International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development

International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development

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Providing Different Kinds of Students Using Teaching and Learning Methods

    International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED)

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Published Issue : Volume-3 Issue-4
Year of Publication : 2020
Unique Identification Number : IJSRED-V3I4P90
Authors : Daw Myat Myat Naing, U Tun Yazar Kyaw, Daw Thet Thet Htwe, Daw Thandar Tun


MLA Style: Daw Myat Myat Naing, U Tun Yazar Kyaw, Daw Thet Thet Htwe, Daw Thandar Tun "Providing Different Kinds of Students Using Teaching and Learning Methods" International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) Vol3-Issue4 | 746-752.

APA Style: Daw Myat Myat Naing, U Tun Yazar Kyaw, Daw Thet Thet Htwe, Daw Thandar Tun. Providing Different Kinds of Students Using Teaching and Learning Methods. International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) Vol3-Issue4 | 746-752.

Abstract :

Teachers should be careful that students come to school with a variety of backgrounds, abilities, learning styles. In order to meet the needs of all students, differentiated instruction is necessary. Differentiated instruction involves all students working toward the same objectives, but in different ways.Teachers have to know different ways of teaching because of different kinds of students.There are many different kinds of learners. They have different learning styles and background experiences. So, teachers can’t use the same way and material for every learner. Therefore, teachers should choose teaching methods and techniques that are right for learners.They use as many as materials as needed to make content comprehensible to students.