International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development

International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development

( International Peer Reviewed Open Access Journal ) ISSN [ Online ] : 2581 - 7175

IJSRED » Archives » Volume 6 -Issue 2

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IJSRED | Volume 6 - Issue 2, March - April 2023

Cover-Page 1 Cover-Page 2
S. No. Title and Authors Name Area Paper ID
Author(s): Dr.Imane Tabet Derraz
Page(s): 1043-1052
Management IJSRED-V6I2P121
Author(s): Meenakshi Bhatia, Dr.Kanupriya Pathik
Page(s): 1053-1057
English IJSRED-V6I2P122
Author(s): Mr.J.David Sukeerthi Kumar, B.Nayab Rasool, V.Karthik Kumar Reddy, P.Vishnuvardhan Achary, P.Abraham, P.Hemanth Kumar
Page(s): 1058-1065
Computer Science and Engineering IJSRED-V6I2P123
Author(s): Pr.Nadira Bessouh, Dr.Ali Iznasni
Page(s): 1066-1072
Management IJSRED-V6I2P124
Author(s): Sivaprakash P, Dr.K G Satish
Page(s): 1073-1083
Robotics and Automation IJSRED-V6I2P125
Author(s): Dr.Kalyan D Bamane, Lalit Dodake, Tejas Hiray, Pratik Kshatriya, Pranav Relkar
Page(s): 1084-1088
Information Technology IJSRED-V6I2P126
Author(s): Dr.D.Padmavathi, Dr.Praveen B.M
Page(s): 1089-1101
Science and Engineering IJSRED-V6I2P127
Author(s): Gadakh Prashant Vijay, Rokade Anita Suresh, Ajay V.Ade, Dr.Khedkar Amol.N
Page(s): 1102-1117
Pharmacy IJSRED-V6I2P128
Author(s): Subhendu Das
Page(s): 1118-1133
Power System IJSRED-V6I2P129
Author(s): Gayatri Watane, Suyog Chandurkar, Aatif Umair, Vaidehi Mahalle, Pranali Thakre
Page(s): 1134-1138
Electronic and Telecommunication IJSRED-V6I2P130
Pages 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20