International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development

International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development

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Implementation of Artificial Intelligence in Indian Industrial Sector

    International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED)

Full Text:

Published Issue : Volume-3 Issue-4
Year of Publication : 2020
Unique Identification Number : IJSRED-V3I4P34
Authors : Moumita Singha


MLA Style: Moumita Singha "Implementation of Artificial Intelligence in Indian Industrial Sector" International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) Vol3-Issue4 | 238-244.

APA Style: Moumita Singha. Implementation of Artificial Intelligence in Indian Industrial Sector. International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) Vol3-Issue4 | 238-244.

Abstract :

AI (AI) is growing rapidly and there seems to be no change in coming years. In fact, coming years are going to be the years of AI , as many businesses and Industrial sectors are going to be making a shift to the AI-powered systems, apps, security systems, data analysis and lot more. In India, there's a huge scope for AI because the country has been a growing hub for business and ranks among the foremost lucrative investment destinations for technology transactions worldwide. In recent times, the country has focused its interest more on technology, realizing that it's an important component of economic development. From enterprises, agriculture, and education to healthcare and transportation, AI are often a transformative technology for the country.