International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development

International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development

( International Peer Reviewed Open Access Journal ) ISSN [ Online ] : 2581 - 7175

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COVID-19 Destructive Aftermath with Greater Opportunity for Innovation and Marketing in Zambia’s Industries

    International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED)

Full Text:

Published Issue : Volume-3 Issue-6
Year of Publication : 2020
Unique Identification Number : IJSRED-V3I6P93
Authors : Francis Mukosa, Kwesi Sakyi, Joyce Kwenda, Burton Mweemba
: Click Here

Introduction :

COVID-19 is perhaps the most feared pandemic of the 20th century not because of its mortality rate but rather because of its impact on the world economies. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), COVID-19 has so far claimed one million lives world over against an accumulated 38.4 million infections globally(World Health Organisation, 2020). Although the mortality rate of COVID-19 cannot be quantified yet it is said to be relatively low.Health experts still argue that the pandemic is ongoing and we might see an increase in thenumber of infections. However, with the possibility of a vaccinebeing developedlooming, it may not be the case. It is predicted not to surpass the mortality of earlier pandemics such as the Spanish flu and others(Visitsak , et al., 2020).