International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development

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Enhance Accuracy of OCR in ITMS

International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED)
Published Issue : Volume-3 Issue-4
Year of Publication : 2020
Unique Identification Number : IJSRED-V3I4P23
Authors : Jaya Mishra, Swati Soni


Jaya Mishra, Swati Soni "Enhance Accuracy of OCR in ITMS" International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) Vol3-Issue4 | 147-150.

Abstract :

The developed system first detects the vehicle and then catches the image of the vehicle. The vehicle number plate area is extracted using image splitting in the image. Optical Character Recognition Technique is used for character recognition. The resultant data is then used to compare the records on the database so that specific information such as the owner of the vehicle, the place of registration, the address etc. can be revealed. The algorithm is implemented and simulated in MATLAB, and its performance is tested on numeric digits from 0-9 and alphabets from A-Z. It was observed from the simulation that the proposed algorithm successfully detects and recognize 32 characters among 36. Therefore, in order to recognize remaining two characters (M & W) one other field has been introduced while for the last two characters (0 & o) an algorithm by considering the Indian Government Traffic Rule is use.

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