equal or above of threshold value1. If the leakage crosses the threshold value2, then it spontaneously close the gas pipe valve using stepper motor. Arduino Uno is used as a microcontroller. Keyword: MQ2 sensor, MQ6 sensor, stepper motor, Wi-Fi module etc.× ![]() Sachin Malviya, Shilpa D. Pande, Puja P. Kalaskar, Ankit Hingane "LPG Gas Leakage Detector System using IOT" Vol 2-Issue 6 (817-821) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Reducing Change-over Time using SMED Process in Automotive Wheel Rim Manufacturing Industry
Author(s): Shubham Kulkarni
Page(s): 822-827
The increasing competitiveness in manufacturing unleashed a quest for the improvement of company’s productivity through innovations. Process innovation is extensively used to improve the production of a product or to provide a better service the Single Minute Exchange of Die (SMED) is an examples of such process innovation. It is a process-based innovative methodology that involves the separation and conversion of internal setup operations into external ones. The SMED methodology reduce and simplify the setup time during changeover makes it possible to respond to fluctuations in demand and results in lead time reductions as well as the elimination of wastefulness during changeover activities. This paper discusses the SMED concept and methodology for reduction of changeover time in Wheel Rims Manufacture industry. The main objective of research is to provide an insightful case study implementation addressing SMED implementation in Automotive Wheel Rims Manufacture industry located in Pune. In this research the change-over procedure was recorded for 6 months, activities that take up maximum or unnecessary time were identified and measures for reduction of changeover time suggested. It is found that the production rate increased by more than double the earlier production with the use of SMED. The result achieved showed considerable reduction in changeover time could be achieved with SMED. Keyword: Changeover time, Lean manufacturing, Productivity, SMED, Kaizen.× ![]() Shubham Kulkarni "Reducing Change-over Time using SMED Process in Automotive Wheel Rim Manufacturing Industry" Vol 2-Issue 6 (822-827) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Load Flow Investigation of a Prototype Nigerian Northern 330 KV Grid
Author(s): Obi ChineduNdubueze, Anionovo Ugochukwu E, Emmanuel A. Anazia
Page(s): 828-840
This article examined and presented load flow analysis of a prototype Nigerian Northern 330 kV grid as it is presently, utilizing raw data obtained from Transmission Company of Nigeria Abuja and Osogbo centers respectively. The network model was designed in Etap 12.6 power system analysis software and simulated using adaptive Newton-Raphson iterative method of load flow computation. The results obtained were presented in tables and chats and carefully analyzed to reveal its present condition and challenges and suggested improvement strategy. Keyword: Load Flow Analysis, Power System, Prototype Network, Northern Nigerian grid.× ![]() Obi ChineduNdubueze, Anionovo Ugochukwu E, Emmanuel A. Anazia "Load Flow Investigation of a Prototype Nigerian Northern 330 KV Grid" Vol 2-Issue 6 (828-840) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Garbage Monitoring Using Techniques of Internet of Things snd Arduino Tool
Author(s): Prof. Shaileshkumar Vyas, Divya Baraskar, Nishita Jaiswal, Revati Bhongade
Page(s): 841-846
Most of the times it is being observed that the garbage becomes overflow in our surroundings that causes of several diseases. It is necessary to protect people from the pollution produced from the garbage. This situation can be avoided by the proper handling of the garbage using the techniques of internet of things. “Garbage Monitoring system” using IOT techniques is being proposed here. This system has been implemented using microcontroller which is integrated with the sensors for monitoring the garbage. Multiple dustbins will be located across the area and this system will monitor the level of garbage using IOT techniques. Every dustbin has its unique ID for uniquely identifying a dustbin in a particular area. For every dustbin, a threshold value is decided so that if the level of garbage crosses its threshold value then the device will send the signal to the authority with the help of Arduino tool and IOT techniques. We will be implementing the k-means clustering algorithm to form the clusters of the days according to the percentage of garbage collected so it will be easy to predict the garbage collection and notify accordingly. These details can be accessed by the authorized personnel from their place and action can be taken in shorter time to maintain the dustbins.. Keyword: Arduino Microcontroller, Internet of things,Ultrasonic sensor,IRsensor,Moisture Sensor, DC Motor, Power supply.× ![]() Prof. Shaileshkumar Vyas, Divya Baraskar, Nishita Jaiswal, Revati Bhongade "Garbage Monitoring Using Techniques of Internet of Things snd Arduino Tool" Vol 2-Issue 6 (841-846) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Text Summarizer using NLP
Author(s): Pooja Mudgil, Akshit Gupta, Mohammed Ayaan Abbasi, Prashant Verma, Vipul Anand
Page(s): 847-851
The analysis and processing of large amount of data is a main field of interest for researchers and developers. Text summarization is one of the sub fields of data and text analysis. Text summarization is a common problem in machine learning and natural language processing (NLP). There is a need to develop some machine learning algorithms that can automatically shorten the text and provide accurate and precise summary that can be easily utilized. The purpose of text summarization is to create a meaningful, logical and fluent summary having only key points mentioned in a particular document. This technique reduces reading time and researching time for information.. Keyword: - - -.× ![]() Pooja Mudgil, Akshit Gupta, Mohammed Ayaan Abbasi, Prashant Verma, Vipul Anand "Text Summarizer using NLP" Vol 2-Issue 6 (847-851) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Machine Learning Based Ship Detection for Coastal Surveillance
Author(s): Rishabh.T, Sanket.S, Shreyas.S, Sanket.P, Pallavi T Suradkar
Page(s): 852-856
In tune of Swacha Bharat and Swastha Bharat Abhiyan drove by Government of India, this examination paper presents investigation of noteworthy perspective towards advancement of Daksha Bharat through usage of a strong Ship Detection structure for beach front observation. Vessel checking for the beach front observation after the 26/11 assaults on India has risen as a critical region of research. There is a monstrous requirement for execution of such frameworks for sea wellbeing, and security, yet additionally for condition assurance and fringe control. This examination paper means to investigate and audit foundation information base for a powerful Ship recognition framework dependent on Synthetic-opening Radar (SAR) satellite pictures. Keyword: Geographic Information Systems (GISs), Global Positioning Systems (GPSs), Spatial Decision Support Systems (SDSSs), Synthetic - aperture Radar (SAR), Optical Satellite Images (OSI).× ![]() Rishabh.T, Sanket.S, Shreyas.S, Sanket.P, Pallavi T Suradkar "Machine Learning Based Ship Detection for Coastal Surveillance" Vol 2-Issue 6 (852-856) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |
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Risk Analysis in Information Technology
Author(s): Manishaben Jaiswal
Page(s): 857-860
Risk Analysis and Management is a key task administration exercise to make sure that the least variety of surprises take place whilst your task is underway. While we can by no means predict the future with certainty, we can follow an easy and streamlined threat administration procedure to predict the uncertainties in the tasks and reduce the incidence or have an effect on of these uncertainties. This improves the danger of profitable mission completion and reduces the penalties of these risks.This paper offers the structured Risk Management in information technology its scopes and resources. It also includes some tools which can help us in risk assessment and how it is impact on business impact analysis. Keyword: Scope, Asset, Tools in risk assessment, Risk assessment finding, Business impact analysis.× ![]() Manishaben Jaiswal "Risk Analysis in Information Technology" Vol 2-Issue 6 (857-860) November - December 2019, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) :ISSN:2581-7175, www.ijsred.com. × |